Papers on History
Marilyn Monroe
Number of words: 4898 | Number of pages: 18.... at the film lab
just to make ends meet. She became very tired and nervous;
life became difficult for her. She had been sent to the
Norwalk State hospital for Mental Diseases for a rest when
Marilyn was only five years old. That was what caused her
to have a nervous breakdown and that is what caused
Marilyn to spend her childhood in and out of foster homes.
When Gladys first went to the hospital, Marilyn moved in
with her mother’s best friend.
When her mom’s best friend remarried, she told Marilyn that
her house was too small and someone had to go. Marilyn
was only nine years old then. So one day, she pac .....
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How To Make A Movie
Number of words: 3999 | Number of pages: 15.... something to say. Writers flocked to Hollywood in droves from Broadway and from the worlds of literature and journalism. For a brief time in the 1930s, some of the world's most famous writers wrote Hollywood scripts: William Faulkner, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Bertolt, and Thomas Mann.
In 1932, William Faulkner earned $6,000 in salary and rights for a story, a substantial of money at the time. Just five years later, F. Scott Fitzgerald earned $1,250 per week, more money than he had ever earned in his life (Brady, 1981, 26) , and enough to get him out of the serious debt he had fallen into. Despite generous pay, the conditions .....
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Rebellions Of 1837
Number of words: 1420 | Number of pages: 6.... People thought they could bring about similar or possibly more rights for themselves. Another example is the Great Migration, where many people migrated to Canada. The increased population meant more people and more thoughts and ideas heading towards rebellion. A third example is the Industrial Revolution. It began in Britain, then spread through Europe and North America. The Industrial Revolution brought much change in Britain. That was exactly what the Canadians were looking for. Once Britain had it, they wanted it, too. With the new population increase, they would try to get it through revolution. People as a resu .....
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Causes Of The The French Revolution
Number of words: 1906 | Number of pages: 7.... against him and executed him. Bonapart was
also captured and briefly imprisoned because he was a member of
Robspierre's faction. Napoleon was freed just two months later.In 1795 a
revolt began in Paris over a new constitution that was presented by the
National Convention, the National Convention was name the of the new
government that had taken power in France. Napoleon received orders from
Frances military leader to defend the convention, and control the situation.
Upon his arrival Napoleon realized that the crowd had turned into an ugly
mob. Napoleon was able to take control of the situation, disperse the mob
and restore peace. .....
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Iran-contra Affair
Number of words: 1551 | Number of pages: 6.... they came to power by defeating United States’ resistance, thus they were regarded with hostility. The United States was then left with the question of what to do next. The Reagan administration saw the Sandinistas not as nationalists, but as representatives of a communist conspiracy that must be stopped. “ Lurking in the background of these affairs, then, was the ghost of McCarthyism…”(Draper 568). The White House took the 1950’s idea of McCarthyism to take every method short of a full-scale war to overthrow the Sandinista regime.
The War Against the Sandinistas
The United States Central Intelligence Agency armed .....
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Battle Of The Bulge
Number of words: 662 | Number of pages: 3.... reported hearing the sound of tanks and trucks coming from the German side. But the officers told them it was just the sound of the Germans playing the sound on the phonograph records.
At 5:30AM on December 6, 1944 they found out they were wrong when eight German armored divisions and thirteen German infantry division launched an all out attack on five divisions of the U.S. first army. At least 657 light, medium, and heavy guns and Howitzers. As well as 340 multiple-rocket launchers were fired on American positions. We surrendered.
Americans were out numbered ten to one in places. They were so badly out numbered that t .....
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African Americans In The Post
Number of words: 1468 | Number of pages: 6.... two of the three branches of government disconnected themselves with the issue of black civil rights. Following Grant’s unenthusiastic approach to protecting blacks in the South, the executive branch gradually made its position on the issue clear in 1876. (Zinn, 199) When Hayes beat Tilden in the presidential election by promising to end the Reconstruction in the South, it was evident that the White House would no longer support any calls for the protection of blacks. The compromise of 1877 brought Hayes to office, but “doomed the black man to a second class citizenship that was to be his lot for nearly a centu .....
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Spanish Settlement Of The West
Number of words: 1592 | Number of pages: 6.... War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an
opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion
During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The
Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexico. Now they wanted
to expand their land holdings north. The first expedition into the region,
that is today the United States Southwest, was with Corando. Corando
reported a region rich in resources, soon after people started to settle the
region. The driving force behind the settlement was silver in the region.
The Spanish settled the region through thre .....
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Age Of Discovery
Number of words: 947 | Number of pages: 4.... it led to a desire for more explorers. The competition of the countries was amazing. There was always a race to see who would start the first colony, who would explore the continent, and of course who would make the most money.
It goes without saying, the Age of Exploration shaped the Europe and the America of today, and it left everlasting effects. The world trade of the period increased to an unprecedented amount. There was new types of businesses, new goods to be sold, and most importantly, new land to conquer. The exchange of goods from the New World and Europe increased Europe’s wealth, but not only was there an e .....
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Annexation Of The Phillipians
Number of words: 489 | Number of pages: 2.... would have listened to the that maybe we could have evaded war and ended our struggle with the Filipinos peacefully. One example of the great citizens that I was talking about would be Mark Twain who said "We have robbed a trusting friend of his land and his liberty; we have debauched America’s honor and blackened her face before the world…" If we would have listened to Mark Twain who knows how things would have ended up!
Secondly I believe that Mckinley made a few mistakes in some of the decisions that he made. He asked for Congress to help him make a declaration for the war. He also was hurt and insulted be the terms .....
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