Papers on History
Watergate Scandal
Number of words: 1998 | Number of pages: 8.... the burglars went to trial four months later, the story changed rapidly from a small story to a national scandal. It ended only when Richard Nixon was forced from office. Watergate was connected to Vietnam, it eventually exposed a long series of illegal activities in the Nixon administration. Nixon and his staff were found to have spied on and harassed political opponents, planned contributions to the campaign, and tried to cover-up their illegal acts. These crimes that they did were called the , named after the building that it happened. For years Nixon was carrying on the crimes and they were not noticed until now. 1969 was the .....
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Militant Monks
Number of words: 2751 | Number of pages: 11.... the Augustinian order. [Upton-Ward 1]
The order languished in near-anonimity for several years, despite generous
contributions from various European personages. In 1126, Count Hugh of
Champagne, having donated his estates to Bernard of Clairvaux for use in
building a monestary for the Cistercian order, arrived in Jerusalem to join
the Templars. This action indirectly obligated Bernard to support the newly
chosen advocacy of his benefactor. He wrote to the count, "If, for God's
work, you have changed yourself from count to knight and from rich to poor,
I congratulate you." [Howarth 49]
In the year 1126, King Bal .....
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Crittenden Compromise
Number of words: 1811 | Number of pages: 7.... by the Missouri Compromise in 1820. This compromise said that Maine would be admitted to the Union as a free state as long as Missouri would be admitted as a slave state, and that the remainder of the Louisiana Purchase north of this line would be free, and south of it would be slave. The restoration of this line for the remaining territories, and also guaranteeing the protection of slavery south of this line were major components of the Crittenden Plan.
South Carolina was perhaps the most aggressive in their efforts for secession. They held strong beliefs that the North was deliberately trying to hurt Southern business and at th .....
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Great Depression 8
Number of words: 1885 | Number of pages: 7.... and many others speeches like this scared people into selling there stocks before the inevitable would happen. This was a leading causes that assisted the Great Depression become one of the bleakest and most studied events in the history of our country: yet not the only cause.
Another large contributing factor was Mother Nature, I say this because in Oklahoma the weather was so dry that the farmers were unable to harvest their crops: these farmers became known as Okies. The land was a barren wasteland of dust and dirt in which it got it's name the Dust Bowl. In other areas, the extreme opposite took place: farmers overprod .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1238 | Number of pages: 5.... just enough to keep them away from starvation. Old Major gave many speeches to the farm animals about hope and the future. He is the main animal who got the rebellion started even though he died before it actually began. Old Major's role compares to Karl Marx whose ideas sparked the communist revolution. Like Old Major, Marx wrote essays and gave speeches to the working class poor. The working class in Russia, as compared with the barnyard animals in , were a laboring class of people that received low wages for their work. Old major tells the animals that the source of the problem is man, and that they must overthrow man .....
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Imperialism In Nigeria And
Number of words: 887 | Number of pages: 4.... commerce wanted imperial possessions to be completely reliant on England for all manufactured goods. They believed that a market in which they had complete authority to block other imports would be a profitable market. These actions taken by the British were the start of Imperialism. Two countries that were immense economic profits for England were Africa and China. Examining these two countries will demonstrate how imperialism in Nigeria compared to imperialism in China.
In Africa, many of the chieftains signed several treaties, which gave control over African land and resources to England. The Royal Niger Company treaty, wh .....
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The History Of Stonehenge
Number of words: 1799 | Number of pages: 7.... with an earth
bank inside it. A ring of holes, known as the Aubrey Holes, were excavated
inside the bank(The World's Last Mysteries). The holes were shallow and
carefully spaced, and almost immediately filled in after being dug.
Archaeological studies have shown the Aubrey Holes never contained stones
or wooden posts; however there were a few instances where bones had been
inserted after the holes had been filled(The World's Last Mysteries).
Scientists have yet to find the meaning of the Aubrey Holes even after
excavation. Other features of the Stonehenge I phase have puzzled
researchers such as; the Heel Stone and several irre .....
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The Nation’s Sectional Discord And The Unity Within The Nation
Number of words: 2808 | Number of pages: 11.... same number of representatives. In the other house (the House of Representatives) each member would represent the same number of people. ‘Quite appropriately this came to be called the Great Compromise. Other major compromises came on slavery and on the control of commerce. The southern states, where the slaves were really treated as property, still wanted the slaves counted as people for the purposes of representation in the New House of Representatives. Some delegates argued that if one kind of property was counted for representation, other kinds should be too. This issue was resolved when slavery and taxation were linked. It .....
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Number of words: 1468 | Number of pages: 6.... hundred of black people had got together to fight for their freedom.
Much of Assata's revolutionary inspiration came about from her observing of her society, especially her neighborhoods. It came apparent to her that something was not right within the quality of housings in her city blocks. Homes were usually poor in a certain city block while another was lavishing. The difference became even more attention grabbing, when she realized that the troubled looking neighborhoods belonged to the black, while the well-adhered blocks were homes of the white. This segregation troubled her deeply, given the circumstances; she lost much of .....
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The Irish Republican Army And British Rule
Number of words: 619 | Number of pages: 3.... six days the rising ended. The Irish had to
surrender after losing too many men. Afterwards the British brought the
leaders of the uprising before trial. Most of the leaders like Thomas
McDonagh, Patrick Pearce James Connolly and Thomas Clark were all executed
by a firing squad. Expect for de Valera, who was not executed because he
was an American and could not be killed by the British government. Others
that were connected with the rebellion were faced with long prison terms.
Micheal Collins one of the members was put in prison and not released
until May of 1918. The uprising was one of the many events that led the
establishment .....
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