Papers on English
The Awakeing
Number of words: 830 | Number of pages: 4.... in this novel. She feels that, though many women agree with this "known" rule, it isn't fair. For six years Edna conforms to these ideas by being a "proper" wife and mother, holding Tuesday socials and going to operas, following the same enduring schedule. It is only after her summer spent at Grand Isle that her "mechanical" lifestyle becomes apparent to her. She sees how much she is unhappy with the expectations, held by society, of her life and she wishes to erase them and live her life as she wants. Edna has an independent, almost self centered, nature about her.
Her need for an uncontrolled lifestyle is what leaves her feeli .....
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Through The Tunnel
Number of words: 524 | Number of pages: 2.... He is now a man.
The story uses the tunnel to represent burdens or challenges needed to achieve some goal. In the story, it was necessary to make safe passage . The young boy had to control his breathing. He had to hold his breath. He had to adjust to the water's pressure. Most of all, he had to control his fear with a sense of confidence. Without control of his fear e would surely parish under the water. Like the Chunnel, much hard work was needed. How did the builders keep the ocean crushing the structure as The Chunnel was built?
The story uses the darkness to represent the fear of the unknown. When the young boy fina .....
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Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Com
Number of words: 914 | Number of pages: 4.... a good representation of the original book overall, except for a few changes in plot, setting, characters,, and the relationships between them.
There are many similarities and differences in the plot between the book and the latest Frankenstein film. Kenneth Branagh wanted to show the main ideas of this book so he tried not to change the plot to much. In the original book the explanation of how the creature was made was not to clear so Branagh could try to imply that it is possible to create a life out of dead body parts. Shelley expressed the creation of the creature in the book was something like unnatural childbirth. Kennet .....
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Return To Oneness
Number of words: 1466 | Number of pages: 6.... of all spiritual and material matters in the universe. Being in an unnatural and abnormal state, these spiritual and material individuations long for, and eventually return to the Divine Unity, which is, as I mentioned above, the only natural condition of the universe in Poe¡¯s context. Upon reunification, God recreates the universe in another round in the same way. This is what is called the infinite mind of God. Although Poe¡¯s notion that an artist¡¯s mind should mirror God¡¯s mind is absolutely idealistic, Poe seems to live this ideal to a great extent by employing the image of doppelganger into his tales. Poe bel .....
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Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 1389 | Number of pages: 6.... "The horror! The horror!" right before he died (Conrad, 85). These words cried out by Kurtz as he died created the most important passages in . The way this one passage is interpreted determines how the book is interpreted.
One interpretation is that the "horror" is death and Kurtz is realizing he is dying. Kurtz is horrified at the thought of dying and is crying out in pain of the realization. Kurtz may be afraid to die in the . Kurtz may be afraid to die knowing that he will never see his intended again and he may feel guilty for leaving his intended for his savage life. This interpretation show .....
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Comparison Poem
Number of words: 332 | Number of pages: 2.... wont stop talking she never says a thing she just keeps talking”. The man from “ My ’48 Pontiac” Shared similar thoughts when he said “and quivering blondes whose bottoms it liked”. Which was very demeaning towards women.
The Pontiac symbolized a refuge that could take the men away from the harsh reality of life, that friends are lost and people change. Morning the lose of a friend or unable to make a grave decision these men chose to remain with their Pontiac. The theme that best relates to the poems is during the circumstances of change some people are unable to retire from the familiar. As one-man can’t leave his .....
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Dulce Et Decorum Est 2
Number of words: 1739 | Number of pages: 7.... Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues.'
Owen generates two powerful images aimed at discouraging the mere thought of war by its emotionally distressing descriptions. The way in which Owen moved the images from a general concept to personal illustration by addressing the reader directly, 'If you could hear' indicated that I must place myself in this situation, and evoke the setting and all the associated emotions in my mind as I were in fact witnessing this event first hand. Perhaps to feel the emotions as Owen would himself. Th .....
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A Farewell To Arms
Number of words: 2173 | Number of pages: 8.... This cruelty stems from death, time, renewal, war, and the lack of compassion for human life; all large themes "inextricably bound up" (Bryfonski and Mendelson 529) in this cyclically natured novel that tries to solve the great mystery of death for us, once and for all.
Billy's life had revolved around these ideas from the time he was a child. At the age of twelve Billy "had undergone the real crises of his life, had found life meaningless even if he could not then articulate that concept, and was in desperate need for reinventing himself and his universe" (Bryfonski and Senick 615). These feelings stayed with Billy throughout .....
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Death Of A Salesman 6
Number of words: 787 | Number of pages: 3.... was it all worth it?” Poor Willy is beginning to realize that he has lived his entire life for the wrong reasons.
Willy raised his two sons in all the wrong ways. He encouraged cheating and mocked hard work and true success. Everything in his life was a false standard. Willy’s view of an individual’s success was how well that individual was, “liked.” He instilled in his children all the wrong values and encouraged all the wrong things. This poor moral installment is typified in this conversation between Willy and his son Biff.
BIFF: I flunked math dad……. Would you talk to him? He .....
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The Lottery By Shirley Jackson
Number of words: 798 | Number of pages: 3.... Children play happily, women gossip, and men casually talk about farming. Everyone is coming together for what seems to be enjoyable, festive, even celebratory occasion. However, the pleasant description of the setting creates a façade within the story.
The setting covers the very ritualistic and brutally violent traditions such as the stoning of Mrs. Hutchinson, who dared to defy tradition. It is very apparent that tradition is very coveted in this small, simple town. This can be proven by the ancient, black box used for the lottery and the significance of farming for the community. Farming is also the only known way of life bec .....
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