Papers on History
Kent State University: May 4th 1970, Monday Bloody Monday
Number of words: 1676 | Number of pages: 7.... Why is murder okay until the common man commits it.
Does the state have to much power?
The students were tense, yet peaceful. Animosity was strong between the two sides, the students felt the soldiers were arrogant abusers of power.
Shots were fired; 67 total in a matter of 13 seconds, on the unarmed students. Some would die as their result.
Lou Cusella, the roommate of Bill Schroeder, recalls the thoughts of the murdered student. He recalls Bill saying "[he] was scared" at the sound of helicopters on the night of the 3rd (Eszterhas, 233-257). These were the last words that he would hear him mutter. Less then 24 hour .....
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British India And Revolution
Number of words: 1388 | Number of pages: 6.... The rebellion in 1857 can be seen as caused by the accumulating grievances of the Sepoy Army of Bengal. Certain factors contributed to the deterioration of morale amongst the Sepoy army that was comprised of Brahmins and other high caste Hindus who assisted in promoting a “focus of sedition”. The poor standard of British officers and the lack of improvement to the overall position of men serving in the army also increased insurgent tendencies. These military grievances which were significant were not themselves enough to incite rebellion, it took a perceived attack on the Sepoy religious institutions to trigger the .....
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Tango - In Spanish
Number of words: 5363 | Number of pages: 20.... radicado de la Patagonia al Bravo, y en particular en Argentina y Uruguay, los países del tango. A los primeros acordes musicales, a la simple mención de un título, a la cita de un verso se despierta una pluralidad de imágenes que actúan con seducción de sirena. Todo ello, envuelto en la sutil sensación de haber perdido algo irreparable, ofrece un tipo especial de fruición, que es casi sufrimiento. Un "tanguero" no concibe un tango vociferado ni cantado en coro. El tango equivale a un momento de soliloquio. Es un complejo culto que, racionalmente, puede incluso no convencer más, pero que subterráneamente continúa ejerci .....
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History Of Cleveland
Number of words: 724 | Number of pages: 3.... though that was the highest position Cleveland ever got, that wasn’t the highest the population ever was. In 1950 the population was 914,808 which put them in 7th place.
With large populations came major events. The first major event for Cleveland is one that now is a regular occurrence. A year after it was founded, the first wedding was held in the settlement of Cleaveland. In 1803 mail service was extended to Cleveland making the town able to communicate with the rest of the nation. In 1810 the first doctor arrived, followed 3 years later by the first courthouse being built. Some things even happened that are still around tod .....
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Elisabeth Kubler-ross “on The
Number of words: 682 | Number of pages: 3.... volunteer that. You have to speak up as a patient. If you can't speak anymore you need somebody who speaks up for you. I hope that when I die, that they at least let me go to my Brooklyn and die at home, where I can have a cup of coffee and a cigarette. Which is a bad habit, but I know it's a bad habit.
The different religious groups explain life after death. I’m Jewish and Jewish people have a terrible issue about death. I tried to find out why they have such a problem. I asked lots of rabbis. It's one of the few religions I know of, where if you ask twenty rabbis, you get twenty different answers. One says you continue to live .....
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Imigration And Discrimination In The 1920s
Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2.... combatting the evils of Communism. He mainly centered his attack on Russian immigrants. During the infamous Palmer raids thousands of aliens were deported and even more were arrested on little or no evidence. Their civil liberties were violated, they were not told the reasons for their arrests, denied counsel, and not given fair trials. What followed was an investigation of Palmer led by Louis Post which overturned many of Palmer's actions. Palmer's cretability was shattered after in a last minute attempt to gain the 1920 presidencial nomination, he made predictions about a May Day radical uprising, the nation perpared itsel .....
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The Cause Of The American Revolution
Number of words: 749 | Number of pages: 3.... of the revolution. Without
having been left alone for many years America would have not have
developed the taste of independence. Independence was what the American
Revolution was all about.
Many Navigation Acts had been passed starting in 1650 but none were
enforced until Britain noticed they could cash in on the now prospering
economic system of the colonies. Mercantilism played this role. The idea of
mercantilism was to achieve economic self sufficiency by exporting more
than importing. England viewed the colonies as an easy way to do just that.
For example, the colonies were forbidden to produce for export woolen cloth
and .....
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Famous Author- Samuel Selvon
Number of words: 729 | Number of pages: 3.... during the 1960s and 1970s to produce two television scripts, ANANSI THE SPIDER MAN and HOME, SWEET INDIA, numerous radio programs, and a film version of THE LONELY LONDONERS.
In addition to these accomplishments, Selvon has held a series of university appointments in the Caribbean, Great Britain, and North America. He has also received numerous awards, including two Guggenheim Fellowships (1955, 1968), Trinidad's Humming Bird Medal for Literature (1969), and an honorary doctorate from the University of Warwick (1989).
Selvon married Draupadi Persuad in 1947, with whom he has one child, and Althea Nesta Daroux in 1963, with who .....
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Changes To The Bill Of Rights
Number of words: 4330 | Number of pages: 16.... be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered patriots." Bush has not retracted, commented on, or clarified this statement, in spite of requests to do so. According to Bush, this is one nation under God. And apparently if you are not within Bush's religious beliefs, you are not a citizen. Federal, state, and local governments also promote a particular religion (or, occasionally, religions) by spending public money on religious displays.
FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION: Robert Newmeyer and Glenn Braunstein were jailed in 1988 for refusing to stand in respect for a judge. Braunstein says the tradition of rising in court st .....
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African American Women
Number of words: 855 | Number of pages: 4.... the only meaning I knew. A derogatory remark used to demean an African American person. Then as I read into the story more I saw another meaning, "…the word was always applied to a man who had distinguished himself… that brought approval for his strength, intelligence, or drive."(233) Here the word was used as praise. For the first time I could see through an African American person's eyes and understand what they understood. I also saw other meanings for the word such as "my nigger", term of endearment. I also learned when used as a plural it represented those who had no respect for themselves or others.
The second s .....
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