Papers on English
Five Ripe Pears And On Moralit
Number of words: 684 | Number of pages: 3.... we cannot distinguish “what is ‘good’ and what is ‘evil’”. Morality has been so distorted by television and press that the definition within the human conscience is lost. This being the case, the only way to distinguish between good or bad is: all actions are sound as long as they do not hurt another person or persons. This is similar to a widely known essay called “Utilitarianism” [Morality and the Good Life] by J.S. Mills with which he quotes “… actions are right in the proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of ha .....
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Cats Cradle 2
Number of words: 791 | Number of pages: 3.... no longer worth the effort to live. In Cats Cradle the destruction of the world is realized by the invention of a substance capable of freezing all water on earth. Its inventor was a peaceful man, a man who invented for the sake of discovery, for the sake of the human race. It was only after his death, that the greed and stupidity of man allowed this substance to end all man has struggled to create. Throughout human existence man’s disregard for his home and his environment is evident in all aspects of cultural. This disregard for the frailties of nature will eventually lead to the death of all humanity.
In Cat’s .....
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Black Rain
Number of words: 1357 | Number of pages: 5.... for dinner with the food rationing. He even likes to write how people cured themselves of radiation sickness and what the burns and other injuries look and act like. These things are like myself in the fact that he does not like to forget what things are like, wants to see first hand what the effects are, and is very interested in finding information about new things that he has never seen before. He also likes to help people greatly such as his constant wanderings looking for coal for his community. If you were depended on would you help your community? I think so.
The theme that is very meaningful to me is that war hurts two diff .....
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Red Badge Of Courage: Summary And Character Analysis
Number of words: 1081 | Number of pages: 4.... so he made his final decision to enlist.
After enlisting he finds himself in a similar situation, with nothing to do. While there he becomes friends with two other soldiers, John Wilson, "the loud soldier / "the friend" and Jim Conklin, "the tall soldier". Wilson was a loud spoken and obnoxious soldier who becomes one of Henry's best friends. Jim was a tall soldier and was a childhood friend of Henry's. He was always calm and matter-of-fact like. He also loves pork sandwiches as that is all he eats. Wilson was as excited about going to war as Henry, while Jim was confident about the success of the new regiment. Wilson is acts ve .....
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Human Comedy 2
Number of words: 636 | Number of pages: 3.... Homer learning to deal with his problems and to gain a new understanding about life.
Setting: The setting is in Ithaca, California, during World War II.
Point of View: The point of view is third person omniscient.
The quality of life is very important.
The effects of death can be good and bad.
Hard work is good for the soul.
Understanding and maturity come with experience.
1. "The cow, however, turned and looked at Ulysses. Ulysses looked back at the cow. ...The cow, in turn, watched Ulysses, so that the small boy believed they might become friends" p. 11 5
I chose this quote because i .....
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Dr. Mengele
Number of words: 1472 | Number of pages: 6.... a life story. It is a look into who Josef Mengele was, and how he changed over the years.
The authors underlying main theme, throughout the book, seemed to be to show that Josef Mengele was not who his infamous legend would dictate. It is true that he was a cold and ruthless killer who murdered thousands of innocent people. He earned the nickname “The Angel of Death” for the way he would remain calm and composed while performing such torturous an act as a live dissection of a human being. He had a sick fascination with twins. He believed that twins held the secret to discovering how to perfect a master race. The follo .....
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Tragic Hero Characterization I
Number of words: 1540 | Number of pages: 6.... In the play Antigone, Creon exhibits his hubris by refusing to listen to others. After being confronted by both Tieresias the prophet, the Sentry, and his own son Haimon, Creon refuses to submit to god's law due to his hubris. God's law declares that all men deserve a proper burial and Creon passes a law stating it a crime to bury Antigone's brother, Polyneices, because he considers him a traitor. Creon's opposing character, Antigone, exhibits the same hubris. On the opposing side of the argument, Antigone feels that her brother deserves a proper burial. The character feels so strongly towards her argument that she is willing to g .....
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Number of words: 688 | Number of pages: 3.... to take s place Mrs Danvers went furious. Not only could she not stand with the thought that someone was going to take s precious place and the one to do it was a joke. In her eyes a shy brat that even the servants laughed at.
Maxim liked her for a beginning but the fifth day after their marriage he realizes how she´s really like. She played with him and other men. He couldn´t divorce her since their marriage seemed perfect on the surface. But she didn´t really love him. She told him things like what life would be like for him later when they had a child and he wouldn´t be sure of whose father it was.
Not either her cousine .....
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Is It Better To Be Feared Than
Number of words: 415 | Number of pages: 2.... in. Louis wanted to weaken the powers on the great lords in France so that he had all the power. Any noble that resisted Louis’s rule was bribed or threatened until the noble agreed with Louis. Once there was a cardinal who disobeyed Louis. He was locked in a small cage for 11 years. He couldn’t even stand up or sit down. The people under Louis’ rule were very scared of him that they were willing to put up anything to impress and agree with him. Louis was aiming for people to fear him though. I think he felt that it would in fact be easier to get people to fear him rather than respect him.
Machiavelli’s theor .....
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Great Expectations- The Evolut
Number of words: 1802 | Number of pages: 7.... for wearing thick boots, and for having coarse hands. This makes Pip feel ashamed of things he has never been ashamed of before. His self-esteem is demolished by Estella. Pip thinks to himself: "I had never thought of being ashamed of my hands before; but I began to consider them a very different pair," From then on, Pip is ashamed of who he is and where he comes from. He doesn't see himself in the same light as he used to.
Pip's feelings of guilt are shown after the fight with the young pale gentlemen and the attack of Mrs. Joe. After beating up the boy at Ms. Havisham's, Pip said he "felt but gloomy satisfaction in my victory. .....
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