Papers on History
Film Analysis
Number of words: 702 | Number of pages: 3.... her job. Everybody is trying to make higher profit in his or her life. They will do anything to get into that “position” even though they have to do something illegal, something bad, something deceitful, corruption. Everybody is competing and just thinks about him or her self. Like in the Glengarry Glen Ross, everybody is trying to keep his job there. They have to make the highest profit or they will lose their job, and that makes some of the officers rob the office.
It’s a beautiful life is a kind of family movie that has a happy ending. When I watched it, I got so depressed in the middle of the movie because every .....
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Number of words: 917 | Number of pages: 4.... New Technique that "The idealistic basis of was a socially orientate programme. An artist must be conscious of his social responsibility to the community. On the other hand the community has to accept the artist and support him" The movement achieved their believed responsibility to the community of Weimer, in 1924 ,with their mass housing program. There was a great shortage of housing for the working class in Weimer so the designers and architects created affordable and modern housing.
The buildings were built from tax money for the workers. Although the workers disliked the new classical form social housing that the had .....
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Number of words: 1176 | Number of pages: 5.... En 1878 Michel, le deuxieme fils, est né. Camille est morte dans 1879 de tuberculose. Après la mort de Camille, Alice Horschedé a prend en charge la famille de Claude en plus de ses six enfants. Toute la famille s'est installé à Poissy en 1881. Neuf ans derniers en date, a acheté la maison de Giverny. Pendant les deux ans prochain, M. Hoschedé a mort et a epousé Alice. En 1907 a le premier symptômes de la cataracte. Alice est morte en 1911 et trois ans prochain Jean est mort. En 1922 n'a pas travaille parce-que son vision était trop mal, mais l'an prochain il a eu un operation. Sa vue s'est amelieorée. est mort .....
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Our Country And The Affect Of Changes
Number of words: 748 | Number of pages: 3.... By
demanding the British to step aside, they were changing their form of
government, and symbolically, a whole lot more. This document also states
some changes the people wanted to see in their rights(p110-111). This
immediately points to the fact that the Americans desired to change their
way of life. This choice the people made in supporting the Declaration of
Independence would later become the backbone of what our nation is built on.
So, I would say it was a change for the better.
In the time period of the Early Republic in the time frame of 1783-
1820 an example of change would be the invention of the cotton .....
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The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Of 1911
Number of words: 760 | Number of pages: 3.... it to be very sad to see business tycoons putting little children to work. Another sad fact, “And when the inspectors came around, do you know what happened? The supervisors made all the children climb into one of those crates that they ship material in, and they covered us over with finished shirtwaists until the inspector had left, because of course we were too young to be working in the factory legally.” This little hiding “game” that the owner makes the little children do when the inspector comes by is just plain out pathetic, on the owners part. I still can’t believe little children, practically babies worked i .....
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Rap Music; It’s Impact On Society Since It’s Birth.
Number of words: 3251 | Number of pages: 12.... of African- American culture.
Rap music was a way for youths in black inner city neighborhoods to express what they were feeling, seeing, and living and it became a form of entertainment. Hanging out with friends and rapping or listening to others rap kept black youths out of trouble in the dangerous neighborhoods in which they lived. The dominant culture did not have a type of music that filled the needs of these youth, so they created their own. So, rap music originally emerged as a way "for [black] inner city youth to express their everyday life and struggles" (Shaomari, 1995, 17). Rap is now seen as a subculture that, includ .....
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Intro To Islam
Number of words: 2761 | Number of pages: 11.... that in actuality, more than 80% of all Muslims are not Arabs - there are more Muslims in Indonesia than in the whole Arab World! So though even though it is true that most Arabs are Muslims, the large majority of Muslims are not Arabs. However, anyone who submits completely to God and worships Him alone is a Muslim.
Continuity of the Message
Islam is not a new religion because "submission to the will of God", i.e. Islam, has always been the only acceptable religion in the sight of God. For this reason, Islam is the true "natural religion", and it is the same eternal message revealed through the ages to all of God's prophets and m .....
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General George Patton
Number of words: 461 | Number of pages: 2.... U.S. 7th Army in Sicily, employing his armour in a
rapid drive that captured Palermo in July. The apogee of his
career came with the dramatic sweep of his 3rd Army across
northern France in the summer of 1944. Prior to the
Normandy Invasion, he was publicly placed in command of
the 1st U.S. Army Group, a fictitious army whose supposed
marshaling in eastern England helped to deceive German
commanders into thinking that the invasion would take place
in the Pas-de-Calais region of France. Patton's armoured
units were not operational until August 1, almos .....
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Labor Unions
Number of words: 10046 | Number of pages: 37.... An example of a craft union is the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (World, 1998). On the other hand, an industrialized union “is a group of workers who have a variety of skills and job types but work for the same industry” (Parkin, 1998, p. 344). Unions of this type include the United Steelworkers, United Auto Workers, and the United Transportation Union (Boone, 1996).
History from the 1870’s to 1900’s. The first national union founded in Philadelphia in 1869 in the pre-Civil War period was the Knights of Labor, which “intended to include all workers” (Encyclopedia, 1996, p. 630). For a d .....
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Mystical Caves Used Throughout
Number of words: 1680 | Number of pages: 7.... enslavement is to receive assistance from immortals superior
to her.
The philosopher Francis Bacon also theorized about the myth attached to
caves in which he maintained that "idols," meaning prejudices and
preconceived notions possessed by an individual, were contained in a
person’s "cave," or obscure, compartment, with "‘intricate and winding
chambers’"1 . Beliefs that caves were inhabited by negative thoughts, or
spirits, were also held by the native-American culture, in which these
spirits influenced the outcome of all human strivings, and had to be
maintained inside caves. The souls of the dead were thought to .....
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