Papers on History
Utopia...Model Or Reality
Number of words: 1672 | Number of pages: 7.... such a way More creates a perfect society to be modeled after. Many of the ideals in More's Utopia are, as the name implies, based on ideal situations and not reality. They would work well in a civilization of automatons, but would be abolished quickly in a human situation. Nevertheless, we can apply the ideals held by the Utopians to our own societies since the ideals themselves are attainable even if a perfect society is not.
More seems to think that the seven deadly sins will be fairly easy to overcome. Pride, for instance, is counterbalanced in several ways in his social system. For instance, he makes sure that all people w .....
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The Salem Witch Trials
Number of words: 562 | Number of pages: 3.... to be accused. Tituba confessed to practicing witchcraft and to seeing the devil. She claimed the devil would appear to her "sometimes like a hog and sometimes like a great dog". She also testified that there was a conspiracy of witches at work in Salem. This marked the beginning of the Salem witch-hunt that would plague Salem residences for most of that year.
A pattern started to emerge which reflected the communities division within Salem village. The village was divided between supporters of the Porter and Putnam families. The people being accused of witchcraft were mostly from the eastern part of town near the ha .....
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Rising And Falling Of The Berl
Number of words: 978 | Number of pages: 4.... and in the first seven months of 1961 it rose again to 207,000. This included hundreds of professional
people 688 doctors, 296 dentists, 2,698 engineers. The total estimation of 2.5 million people had fled between the years of 1949 and 1961.
Although Berlin was politically divided after the end of World War II. To emphasize the point of and to stop the flow from East Berlin. It was physically divided by a wall in 1961. Fleeing the republic was now a criminal offense. The people of East Berlin were
effectively locked .....
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Prelude To Revolution
Number of words: 351 | Number of pages: 2.... Boston Tea Party was a famous event that took place on December
16, 1773. The Boston Tea Party was when a group of Bostonians led by Samuel
Adams, dressed up as Native Americans boarded the vessel carrying 342
chests of tea and them all overboard. The Boston Tea Party had many
consequences. It led the way to more acts of violence by colonists, who
continued to harass tea agents and to destroy cargoes and ships.
The first Skirmishes at Lexington and Concord occurred April 19,
1775, the year of the American Revolution. the battle was between about 70
colonial minutemen commanded by captain John Parker. there were about 700
Brit .....
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Crazy Horse
Number of words: 2790 | Number of pages: 11.... the Blackfoot. Of these seven tribes each had different bands. , one of the greatest war chiefs of all times, came from the Hunkpatila. The Hunkpatila was a band of the Oglala’s (Guttmacher 12).
was not given this name, on his birth date in the fall of 1841. He was born of his father, an Oglala holy man, and his mother a sister of a Brule’ warrior, Spotted Tail. As the boy grew older his hair became wavy so his people gave him the nickname of Curly (Guttmacher 23). He was to go by Curly until the summer of 1858, after a battle with the Arapaho’s. Curly’s bravery in a charge against the Arapaho’s .....
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Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Number of words: 1058 | Number of pages: 4.... from her home, husband, and finally her daughter, and by taking part in and writing about the social movements of the day. Later in life she married her first cousin, George Gilman, and again suffered from depression though not as severely as she had suffered throughout her first marriage.
Using her life experiences as a female within a male dominated society, Gilman wanted to redefine womanhood. She declared that women were equal to men in all aspects of life. This new woman she described was to be an intelligent, well-informed and well-educated thinker. She would also be the creator and the expresser of her own ideas. She was .....
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Why Does Theatre Survive
Number of words: 1290 | Number of pages: 5.... -- an inspiring event!
Another fact which provides the survival of the art form of theatre lies in the very nature of mankind: its inner voyeuristic drive. The desire to watch other people dealing with their conflicts and fates challenges as well as reinforces values and the morality of society. As human beings we are learning by examples from others and our own experiences. What better place therefore than the theatre to form for ourselves an idea of life and its consequences? An inviting and exciting opportunity to watch believable stories and situations as they could happen in real life, showing us a bit better the trut .....
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Concentration Camps
Number of words: 1368 | Number of pages: 5.... of Krakow, Poland, Auschwitz was home to both the greatest number of forced
laborers and deaths.
The history of the camp began on April 27, 1940 when Heinrich Himmler,
the head of the SS and Gestapo, ordered the construction of the camp in
northeast Silesia, a region captured by the Nazis in September 1939. The camp
was built by three-hundred Jewish prisoners from the local town of Oswiecim
and its surrounding area. In June of 1940 the camp opened for Polish
political prisoners. By 1941 there were about 11,000 prisoners, most of whom
were Polish. From May 1940 to the end of 1943, Rudolf Hess was head
commander of Au .....
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Film 2
Number of words: 600 | Number of pages: 3.... carefree days before her rein where she wore long flowing and light dresses, to that of her rebirth as the “Virgin Queen.” In her last phase she dons the most elaborate attire, huge and stiff dresses with high neck lines. She even cuts most of her hair off and painst herself white as a display of her personal sacrifice and commitment to her subjects alone. Towards the movie’s beginning we see Elizabeth being interogated on treason charges. From a God’s Eye view she is seated alone in the middle surrounded by three men moving around her. The shot mirrors that of the opening burning at the stake. When the camera recede .....
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The Zhou Dynasty
Number of words: 3075 | Number of pages: 12.... and to stay in power. However, most of the lords had become corrupt and spoiled in hopes of gaining power and controlling the entire kingdom. King Wen tried to overcome this problem by buttering up the vassal states and the noble families. They established a system of chivalry, almost, which set out several moral issues. Nonetheless, many vassals still betrayed the Wang and joined forces with the barbarians to help defeat the Western Zhou. That was the main cause for the movement of the Zhou from the West to the East. The Eastern Zhou kingdom, after it was established, did not have much control over any of its feudal state .....
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