Papers on History
International Business Law, Go
Number of words: 1803 | Number of pages: 7.... the vessel has their own rate schedules. Generally, independent lines have a lower rate than that of the conference discounted price. Finally the third aspect of common carrier is tramp vessels which are similar to independent lines by the fact that they have their own rate schedule, but they differ from both in that they don’t operate on established schedules.
The next topic is the bill of lading, which is an instrument issued by an ocean carrier to a shipper that serves as a receipt of the contract of carriage, and as a document of title for the goods. The treaty that governs the bill of lading is the International Convent .....
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Copper Triangle
Number of words: 947 | Number of pages: 4.... were often called young "picky boys". The young girls would stay at home with their mother and help with the domestics and looking after the kids. There were many cases when a mining accident occurred and father was killed. This would be a major economic loss and often when this happened, the women were lent pressing machines to help them earn money. If there was a young son he would be able to earn a little money working as a "picky boy" in the tailing heap. If their family was part of a guild they would receive a small amount of money to live off. If the mother died, often the younger family members would also die as fathe .....
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Jean Claude Van Damme-Double Impact
Number of words: 681 | Number of pages: 3.... and head butts Chad. When Chad revives from being knockunconscious, Frank convinces the two brothers to help avenge the deaths oftheir parents. The setting for this movie is very appropriate. They are in Hong Kongwhere the laws are not up to par with the American Style. This allows thecorrupt trades of Zhang, Griffith, and Alex to go on hardly disturbed bythe Hong Kong police. The dominant theme in Double Impact is vengeance and it is seen quitereadily once the action gets rolling. Alex and Chad are out to kill Zhangand Griffith for the massacre of their parents. As the movie rolls on, Alexbecomes suspicious of Chad because .....
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The Bombing At The West Bank
Number of words: 666 | Number of pages: 3.... transported the wounded to three hospitals. Most of the wounded victims were quickly rushed to Laniado Hospital in Netanya, where doctors acted immediately to help all the wounded patients. Some of the wounded were transported to Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba, and others to Hilel Yoffe Hospital in Hadera.
Many people feel that Barak should end all peace talks until all these bombings are put to a clear end. They feel that these bombings are all caused by the peace process. The bombings are a result of the peace talks, because most likely the ones responsible for these are the ones most against all the peace talks. Th .....
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Alexander The Great
Number of words: 317 | Number of pages: 2.... again Alexander and his army broke the Persian line
and Darius was forced to flee. Eventually in 330 B.C.E., in a series of brilliant battles,
Alexander destroyed the power of Darius III and took his lands and titles for himself. He
might have stopped then, rich in glory and plunder. But his thirst for fame and his
questing sprit drove him on. For seven more years he fought his way up from mountain to
mountain, from city to city, from the steppes of Russia to the valley of Indus, as his troops
turned sullen and mutinous. In time he brought them back to Babylon, which he saw
death and the break up of his subjugate .....
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William Clark's Slave York
Number of words: 621 | Number of pages: 3.... at the University of Portland, where he overlooks
the long Columbia River valley that stretches to the Pacific.
Holmberg says York was a valuable member of the expedition, helping smooth
relations with Indian tribes, hunting and sharing the burdens of travel
with men who otherwise may not have shared so much as a drink of water with
York because of his color.
Holmberg is the editor of a collection of letters that Clark wrote his
elder brother, Jonathan. The cache, found in 1988 in the attic of a
Louisville home owned by Jonathan Clark's descendants, provided the first
detailed look at York.
York had been William Clark's sla .....
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Number of words: 1877 | Number of pages: 7.... used muckraking to get a point across. However, events during the 1890s most directly paved the way for the critiques and exposures of existing conditions. This period was able to reach a limited upper class and the were able to expand appeal to the average middle class citizen (Reiger 49-50).
One reason for the outspread of muckraking was the explosion of journalism. From 1870-1909 the number of daily newspapers circulated boomed from 574 to 2,600 and the number of subscribers from 2,800,000 to 24,800,000. With this increase, newspaper owners and editors needed new bait to reel in its subscribers. The newspaper editors wante .....
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Roe V. Wade
Number of words: 986 | Number of pages: 4.... abortion hurts women not only physically but psychologically. Abortion can result pain, discomfort, and unstable metal conditions. According to the fourteenth amendment a person has an undeniable right to freedom. They stated that the fetus has a right to freedom guaranteed by this amendment.
After hearing both sides of this case the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jane Roe. They stated that women have a fundamental right to abortion. They also stated that the fetus wasn’t a life until the first trimester of pregnancy. Due to this case and the ruling of it all states have legalized abortion.
This case has greatly influenced .....
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European Union 3
Number of words: 1856 | Number of pages: 7.... environment has been favorable in a number of respects for the transition to EMU and the achievements of its objectives. The strong demand for euro-area exports from industrial countries at more advanced stages of the business cycle and the depreciation of the currencies of euro area countries over the past four years fostered a strengthening of growth in the euro area and helped to offset the effects of the Asian crisis.
There are also challenges for EMU in the global economic environment:
The crisis in Asia and other emerging market economies could produce adverse spillover effects and make the monetary policy more di .....
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What Is Art ?
Number of words: 1465 | Number of pages: 6.... of communication, and good literature be it the prose of Trollope, poems of Blake, the plays of Shakespeare or even political propaganda has always had the sincerity of its creator. Throughout history, literature has been able to bring a social, or moral message to the people. And good literature has always been infectious, at times even igniting reform and revolution. Without a doubt, literature brings to the reader or audience a circumstance we are unable to experience in real life and thus raise moral or social concerns. From Swift's satirical "Gulliver's Travels" which poked fun at the social mores of his time, to the ficti .....
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