Papers on History
Chivalrous Code
Number of words: 770 | Number of pages: 3.... forms,’ and also ‘Exhibit courage in word and deed.’ Beowulf proclaimed to fight the evil Grendel, saying “We shall fight for our lives, foe against foe; and he whom death takes off must resign himself to the judgment of God (1200).” After the battle, the terror-filled Grendel crept away, mortally wounded. Beowulf had upheld this particular code with valor and bravery.
For my second example, I looked to Sir Gawain. The story of the Green Knight is seeped with instances of chivalry, and honorable men. “Always keep one’s word of honor,” was an obvious code for this particular story. Not only did Sir Gawain show res .....
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Culture 2
Number of words: 523 | Number of pages: 2.... (Spear, 22). The problem in India was complicated by numerous factors. The strangeness of the environment, the differences in the national character of the two groups and the differences in the social and political institutions, were the few that played an important part. The English found the eastern environment very unusual. Their habits of daily life, their deit, dress, amusements, and all other social interests, recreations and amenities of life were completely foreign and had nothing to do with those of the Indians. Britain, at the time, was a growing nation in possession of the techniques, organization, and energy whi .....
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United States And Imperialism
Number of words: 666 | Number of pages: 3.... Though after the Spanish-American War, Hawaii was able to gain attention as expansionists envisioned ships sailing from the eastern seaboard through a Central American canal to Hawaii and then on to China. It took President McKinley to successfully maneuvered annexation through Congress by means of a majority vote.
Cuba was also played a part in American foreign affairs during the turn of the century. After the United States imposed the Wilson-German Tariff, Cuba, depending on imports heavily, fell in to a deep economic crisis. This caused the Cubans to launch a revolution in 1895. Though the Spanish government did provi .....
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The Invasion Of Spain
Number of words: 3103 | Number of pages: 12.... the Moslem rulers of Spain, its result was insignificant, though the famous ambuscade in which perished Roland, the great Paladin, at the Pass of Roncesvalles, furnished to the medieval world the material for its most glorious and influential epic, the "Chanson de Roland".
Much more important to posterity were the next succeeding events which continued and decided the long struggle in Saxony. During the Spanish crusade Wittekind had returned from his exile, bringing with him Danish allies, and was now ravaging Hesse; the Rhine valley from Deutz to Andenach was a prey to the Saxon "devil-worshipers"; the Christian missionaries we .....
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First Crusade
Number of words: 1297 | Number of pages: 5.... to wash away their sins and ensure a place in
e) Some went for adventure.
f) Some wanted a chance to gain some of the riches of the east.
g) Some here forced to go by their feudal lords.
The Crusaders continued an older tradition of the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Now, however, they assumed two roles as pilgrims and warriors. Such an armed pilgrimage was regarded as a justifiable war, because it was fought to recapture the places sacred to that of the Christians.
Jerusalem had been under Muslim rule since the 7th century, but pilgrimages were not cut off until the 11th century (when the Seljuk Turks began to int .....
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Vietnam War - The War We Should Have Won
Number of words: 2449 | Number of pages: 9.... adopted communist ideals and wanted to make all of Vietnam communist.
The Vietnam war started simply because Ho Chi Min and his communist supporters wanted South Vietnam to become communist after the South split off in 1954 to become its own democratic nation. The United States saw this as a threat to democracy, and using the Domino theory, successfully threw the U.S. into the one of the worst wars it has ever seen.
If only the United States had looked past its petty alliances and helped another country gain its independence like we had gained ours so many years ago, this war would have been completely avoided. Unfortunately for t .....
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Hero As Schinder
Number of words: 967 | Number of pages: 4.... country was so against. He saved more than 1,200 human lives during the Holocaust of World War II and he is considered one of the greatest heroes of this century.
Oskar Schindler was born on April 18, 1908 in Zwittau, Austria-Hungary. Both his mother and father (Louisa and Hans Schindler) were German and they both were deeply religious. His father owned a farm machine factory, which was to be inherited by Oskar when he grew up. His mother was a homemaker and he had one sister named Elfriede who was seven years younger then him. The Schindler family was one of the richest and most prominent families in Zwitlau and elsewhere. .....
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Number of words: 1513 | Number of pages: 6.... became a slave. Also they could buy their freedom,
or marry their
owner. Slaves were often used in sacrificial ceremonies. The removal of
the heart was a
practice of the Middle American civilization, the most common of their
The Maya was a civilization who were known for architecture, artwork, trade
writings, mathematics, and the calendar. Like the Aztec, the Mayans aquired
slaves in the same
ways. In Maya, slavery was hereditary, the children of the slaves would
automatically become
slaves themselves. Slaves preformed hard manual labor for households. They
merchandise on th .....
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The Black Panther Party
Number of words: 1526 | Number of pages: 6.... of the United States." And their tenth point was, "We want
land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace. And as our
major political objective, and United Nations-supervised plebiscite to be
held throughout the black colony in which only black colonial subjects
will be allowed to participate, for the purpose of determining the will of
black people as to their national destiny." With these ten points as their
fuel the Black Panther Party was ready to take on the nation.
In the mid sixties Newton and Seale's organization took shape.
They finalized a draft of the Black Panther Party 10 Point Program and
Platfor .....
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Lynchings In America
Number of words: 841 | Number of pages: 4.... To find the true reason, we must consider a different point of view. According to Mr. Schwarz, in the late 19th century, there arose in the South a large proportion of transient black men who, as their labor became expendable in an increasingly industrial and commercial economy, adopted a life of crime. In the article, Mr. Schwarz writes, "There, loosened from the traditional controls of the black family and community, many led a roaming, reckless and often violent existence." The theory goes, as these African American men moved from city to city, they became easy targets for Southern whites (and some blacks) who took it up .....
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