Papers on English
Candide - A Contrast To Optimi
Number of words: 1214 | Number of pages: 5.... were based on the idea that everything in the world
was determined by fate, theorized that God, having the ability to pick
from an infinite number of worlds, chose this world, "the best of all
possible worlds." Although Voltaire chose that simple quality of
Leibniz's philosophy to satirize, Leibniz meant a little more than
just that. Even though his philosophy stated that God chose "the best
of all possible worlds," he also meant that God, being the perfection
he is, chose the best world available to him, unfortunately it was a
world containing evil. It seems as though Voltaire wanted to ridicule
Leibni .....
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Great Expectatons
Number of words: 306 | Number of pages: 2.... by adults. The period in which this is written, assumes that one must become old before one has an opinion. I feel that "children should be seen and not heard," could be relevant to modern day society if it were changed to "people who are ignorant to the situation at hand should be see and not heard". If a person of any age is not well informed of a situation which they take a strong stand on, their opinions are just as irrelevant as those of small children who are equally uninformed. .....
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Oedipus Rex
Number of words: 553 | Number of pages: 3.... help him at all. During the story, we learn of Oedipus' anger as he
knocked a passerby at the meeting of the three highways; "I struck him in
my rage". Later, this passerby whom he angrily and quickly killed, was
revealed to be Laios, Oedipus' father. Oedipus' anger also quickly
shifted his judgement of Teiresias. "We are in your[Teiresias] hands.
There is no fairer duty", Oedipus' respect for Teiresias quickly changed as
Teiresias refused to tell of what was the trouble's cause. Oedipus began
claiming that "Creon has brought this decrepit fortune teller" to mean that
Teiresias was thought of as a traitor in Oedipus' think .....
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Understanding Interpretation Of Meaning
Number of words: 547 | Number of pages: 2.... by John Donne and “Arriving at moral Perfection” by Benjamin Franklin On one side Benjamin Franklin is more persistent, stubborn, self motivated, independent, and an individual. John Donne was more caring, respective, giving, and trusting. Each of them has different views which give us the chance to compare and contrast each author’s point of view. This is just one of the many examples that we have covered in this class. This type of exercise is great to use our mind and to express how we feel.
We also have writing assignments related to the readings, where we make up a question or pick from four or more questions. E .....
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The Ice Storm
Number of words: 1844 | Number of pages: 7.... wife Jane (Sigourney Weaver) and their two sons Mike (Elijah Wood) and Sandy (Adam Hann-Byrd). These families are linked by relationships, superficially neighborly, but in fact more visceral than they are prepared to admit to even themselves. It takes an outside force, , to force them to come to grips with the realities of their lives, both individually and as families.
“The majority of the past and present studies of martial discontent decisively show that non-working married women are much more prone to anxiety, depression, and mental breakdowns than married men, married working women, or single women.” ii.
Elena .....
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Analysis Of Several Works Of Literature
Number of words: 1612 | Number of pages: 6.... his life is miserable and that being a
part of humanity can only hinder his thirst for knowledge.
The other side gives me little trouble;
First batter this present world to rubble,
Then the other may rise — if that's the plan.
This earth is where my springs of joy have started,
And this sun shines on me when brokenhearted;
If I can first from them be parted,
Then let happen what will and can!
I wish to heat no more about it —
Whether there too men hate and love
Or whether in those spheres too, in the future,
There is a Below or an Above.
(Faust, Faust, 994)
Humanity is a curse to Faust and he, in .....
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Concentration Camps
Number of words: 1365 | Number of pages: 5.... to both the greatest number of forced laborers and deaths.
The history of the camp began on April 27, 1940 when Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS and Gestapo, ordered the construction of the camp in north-east Silesia, a region captured by the Nazis in September 1939. The camp was built by three-hundred Jewish prisoners from the local town of Oswiecim and its surrounding area. In June of 1940 the camp opened for Polish political prisoners. By 1941 there were about 11,000 prisoners, most of whom were Polish. From May 1940 to the end of 1943, Rudolf Hess was head commander of Auschwitz. Under his leadership, Auschwitz quickly .....
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Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Number of words: 765 | Number of pages: 3.... taught by him. Eventually, as Gradgrind’s children became older, what they were taught began to turn sour in their minds. Tom, Grandgrind’s son, began to despise his father and all he was taught and thus began to rebel. He took to smoking and gambling, which eventually led to his downfall. Tom had grown up to become a sycophantic, self-absorbed parasite. He had turned out the exact opposite as hoped.
Thomas Gradgrind had raised his children never to wonder, but wondering intrigued them. Gradrgind had observed his children peeking into a circus tent because they were curious as to what was inside. The children were scolded for .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 747 | Number of pages: 3.... and mother.
Throughout the book Edna takes many steps to increase her independence. She sends her children away, she refuses to stay at home on Tuesdays (as was the social convention of the time), she frequents races and parties. Unfortunately, her independence proves to be her downfall.
Edna stays married because divorce was unheard of in those days. She wants to marry Robert, but he will not because it will disgrace her to leave her husband. No matter how much Edna exceeds social boundaries, she is held down by the will of others, despite what she wants. In today's world divorce, sadly, is almost commonplace, but in her time she .....
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Number of words: 1500 | Number of pages: 6.... advises the innocent Harriet in virtually all things, including the people with whom she should interact. She suggests that Harriet not spend time with the Martins, a local family of farmers whose son, Robert, is interested in Harriet. Instead, plans to play matchmaker for Harriet and Mr. Elton, the vicar of the church in Highbury. seems to have some success in her attempts to bring together Harriet Smith and Mr. Elton. The three spend a good deal of leisure time together and he seems receptive to all of 's suggestions. The friendship between and Harriet does little good for either of them, however. Harriet indulges 's worst q .....
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