Papers on English
A Comparison Of Arthur Becomes King And David And Goliath
Number of words: 481 | Number of pages: 2.... David of Goliath, David immediately says that he will
fight him. A desperate King Saul learns of this and prepares David for battle.
Arthur is trying to find a sword for Sir Kay. When they become heroes, both
David and Arthur save an entire population. By defeating Goliath, David saves
all of the Israelites from the Philistines. By coming to power, Arthur saves a
kingless England. Both stories have someone who is jealous of the rightful
king. Saul tries to kill David in order to prevent him from becoming king; Sir
Kay tries to tell his father that he is the one who pulled out the sword. Both
David and Arthur stand for some .....
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A Book Report Of Robinson Crus
Number of words: 658 | Number of pages: 3.... best as he can. He keeps track of the days by writing in his journal. He also wonders why he was chosen by god to be the only survivor of the wreck and why he was put on this island alone. He soon finds other humans but with more bad luck he also finds out they are cannibals. He rescues some savages who were held captive by the cannibals and makes plans to leave the island by means of a man made boat. This is when he spots a ship offshore. The go out to the ship and find out there is a mutiny on board. They soon take control of the ship. The caption is so happy that takes Crusoe and his men back to England where he sells his plant .....
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Silence Of The Lambs
Number of words: 1270 | Number of pages: 5.... The first element to a psychological horror is a villain, and the villain is The is Mr. Jame Gumb. He is a white male in his mid thirties, “most serial killers are white male, unemployed, intelligent and experience financial difficulty.”(Bonata, 3) Gumb is all of these things, he is unemployed but a very skilled seamstress, and using these skills is making himself a second skin out of women who he is able to take control of and render them powerless. He is also very intelligent but is anable to interact with other people and therefore remains unemployed. He experienced financial difficulties until he was the recip .....
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The Client
Number of words: 1222 | Number of pages: 5.... of fullfilling his needs, like a man could. Then something happened where Reggie grew on him, he got more used too her, and he found himself telling her personal things, spending tons of time with her, and starting to care for her. She was like the mother figure he never had. Mark and Reggie were in the tangle of mess together. Mark realized through the whole ordeal he could not do everything by himself, he also realized how vulnerable he was by being independent. Mark and Reggie became bestest friends, right up to the point where he would have to leave into the witness protection program.
I liked the way Mark was so rowdy, a .....
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Trifles By Susan Glaspell
Number of words: 781 | Number of pages: 3.... responds with:
"Well, women are used to worrying over trifles."
Because the women were concerned with cleaning and tidying the kitchen, which men considered trifle, the men overlooked that area and went out to find some real clues. However, the real clue to solving the murder was found in the kitchen. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters find a birdcage in the kitchen cupboard. They discuss the fact that Minnie must have had a bird at one time, but do not connect it with the murder at first. This is an example of how the men considered what the women were doing of no importance.
Mrs. Wright had requested a few things from the house, her ap .....
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A Separate Peace, Detailed Ana
Number of words: 2231 | Number of pages: 9.... by when asked for his height, he said 5 foot, 8½ inches, while Gene replies 5 foot, 9 inches. Finny pointed out that they were the same height and you shouldn't be ashamed to tell anybody your real height. Later that day, they skip dinner to go swimming in the river,by Finny'schoice,
and are asked where they were on return. Finny quickly replied that they were swimming in the river, something that is forbidden, right down to the last detail, and they got away with it. Gene said that the rules are very bent during the summer session, but it was actually Finny's people skills that had kept them out of trouble. Finny was ver .....
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Romeo And Juliet 7
Number of words: 1653 | Number of pages: 7.... was only 16 at the time and celebrated the event soon afterwards in ‘Destruction of the Bastille’. Soon followed in successive events was Britain’s war with France beginning in 1793, The Reign of Terror in 1793-4 and Napoleon’s coup in 1799.
The impact for the first generation after the Industrial revolution was depressing, terrifying and intoxicating to a scarcely bearable degree. Eg: Manchester changing from an overgrown village of 27000 people with no cotton mills in 1773 to a town of 95000 people with more than 50 mills in 1802. This monstrous change, quite unprecedented in human history in .....
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Old Man And The Sea
Number of words: 1860 | Number of pages: 7.... ritualistically, and yet opens himself up to the larger possibilities of life at the same time. He goes through very obvious and specific stages in his struggle, in a world of illusion, through the sacrifice and pain of the journey and into disillusionment.
Santiago is a proud man, and the world of illusion which captivates him is the only thing that keeps him going, day after day. Sadly, Santiago does not truly have confidence in himself. He attributes much of his success and failure to luck: "‘Eighty-five is a lucky number,’ the old man said. ‘How would you like to see me bring one in that dressed out over .....
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Notre Dame
Number of words: 743 | Number of pages: 3.... came into her room one night and tried to rape her. He was touching her in ways that she did not find appealing "She felt a lascivious hand wandering over her body"(215), but Quasimodo would not let him rape her. He wanted Esmeralda hanged because he could not control his own passions.
The schemes of Claude Frollo were as stupid and childish as the schemes of any man who let his desire for sex control his life. In one scheme he and Quasimodo tried to carry Esmeralda off against her will... "A statue of the Virgin Mary on the corner enabled him to see the girl struggling with two men who were trying to stifle her cries"(29). T .....
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The Lord Of The Flies - Charac
Number of words: 1200 | Number of pages: 5.... wild pig. Jack tries to kill it, but is unsuccessful. When the explorers get back, a meeting is held. The explorers explain that the island is deserted but there is enough food to keep them alive. Jack and the hunters promise to supply meat. Ralph makes a rule that whoever is in possession of the conch shell is allowed to speak. Ralph proposes the idea of a signal fire to alert passing ships of their presence. All the boys agree and everybody rushes to the hilltop to start a fire. The fire sparks the gathered wood into a blaze. One of the boys is reported missing but none of the boys will admit to the likelihood of an accident. Ev .....
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