Papers on English
Qualies Of The Character Wang
Number of words: 447 | Number of pages: 2.... sure that every day she is fed, and When night comes he makes sure she is brought inside. The only time he is ever dedicated to O-lan is when she is about to die. He carries out all her final wishes. For Lotus he does everything she wants when she wants it done.
Wang Lung shows he is controlling by trying to make his youngest son work on the land. He also bans his eldest son from going to see the old prostitute that lives in the House of Hwang after it falls. When the family travels south and become hungry and his sons steal the meat, he forbids them to eat it. Also the pearl's O-lan gets from the city in the south he takes the .....
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Beowulf - Christianity Vs. Pag
Number of words: 1166 | Number of pages: 5.... an entire day before he sees the bottom. During the battle with Grendel's mother, Beowulf realizes that Unferth's sword is useless against the monster’s thick skin. He grabs an enormous sword made by giants, almost too heavy to hold, and slashes through the monster's body. This superhero strength continues into the battle with the dragon. By this time Beowulf is an old man. He decides that he must avenge his people and fight the dragon. Although Beowulf is fatally wounded himself, he still manages to deliver the final blow that kills the dragon. Grendel is also seen as a superhuman monster. Grendel has no knowledge of weapons, .....
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Jane Eyre 3
Number of words: 360 | Number of pages: 2.... Bertha. From the way Rochester talks about Bertha at first she seems pretty normal, but he says how she become after they get married. She turned into someone he did not know, a crazy psychopath, mad woman. Rochester wanted to hide this from everyone even Jane, Bertha cares for no one but herself. She does not care who she hurts, she proved this when she hurt Mr. Mason her own brother. At last, the end of the novel, The suspense, mystery, and characterization are all told. The person that this all revolved around was Bertha. It was Charlotte Bronte s clever way of keeping the novel interesting and the reader interested. She even t .....
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Jade Peony - Wealth
Number of words: 864 | Number of pages: 4.... opposite of emotional wealth is emotional selfishness or lack of understanding. This happens when people do not understand each other and therefore they may help another to believe that they are worthless and that they can not achieve their goals. This person is only damaging and not providing emotional support that the individual needs. Wong Suk provided a wealth that some members of Jook-Liang's family could not provide.
Most people need some people who they can tell their hearts to and express their feelings. These people usually your parents, grandparents or friends, help provide emotional wealth. However some members of a fami .....
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Obasan - Book Report
Number of words: 741 | Number of pages: 3.... was unable to get the documentation for the entire family which included her sister children, who she was taking care of. The novel discuses the camps that the Japanese families were sent to in Hastings Park during the war. It described the treatment the families received while there, including the lack of food and the smell of manure. Naomi during this time was being sexually molested by her next door neighbor and did not tell anybody about this. Naomi seems resentful during the novel, as she comes across as a quiet little girl, who does not seem to interact with many people. Aunt Emily finally finds a place in Slocan for the .....
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A Look At Poes Evil
Number of words: 1603 | Number of pages: 6.... have committed.
The first story we will examine is "The Black Cat". This story first appeared in the United States Saturday Post (The Saturday Evening Post) on August 19, 1843 (Womak). The story opens with the narrator deciding to record the events that led him to murder his wife and the cat as he awaits his execution the next day. The narrator is first described as a gentle, loving man who would never hurt a fly. He has a pet cat that he loves more than anything in the world. After some years, the narrator develops a drinking problem and starts to become irritable and violent, not only to people but also to his pets. Lat .....
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John Steinbeck
Number of words: 1730 | Number of pages: 7.... encouraged him to continue with his writing. Throughout high school, John spent most of his free time writing stories in his room.
John graduated from HS in 1919 and then went to Stanford University. John wanted to study to be a writer, but his mother wanted him to be something practical, like a lawyer.
While attending Stanford University, decided that a degree was of no use to a writer. Instead, he studied the things that interested him and would help him progress as a writer. He studied literature, history, and classical Greek. He convinced university officials to let him learn human anatomy alongside the medical students .....
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Shakespeare And His Theater
Number of words: 562 | Number of pages: 3.... such as gunpowder explosions and the beating of a pan to simulate thunder.
The stage itself was also remarkably versatile. Behind it were doors for exits and entrances and a curtained booth or alcove useful for actors to hide inside. Above the stage was a higher acting area which symbolized a porch or balcony. This was useful in the story of Romeo and Juliet, when Romeo stood below Juliet and told her how he loved her. In the stage floor was a trap door which was said to lead to "hell" or a cellar, this was especially useful for ghosts or devils who had to appear and disappear throughout the play. The stage itself was shaped in a .....
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Number of words: 927 | Number of pages: 4.... them two huge buckets of delicious blackberries. With these Baby Suggs and Sethe decided to share the pies they would make from the berries with Ella and her husband John, and from this their generosity escalated into a full-fledged feast for all the colored people in the area. The area folks accepted the generosity, but resented the bounty of Baby Suggs and her kin. They disapproved of the uncalled-for pride displayed at 124, and were offended by Baby Suggs's excess. Because of this they failed to warn Baby Suggs and Sethe that four white men on horses who were approaching.
Sethe, with the help of Baby Suggs and the community, be .....
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Innocence Of Ophelia And Gertr
Number of words: 744 | Number of pages: 3.... also their marriage by the adultery with Claudius is contemplated by Hamlet until he goes into Ophelia’s room to look upon her. As Hamlet searches Ophelia’s face for some sign that might restore his faith in her, he instead believes her face shows guilt and thinks she is another false Gertrude.
There is much similarity between Gertrude and Ophelia in the play. Both are attractive and simple minded, and are easily shaped by opinion, desires and ideas of others. Ophelia and Gertrude seem to be the same women at different stages in their lives. This may be one of the reasons why Hamlet was first attracted to Ophelia and now .....
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