Papers on English
So This Was Adolescence, By Annie Dillard: Author Writing Style
Number of words: 290 | Number of pages: 2.... is
comparison/contrast. In this style, the author compares or contrast the
character with specific mannerisms of others. The next style is imagery.
Imagery helps the reader to visualize what is happening to the character. Annie
Dillard uses both of these styles to tell her story.
The first style is comparison/contrast. Dillard utilizes
comparison/contrast to compare herself to characters in books. She longs to
become a woman such as those in romance novels. “I envied people in books who
swooned.” She shows that by comparing herself to these characters that she
strives to pass her adolescent stage. When she would .....
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Self-Reliance By Ralph Waldo E
Number of words: 450 | Number of pages: 2.... because of her failure to accept civil reform.
Herman Melville's work in Moby Dick was considered a classic, yet Melville died a figure with lost prestige, poor and unaccepted. When he was laid to rest in 1891, he was remembered only as the author of entertaining novels of the South Seas. It was not until 1920s when his place in America's foremost writers was assured. His works are now great masterpieces of emotion that were misunderstood while he was still alive.
Another important example is democracy. In medieval times, monarchies and kingdoms ruled the land. Today, the monarch is merely a figurehead behind the power of democra .....
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Claudius Paper
Number of words: 530 | Number of pages: 2.... people to completely change their outlook. Claudius had Rosencrantz and Guildenstern so wrapped around his finger that they would do anything that they were told to do. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were so sure that they would be rewarded by Claudius that they did not even realize that anything could happen to them. Claudius was so capable of changing people's opinions that an uproar started by Laertes was easily and quickly quieted. The most amazing actor can do one thing and make it appear as though he is doing another.
Claudius had a way of making others feel that he cared for them while in reality he was only using th .....
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To Kill A Mocking Bird
Number of words: 1079 | Number of pages: 4.... she was white, but I honestly believe that he was innocent.
All my favorite characters were brave in some way. These are all examples of strong men. They stood up for what they believed in. they took chances and did what was right out of their hearts, not because they were told.
I like the part when Jem opened up to Scout and told her his secrets. He showed her all the things Boo put in the tree to him. There was everything from two dolls of them to an old pocket watch. He told her about when he went back for his pants. He opened up a lot to her that night. That proved that he though she was mature enough to trust, a .....
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Character Essay Of Charlie
Number of words: 458 | Number of pages: 2.... many people turn to alcohol to solve their problems. Charlie's father is the type of person that feeds off of the pain and anguish of htose that are weaker than he is. He gets a rise out of being repulsive and boisterous. One account is when they were in a restaurant and he claps his hands to get attention of hte waiter. Defensively, the waiter replies, "I don't like to be clapped at," and Charlie's father retorts," I should of brought my whistle..now take out your little pad and your little pencil and see if you can get this straight: two Beefeater Gibsons. Repeat after me: two Beefeater Gibsons." Charlie's father .....
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Our Town
Number of words: 965 | Number of pages: 4.... accepts death.
Throughout this seemingly simple plot Wilder illustrates the relationship of the individual to the vastness of the universe, in fact, it is the simplicity of the plot that allows this topic to be addressed.
I have been offered the position of a director of this play, and will further discuss my methods, adhering carefully to those suggested by Wilder.
Thornton Wilder once referred to "Our Town" as "an effort to find the dignity in the trivial of our daily life, against those preposterous stretches which seem to rob it of any such dignity" This is an important aspect of the play, especially in today’s societ .....
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The Pigman
Number of words: 826 | Number of pages: 4.... I said wondering what she'd do if she was taking care of Mr. Pignati. "Give me a kiss." "Be careful...Lorraine don't you think that skirt is a little too short?" "It's the longest skirt in the sophomore class." "Just because all the other girls have sex on their minds, doesn't mean you have to." (ch.12pg.111) There for Lorrraine's mother doesn't want Lorraine to have the same bad experiences that she had but is being to over protective of Lorraine and will not let grow up.
John and his father have a lack of communication within their relationship. John's father tends not to trust John and his actions therefor, causing John to r .....
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Oedipus Rex 7
Number of words: 1113 | Number of pages: 5.... shepherd from Corinth to take back to the childless King and Queen to raise as their own son. For the next twenty years, Laios and Locaste rule in Thebes believing their son to be dead. Unfortunately, Hera sends a drought associated with a sphinx to bedevil Thebes. A desperate Laios travels back to the Delphic Oracle for a reading.
Meanwhile, back in Corinth, Oedipus grows to manhood believing Polybos and Merope (the King and Queen of Corinth) are his real parents. Soon, he too learns of his horrible fate and seeking to avoid it, he flees hi supposed homeland. As fate would have it, along the road, Oedipus meets Laios and ki .....
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Number of words: 656 | Number of pages: 3.... became as weak as the Rabbi. He decides that he would
never leave his father, even if staying with him would be the cause of
his death.
The German forces are so adept at breaking the spirits of the
Jews that we can see the effects throughout Elie's novel. Elie's faith
in God, above all other things, is strong at the onset of the novel,
but grows weaker as it goes on. We see this when Elie's father
politely asks the gypsy where the lavoratories are. Not only does the
gypsy not grace his father with a response, but he also delivers a
blow to his head that sent him to the floor. Elie watches the ent .....
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The Great Gatsby The American
Number of words: 834 | Number of pages: 4.... over. The "death car" as the newspapers called it, didn't stop; it came out of the gathering darkness, wavered tragically for a moment and then disappeared around the next bend. Michaelis wasn't even sure of it's color---he told the first policeman that it was light green. The other car, the one going toward New York, came to rest a hundred yards beyond, and its driver hurried back to where Myrtle Wilson, her life violently extinguished, knelt in the road and mingled her thick, dark blood with the dust."Pg.144-145). For all this he got for all his hard work he went to find the killer and he thought the killer was Gatsby but it .....
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