Papers on English
The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe
Number of words: 715 | Number of pages: 3.... love. Rather than robbing houses he begins attending church services on Sunday mornings. In an effort to court Miss Amelia, he learns proper etiquette, such as "rising and giving his chair to a lady, and abstaining from swearing and fighting". Two years after Marvin's reformation, he asks Miss Amelia to marry him. Miss Amelia does not love him but agrees to the marriage in order to satisfy her great-aunt. Once married, Miss Amelia is very aloof towards her husband and refuses to engage in marital relations with him. After ten days, Miss Amelia ends the marriage because she finds that she is unable to generate any positive f .....
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Number of words: 700 | Number of pages: 3.... from his ten years away at war.
After a few hours finally returns to his city. Along with him he brings Cassandra, a princess of Troy and captive to . She is known to be a prophetess who tells of tragedies. gives Cassandra to Clytemnestra as a slave. When Clytemnestra tries to bring Cassandra down from the carriage she is on and into the palace, Cassandra only sits there with a vacant look on her face. Clytemnestra goes into the palace threatening Cassandra and leaves her alone with the chorus.
Alone with the chorus, Cassandra starts going into trances. She seems to break down, asking why Apollo has brought her to Argos jus .....
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Sticks And Stones Can Break Th
Number of words: 670 | Number of pages: 3.... explores the supernatural. He makes the story and the Mariners experiences more interesting. The Mariner experiences moral error and physical decay that changes his view on life during his journey.
In the first part of the story, the Mariner and his crew come across an albatross, a "pious good omen," "That made the wind blow," a mysterious, supernatural quality. The crew of the ship welcome it "As if it had been a Christian soul, We hailed it in God’s name." The Mariner, however, is mustering pride and decides to shoot the Albatross with his crossbow. He illustrates his belief that he does not need the good luck of the .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 1786 | Number of pages: 7.... reserved and distant, the one time he shows emotion it is directed towards her. The act takes place towards the end of the novel, after Darcy announces to him his intention of marriage. The reader first notices that he is not his usual self when Lizzy walks into the library. He is not cool and composed as in other times he is present, but instead is "walking around the room, looking grave and anxious." (Austen, 334) As he starts to speak it becomes clear just how much Darcy's announcement affected Mr. Bennet. "My child, let me not have the grief of seeing you unable to respect your partner in life" (Austen, 335) he exclaims, n .....
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Good Vs Evil In King Lear
Number of words: 632 | Number of pages: 3.... and not the gods. Edgar said, "The gods are just, and of our peasant vices make instruments to plague us" (ACT V, iii, 169). Edgar clearly says that the gods are right and it is the people who are responsible for promoting evil in the world. It is us who make the instruments necessary for evil to spread and plague the world. In the world of King Lear many characters believe evil was caused by the people and not by the gods.
Even though evil was created by humans good will always exist. After King Lear was captured he showed that even if evil exists, good will always be present. Lear speaks about love with Cordelia in the prison .....
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The Great Gatsby, How Is It Re
Number of words: 835 | Number of pages: 4.... Dan Cody’s yacht was more satisfied in his wistful material goals than the man staring out across the bay towards the green light, reaching towards something he never accomplishes to get. Was Gatsby really a bootlegger? Did he actually deal with dubious stocks? Was he a part of an enormous illicit underground establishment? Of course, there is no doubt. But the spirit of the 1920s, and the author who chose to utilize this spirit, leave the reader blind to this notion. Instead, the “Great Gatsby” was a product and victim of that romantically materialistic aura ever present throughout the decade, and all ther .....
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The Sun Also Rises 2
Number of words: 680 | Number of pages: 3.... and ending with "… right.", it shows how although many things had happened Jake Barnes’ feelings for Robert Cohn had not truly changed. This gives a very good example of the theme that everything comes back around again.
Another example of this appears on pg. 148 "Perhaps…about." This section shows how the main character, Jake Barnes, does not care if he truly learns anything in life and only wants to know how to get by. If in life you never learn anything, then it is almost impossible to change. Jake Barnes’ unwillingness to learn shows that later in his life he will have little or no change as he did .....
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Its Simply Red Herring
Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2.... a degree. Odds are this is not a good idea. According to Bird, Liberal-Arts education is supposed to provide you with a value system, a standard, a set of ideas, not a job. Bird states that colleges fail to warn students that high paying jobs are hard to come by, and they rarely accept the responsibility of helping students choose a career that will lead to a job. Bird cites The Department of Labor, it estimates there will be 4,300 new jobs for psychologists in 1975 while colleges are expected to turn out 58,430 BA’s in the psychology field that year. So, these jobs are so in demand that these jobs can be filled .....
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Tragedy In Genesis
Number of words: 4987 | Number of pages: 19.... well as those of our kin and humanity (5) releasing us with some sense (a) that suffering is universal- not a mere accident in our experience, (b) that courage and endurance in suffering or nobility in despair are admirable- not ridiculous- and usually also ( c) that fates worse than our own can be experienced as exhilarating
Kaufmann=s definition precludes seeing the notion of tragedy through a wider lens. His definition is all encompassing and requires many factors in order to be considered a tragedy. To him, very few writings are true tragedies. A tragedy must end in death (Aimmense human suffering@) for it to be included w .....
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“Case Study: ‘I Still Do My Job, Don’t I?’”
Number of words: 598 | Number of pages: 3.... Manager, Phillip Tate, dated an employee. This we can work with. Both General Manager, William Bonney, and Manager, John Aston, should have a meeting with Tate and the employee to explain company policy (both, Bonney and Aston, need to be present to enforce the severity of the issue). Close monitoring should also be implemented for a while to ensure compliance.
Bob Jackson, District Leader, and Bonney should perform a discreet investigation (wink, wink) to seek the truth in the matter of John Aston’s alleged taking advantage of teenage employee, Theresa Murphy (in which the accusation will be found false). During t .....
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