Papers on History
Armenian Genocide
Number of words: 1971 | Number of pages: 8.... time in between the Armenians had their
independence. Despite or perhaps because of the constant warfare and conquest
of that region and the oppression that the Armenians have faced over time they
have developed into a "… strong-willed people, self reliant and fiercely
independent"… The Armenians were the first country in the world to make
Christianity their country's official religion (20 years before St.
Constantine the Great in Rome). They also played an important role in the
crusades. Ever since then, the Muslim Turks (the vast majority in Turkey)
have not gotten along with the Armenian Turks.
When the Ot .....
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American Revolution 2
Number of words: 1044 | Number of pages: 4.... the colonies for the crown. The Act taxed non-British imports of sugar and molasses and increased the duty on foreign sugar imported from the West Indies. Bitter protest by the colonies lowered the duties considerably, thus lowered their agitation. But once again, new resentments were born by the Stamp Act and Quartering Act of 1765. The Stamp Act was intended to generate revenues that would help pay for the cost of maintaining a permanent force of British troops in the American colonies. The colonist were required to buy and place stamps on all official documents, including deeds, mortgages, newspapers, and pamphlets in ord .....
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The River Rouge Manufacturing Complex
Number of words: 864 | Number of pages: 4.... components of the cars without having to ship parts to or from other
locations in the country.
The next collection of photographs is of the exterior of the Rouge plant.
These photos were obtained from the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan.
These pictures are of the Rouge during the switch of all production, from
the Highland Park plant, to the Rouge. It was also the time that the Model
A was beginning production.
This collection shows examples of four exterior views of the plant, allude
to the many different factories within the Rouge plant. The Rouge was a
steel mill, a foundry, a power producer and, an assembl .....
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Ireland, Land Of Two Countries
Number of words: 1046 | Number of pages: 4.... of the Island with each other, England became a threat to their sovereignty and customs.
By the end of Queen Elizabeth's reign, a military conquest had established English rule over most of the Island, with the principal exemption of the northern province of Ulster. The Ulster clans had succeeded in overcoming Elizabeth's armies. After a long and damaging campaign Ulster was finally under English control. This caused Irelands leaders to flee to the mainland of Europe. Their land was confiscated and divided up to British colonists. By 1703, less than 5% of the land was still in the hand of the Catholic Irish. Native Irishmen .....
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Barn Burning
Number of words: 2229 | Number of pages: 9.... in I'll Take My Stand, the Fugitives' manifesto of 1930, a book opening the decade yet echoing sentiments of past decades. At the start of our classroom discussion of "," we can explain the tenets of the Fugitives, their traditional, aristocratic attitudes, and their reverence for the landed gentry life style. We can focus on the description of the de Spain home and property, with its opulence and privilege, as representative of the Agrarians' version of "the good life." Early we need to emphasize and discuss the attraction of the young boy Colonel Sartoris Snopes to the security and comfort of this style, his attraction to his n .....
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The Chicago Fire Of 1871
Number of words: 545 | Number of pages: 2.... company. A neighbor ran to a drug store to turn on an alarm but the
alarm failed to work. The court house watchman had given wrong directions but
later tried to correct his mistake, but the alarm operator was eating dinner
so she refused to correct the mistake. The fire engines went about 1 mile
south of where the fire was. By the time the problem was resolved ,a number of
hose carts and fire engines were fighting to keep this fire under control, but
the wind had spread bits of buring debris. Several homes, one block north, had
caught on fire. The flames were so intense that one fireman's hat was warped
and his clothi .....
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Bus Boycott
Number of words: 2002 | Number of pages: 8.... fourteen dollars.
Enraged by Mrs. Parks arrest the black community of Montgomery united together and organized a boycott of the bus system until the city buses were integrated. The black men and women stayed of the buses until December 20, 1956, almost thirteen months after the boycott their goal was reached. The Montgomery can be considered a major turning point in the Civil Rights Movement because it made Martin Luther King Jr. public leader in the movement, starting point for non-violent protest as an effective tool in the fight for civil rights, showed that African-Americans united for a cause could stand up to segregati .....
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The U.S. Entering World War II
Number of words: 1258 | Number of pages: 5.... policies that would deter the Axis powers from being able to maintain the needs necessary to wage war on the Allies. One of these policies was the American financial and economic embargo, which supported China in its fight against Japan. It also, somewhat, forced neutral countries to side with the U.S. because it threatened that if any country would aid one of the Axis countries then that country would no longer be given aid packages from the United States. A second policy imposed by Roosevelt was the "moral embargo" of July 1938. This banned neutral countries from exporting planes and equipment to countries who engage .....
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Analyze The Triumph And Tragedy Of The Manhattan Project
Number of words: 1193 | Number of pages: 5.... President Roosevelt died of a stroke before he see the success of
the Trinity (the code name for the test of the first atomic bomb) in July
1945. Vice President Harry S Truman became the thirty-third president of
the United States. At the time, Truman didn't know anything on the
Manhattan Project, but he sought to carry out Roosevelt's plans.
Roosevelt's thought went beyond the use of the atomic bomb as a weapon of
war. He saw it also as a powerful tool of diplomacy which could be used to
influence postwar relationships among other nations. He thought it could
have an impact on both former enemies and uncooperative allies .....
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Hitler - The Life Story
Number of words: 1957 | Number of pages: 8.... with his performance, and gave him a really hard time and said to him "You will never be painter." The rejection really crushed him as he now reached a dead end. He could not apply to the school of architecture as he had no high-school diploma. During the next 35 years of his live the young man never forgot the rejection he received in the dean's office that day. Many Historians like to speculate what would have happened IF.... perhaps the small town boy would have had a bit more talent....or IF the Dean had been a little less critical, the world might have been spared the nightmare into which this boy was eventually to plunge i .....
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