Papers on History
Unity Amid Diversity
Number of words: 1694 | Number of pages: 7.... the initiation came from a young, black girl who had to travel several miles to attend a segregated school even though she lived right next door to a white elementary school. This famous court case, known as Brown vs. Board of Education, determined that segregation in public schools based on race was unconstitutional. This decision was the result of decades of efforts by black segregationist opponents. With black and white children attending the same schools, having equal opportunities elsewhere became increasingly desirable. It was during this period of waiting that a petite, middle-aged woman named Rosa Parks was the person .....
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People In The Government
Number of words: 2705 | Number of pages: 10.... Capitol.
Signature of documents
4. The Speaker shall sign all acts and joint resolutions passed by the two Houses and all writs, warrants, and subpoenas of, or issued by order of, the House. The Speaker may sign enrolled bills and joint resolutions whether or not the House is in session.
Questions of order
5. The Speaker shall decide all questions of order, subject to appeal by a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner. On such an appeal a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner may not speak more than once without permission of the House.
Form of a question
6. The Speaker shall rise to put a question but may state i .....
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Franklin D. Roosevelt
Number of words: 926 | Number of pages: 4.... practicing law with a New York law firm. While still in law school, Roosevelt met Anna Eleanor Roosevelt a distant cousin, only a few years younger than him(Alsop 28). They were married on St. Patrick's day, March 17th, 1905(Freidel 13). He was twenty-three and she was twenty-one. Her fathe A few years later in 1910, Roosevelt accepted the Democratic nomination for the New York State Senate(Freidel 17). He won the elections, and in the following January he entered the Senate at the young age of twenty-eight(Freidel 18). Later in 1912 he ra In July of 1921, while vacationing at Campobello Island, he went sailing with his children. .....
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The New Deal
Number of words: 840 | Number of pages: 4.... malnourished, made it clear immediate action was
In the first two years, the New Deal was concerned mainly with relief,
setting up shelters and soup kitchens to feed the millions of unemployed.
However as time progressed, the focus shifted towards recovery. In order to
accomplish this monumental task, several agencies were created. The National
Recovery Administration (NRA) was the keystone of the early new deal program
launched by Roosevelt. It was created in June 1933 under the terms of the
National Industrial Recovery Act. The NRA permitted businesses to draft "codes
of fair competition," with presidentia .....
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Persian Gulf War-the Feat Of T
Number of words: 1794 | Number of pages: 7.... to reduce Iraq's essential oil income.
By invading Kuwait, Iraq succeeded in surprising the entire world. The USA ended her policy of accommodating Saddam Hussein, which had existed since the Iran-Iraq war. Negative attitude toward Iraq was soon a worldwide phenomenon. The United Nations Security Council passed 12 resolutions condemning the invasion. The ultimate decision was to use military force if Iraq did not withdraw unconditionally by January 15, 1991. Then, when the deadline was set, it was time to start preparing for the worst-the war.
President George Bush confronted little difficulty in winning Americans' support for t .....
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Number of words: 1833 | Number of pages: 7.... (P.20) Hale included neither of these charges in
his list of the evidence presented against Jones, but suggested that the crimes
had to do with her medical practice. She was accused of having a "malignant
touch," Hale noted, and her medicines were said to have "extraordinary violent
effects." When people refused to take her medical advice, he added, "their
diseases and hurts continued, with relapse against the ordinary course, and
beyond the apprehension of all physicians and surgeons."(P.21) Hale also
mentioned that Jones was believed to possess psychic powers: "some things which
she foretold came to pass accordingly; other t .....
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The Roman Legions
Number of words: 435 | Number of pages: 2.... provided they give Rome ships or soldiers to help them
win the war. The Legionaries gave some foes partial rights or possibly
even allowed them to regain citizenship.
The Legions setup well designed fortresses or marching camps to
keep enemies from easily gaining an advantage on them when in combat. The
whole army slept together in the marching camp. The camp's defenses
consisted of a turf rampart, five or six feet high, behind a ditch. The
defenses were stronger than the marching camp, they often contained gates,
towers, etc. to gain an advantage on approaching enemies. Although the
marching camps were very complex and .....
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Number of words: 1220 | Number of pages: 5.... the women refuse to have sex with them. This sex strike,
which is portrayed in a series of (badly) exaggerated and blatant sexual
innuendoes, finally convinces the men of Athens and Sparta to agree to a
peace treaty.
The Lysistrata shows women acting bravely and even aggressively against
men who seem resolved on ruining the city-state by prolonging a
pointless war and excessively expending reserves stored in the
Acropolis. This in turn added to the destruction of their family life
by staying away from home for long stretches while on military
campaign. The men would come home when they could, sexually relieve
themselves .....
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Russia Crisis: Economical, Political, And Moral
Number of words: 560 | Number of pages: 3.... the ordinary good people of Russia stand in line at bank queues and watch all they have spent their lives building up disappearing before their eyes. That is the Yeltsin legacy.
Russia: A flea market economy
Presidents Clinton and Yeltsin seemed to be talking about a different world when they repeated their shared determination to pursue the free market.
Free market? What free market? There is no effective free market in Russia. It has been hijacked and hijacked by President Yeltsin's own allies and supporters. The billionaire tycoons known in Russia as the Oligarchs do not want a free market, that is why they backed his cam .....
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King Tut
Number of words: 656 | Number of pages: 3.... married Tutankhamun. After the death of Akhenaten,
Tutankhamun became the next pharaoh at age 9. Since he became a pharaoh at
such a young age, he was not able to make decisions. Ay who was the father of
Nefertiti and Horemheb who was the commander in chief of the army was in charge.
Tutankhamun was taught many skills when he was young. He spent most of his
years in the palaces of Akhenaten, he was tutored in reading and writing. King
Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun unfortunately died at the age of 18. There is partial
evidence that King Nebkheperuru Tutankhamun might have died of an accident
falling off his horse or perhaps he .....
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