Papers on English
Hamlets Procrastination And Co
Number of words: 940 | Number of pages: 4.... my revenge.” (Shakespeare, p. 67) This passage shows how Hamlet decides to avenge his father’s death. In fact, he declares that he will be committed to nothing else but the revenge against Claudius:
“I’ll wipe away all trivial fond records, All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past, That youth and observation copied there; And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain, Unmix’d with baser matter: yes, by heaven!” (Shakespeare, p. 69).
At this point, there is no doubt present in Hamlet’s mind; he is determined to kill the King. His attitude soon cha .....
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The Use Of Symbolism In The Gl
Number of words: 1021 | Number of pages: 4.... decides he must escape the suffocating environment to follow his own calling. The fire escape to him represents a path to the outside world. For Laura, the fire escape is exactly the opposite--a path to the safe world inside, a world in which she can hide. Especially symbolic is Laura's fall when descending the steps to do a chore for her mother, after leaving the security of the apartment. This fall symbolizes Laura's inability to function in society and the outside world. For Amanda, the fire escape is symbolic of her hopes and dreams--hopes and dreams that a gentleman caller will arrive to marry her daughter and leave her wel .....
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John Donne 2
Number of words: 269 | Number of pages: 1.... He says, “To use myself in jest, Thus by feigned deaths to die.” This means that their parting will not last forever. He also compares their separation to the sun. This comparison is looked at in a sense that the sun goes down every day but comes back the next. So he saying, don’t worry I will be back soon. He later says their souls are as one, so physically their relationship could make it through the toughest of times. He also says, “But think that we are but turned aside to sleep. They who one another keep alive, ne’r parted be.” This quote means that since they have true love they .....
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Romeo And Juliet 2
Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2.... the Montagues servants
Balthasar and Abraham by biting his thumb at him. This leads to a
fight, which involves the Lord’s of both families and the Prince. No
death occurred, but the families attitudes against each other were
worse then before. Which caused a lot of prejudice against the
families that lead to violence.
In like manners, another duel between the two feuding families
start up again in the street of Verona in Act three Scene one. When
Mercutio and Benvolio friends of Romeo, are confronted by Tybalt, who
is still prejudice against the Montagues. Tybalt thinks that they .....
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Number of words: 1099 | Number of pages: 4.... himself. he expresses this to Kamala one day, saying; "Nothing is caused by demons; there are no demons. Everyone can perform magic, everyone can reach his goal, if he can think, wait and fast." I agree with ’s thinking. All problems can be solved, you just have to know how to do it.
The second concept in is the idea that knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. believes this very strongly, and feels it is only right that one must gain wisdom for himself. When he and Govinda come to the garden of the Buddha and listen to Gotoma’s words, Govinda is immediately converted and stays. , however, d .....
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"Down And Out Paris And London"
Number of words: 905 | Number of pages: 4.... accordingly. A
casual ward will often admit a hundred tramps in one night, and these are
handled by a staff of at most three porters. A hundred ruffians could not be
controlled by three unarmed men. Indeed, when one sees how ramps let themselves
be bullied by the work house officials, it is obvious that they are the most
docile, broken-spirited creatures imaginable. "(p. 204)
About the term "drunkard" Orwell disagrees also saying:
"Or take the idea that all tramps are drunkards -- an idea ridiculous on the
face of it. No doubt many tramps would drink if they got the chance, but in the
nature of things they cannot get the .....
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Yosano Akiko
Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2.... hard for them to continue life without him.
I think the reason the brother wants to go and fight in the war is because he wants to be remembered as a great fighter of a war. Like in line 22, it says, "In death is your glory," the brother knows the consequences of going off to war. I think the brother sees it as the thing to do for his country, and the sister sees it as just suicide. She even says in lines 18 - 20, to let the emperor and other people go and die, but not her brother.
The significance of this poem was to stop her brother going to war. But sometimes one can't stop that from happening. This was an awk .....
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Color Purple 2
Number of words: 1154 | Number of pages: 5.... but in spite of this with a great help of her younger sister Nettie, Celie tried her best to learn what she missed in school. It was very important for her, because she realized that knowledge is one of the ways to become strong and to improve in life. “ Us both be hitting Nettie’s schoolbooks pretty hard, cause us know we got to be smart to git away. I know I’m not as smart or as pretty as Nettie but she say I ain’t dumb.” (Page 10). In spite of the physical, sexual, and verbal abuse that Celie got from her father, she not only managed to survive but also to get way from her home, where she kne .....
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The Scarrlet Letter
Number of words: 537 | Number of pages: 2.... and the baby in her arms. Many
women during this era of American history would look for a way to run.
Hester shows little sign of uneasiness, with exception to her firm hold on the
infant. At the conclusion of this scene the reader knows that this is a strong
woman trying to maintain dignity in a land were a woman’s independence
ranked right above blasphemy on the hierarchy of values.
Throughout the novel Hester demonstrates her independence of living.
Her husband never comes forward, and her lover does the same. With
everyone denying relations Hester is forced to live alone. She raises .....
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Medea Guilty As Charged
Number of words: 1054 | Number of pages: 4.... be brothers to his children by marrying the daughter of our great king Creon (595-7). Medea refused to accept all that Jason offered and labeled him disloyal for seeking another wife. However, our great society allows men to pursue other relationships when they grow tired of their current companion. Therefore, Jason did not act beyond his given rights. He actually showed Medea additional loyalty when he went out of his way to ensure her well-being by calling on the gods to witness that he wished to help her and the children in every way (619-20). Medea responded selfishly. “Her heart on fire with passionate love for Jas .....
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