Papers on English
Number of words: 1276 | Number of pages: 5.... over. She did not see how she could continue to love a man who did not love his country as much as she did. When George left, that was it for . She decided that if he could not believe the way she did then he did not deserve her. She sat down and wrote him a letter and gathered all the things he had ever given her and put them all in a box. In the letter, she told him that she could not be with a man who was not loyal to his country first of all. She could not be with a man who did not believe the way she did and therefore she was breaking up with him. After thinking it over, decided that she was jumping the gun and that .....
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The Tempest - Barbarism Versus
Number of words: 875 | Number of pages: 4.... answer," meaning Caliban never answers respectfully. When Prospero reaches the cave, he calls to Caliban. Caliban abruptly responds, "There’s wood enough within." His short, snappy reply and his odious tone, reveal the bitterness he feels from leading a servile life. Caliban’s rudeness makes him seem like an unworthy and despicable slave. Also, Caliban displays an extreme anger toward Prospero. When Caliban is asked to come forth he speaks corruptly, "As wicked dew as e’er my mother brushed/With raven’s feather from unwholesome fen/Drop on you both!…And blister you all o’er!" Caliban’s attitude and disrespect is unfit .....
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Choices And Consequences In Fr
Number of words: 677 | Number of pages: 3.... The road that will be chosen leads to the unknown, as does any choice in life. As much as he may strain his eyes to see how far the road stretches, eventually it surpasses his vision and he can never see where it is going to lead. It is the path that he chooses that sets him off on his journey and determines where he is going and what he will encounter.
In the second stanza, Frost lets the reader know that the traveler has chosen to take the path less traveled by: "Then took the other, just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim." The path that the speaker chose to travel down was obviously not for everyone, hence “t .....
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Eveline: Fear Of Happiness
Number of words: 625 | Number of pages: 3.... to be like her mother, even though its going to hold her back, from happiness and respect. With all the aspects Eveline feels respect in unattainable.
Eveline, a woman who wants only to please her family, is unhappy with her life, however she promised her mother she would keep the family together. “Strange that it should come that very night to remind her of the very promise to her mother, her promise to keep the home together as long as she could.” Eveline struggles to keep the family together, although her father is an alcoholic and abuses her. She finds comfort in the simple task of dusting her house everyday. “ .....
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A View From The Bridge
Number of words: 1449 | Number of pages: 6.... a tidal pool with life called `Cannery Road'. This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, Manolin, his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might be good is that he has had bad luck with his goal for a great period of time and is sure it will work this time. Later, though, when Santiago needs him for the quest he sets out to do, Manolin deserts him, although he may not have wanted to at this t .....
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Karshish By Robert Browning
Number of words: 904 | Number of pages: 4.... humble doctor from one of the most civilized nations of the time, he has seen most of the civilized world, and he is still amazed by the miracle that he witnessed. His amazement after having seen many great things in the world proves to the audience that this event was indeed spectacular and significant. In the non-Christian world, the most common response is to doubt and to reject, but because of the conviction of the speaker the audience believe that the miracle did happen. This contrast between doubt and believe creates the dramatic tension of the work. Thus, “Karshish” contains the character study and dramatic tension whic .....
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On The Universality Of Poetry
Number of words: 671 | Number of pages: 3.... With a lot of difficulty and guidance, we understood and even appreciated the poem, primarily because we are familiar with the "language" that Elliot used. But would a farmer or just abut any individual unfamiliar with the nuances of poetry understand o appreciate it? Maybe, but the most probable scenario is that they would understand the major points of the poem, but t not recognize little details that make the poem great -- the fact that it contains excerpts from major English writers and that the images in the poem echoes its sense.
It can also be noted that the allusions present in "Prufrock" are Western in origin. .....
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The Heroic Code (from The Ilia
Number of words: 0 | Number of pages: 0.... .....
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Response To William Faulkner’s “A Rose For Emily”
Number of words: 1153 | Number of pages: 5.... monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house”(26). As the story unfolds, the reader learns of all of Miss Emily’s hard times. These hard times include losing a father who was the only man who ever really loved her and falling in love with a man (Homer Barron) who doesn’t really love her. She needed to be secure that no one else would abandon her like her father, so in order to keep Homer Barron with her forever; she murdered him and slept with his corpse.
Man versus Society is the underlying theme of “A Rose for Emily,” because Jefferson City’s society plays a constant antagonist role th .....
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The Color Purple - Compared To Macbeth
Number of words: 1159 | Number of pages: 5.... meeting with Lady Macbeth, where Lady Macbeth deceives King Duncan. We know Lady Macbeth is not loyal, yet he considers her his "honour'd hostess.../Which still [he] thank[s] and love[s]" (I. vi. 9-12). Once again when naive King Duncan puts his trust into the hands of disloyal Macbeth by making him Thane of Cowdar, the atmosphere and plot advances by making Macbeth's future plans possible. Celie's mother, in the beginning of the novel The Color Purple, is a very small but effective setting character. Her character flaw was irresponsible parenting because she did not protect her daughter. With this lack of protection, Ce .....
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