Papers on History
Number of words: 606 | Number of pages: 3.... communism movement, as stated in the
Communist Manifesto: “The Communists do not from a separate party opposed to
other working-class parties. The have no interests separate and apart from those of
the proletariat as a whole. They do not set up any secterian principles of their own,
by which to shape and mold the proletarian movement.” (pg.152) The last idea is
almost the direct opposite of the path taken in the communist revolution and of the
ideas of Stalin and Lenin. There were not only many divisions between the
proletariat movement, but in some cases fighting broke up. This just driving a
greater wedge between two gro .....
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The Atrocities Of The Vietnam War
Number of words: 1062 | Number of pages: 4.... the Vietnam War, the body count was the most important statistic to the U.S. Military command. The efforts to quantify the complexities of the war into simple numbers pervaded every aspect of U.S. military presence in Vietnam. Secretary of Defense from 1962-1967, Robert McNamara, did a lot to persuade high-level policymakers that a "win" in Vietnam was just a matter of improving the numbers.
The most devastating consequence of this mindset was the great number of Vietnamese civilians killed without provocation. In a war lacking front lines and territorial objectives, "attriting (slowing eroding the number of soldiers) the enemy" .....
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Causes Of The Pelopenesian War
Number of words: 1309 | Number of pages: 5.... the peloponnesian league (Sparta and her allies). The alliance made between Athens and Corcyra was also viewed as a violation of the peace treaty of 445 B.C. between the peloponnesian league and the Athenian league. Athens ignored all Spartan protest about its involvement in the Corcyrain campaign. Further feud was created between Sparta and Athens in 432 B.C. in Potidaea. Potidaea was a city that was tributary to Athens but Corinthian in blood. Tired of paying tribute to Athens the citizens of Potidaea attempted to expel the Athenian power. Athens’ soldiers besieged the city and once again Athenians were battling Cori .....
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The Battle Of Antietam
Number of words: 318 | Number of pages: 2.... flank of the
Union forces and drove them back.
At the end Confederate generals urged Robert E. Lee to retreat, but
he refused. At dawn, on the 18th, the army was still there inviting
attack. Although more then 10,000 additional Union troops reached the
battlefield McClellan made no move. Lee had had read McClellan’s mind, he
also knew his own men. He knew that his soldiers’ prestige and morale
would be strengthened if they believed that the Army of Northern Virginia
could never be driven from a battlefield. The retreat did not begin until
the night of the 18th, and by morning the army was safely across the
Potomac. The f .....
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"Restore The Emperor Expel The Barbarians": The Causes Of The Showa Restoration
Number of words: 3656 | Number of pages: 14.... to the
Showa Restoration in the 1930s is not an easy story to relate. The
transformation in Japan's governmental structure involved; the historical period
between 1868 and 1912 that preceded the Showa Restoration. This period of
democratic reforms was an underlying cause of the militarist reaction that lead
to the Showa Restoration. The transformation was also feed by several immediate
causes; such as, the downturn in the global economy in 1929Footnote5 and the
invasion of Manchuria in 1931.Footnote6 It was the convergence of these external,
internal, underlying and immediate causes that lead to the military dictatorship
in the .....
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The Vietnam Era
Number of words: 509 | Number of pages: 2.... at
bringing the war up close and personal. Americans were seeing their
American GIs being killed.
The Tet Offense was a U.S. victory in the field. It was a major
loss at home and became the turning point battle of the war. The U.S.
military lost American home backing. Americans turned against the war
because it was not part of "our" problems. American soldiers were being
killed because we were trying to solve their problems.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy were both assassinated
in 1968.
Kent State University was the site where protesting college
students were ordered to be killed by guardsmen. the students w .....
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European Imperialism
Number of words: 571 | Number of pages: 3.... its people. The opium trade was then outlawed promptly by the Chinese government. The substance, however, was still smuggled into the country. The Chinese government confronted the British regarding the smuggling and this sparked the Opium War (1899-1902). Britain pummeled the inferior naval force and won the altercation. Now, Britain was not only free to corrupt the Chinese people with their opium, but they added a colony to their empire: the large, rich port city of Hong Kong. This abuse of the people for their own personal gain is a clear demonstration of one of the many flaws in European dominance. The second nation which wil .....
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Valley Forge
Number of words: 246 | Number of pages: 1.... get help soon, in all likelihood, it will disband." Early into the six-month encampment, the soldiers were riddled with disease and famine. Death was a common site on the camp. The raw weather stung and numbed the soldiers. Empty stomachs were common. The future promised only more desperation and hunger. Many could not take the cold weather, lack of food, and uncertainty of living. There were dozens of desertions. By February the weather calmed somewhat- changing from brutal to miserable. In March, General Nathaniel Green was appointed head of the commissary department and magically food and supplies began to trickle in. By April, .....
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The Trail Of Tears
Number of words: 955 | Number of pages: 4.... Removal Policy
was passed. The Cherokee were defeated by them which caused Chief Dragging Canoe to sign a treaty in
1777 to split up their tribe and have the portion of the tribe in Chattanooga, Tennessee called the
Chief Doublehead of the Chickamauga, a branch of the Cherokee, signed a treaty to give away
their lands. Tribal law says "Death to any Cherokee who proposed to sell or exchange tribal land." Chief
Doublehead was later executed by Major Ridge.
Again there was another treaty signed in December 29, 1835 which is called The Treaty of New
Echota. It was signed by a party of 500 Cherokee out of abou .....
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Central America
Number of words: 904 | Number of pages: 4.... by the military in an attempt to silence his voice and maybe even spread fear throughout the country as others feared what would become of them if they spoke out against the government.
This imposement of fear, was another method of using violence to prevent political change. Argentina is the most dominant example of government created 'fear' as a weapon against the voice of the people. The acting government or Junta, randomly kidnapped citizens and offered no reason for their actions. In many cases the kidnapped (disappeared) were tortured and killed, their bodies and explanations for what happened never found. The actio .....
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