Papers on History
Black Panther Party
Number of words: 867 | Number of pages: 4.... This would reduce the military number of men drastically. The may have seemed like they were revolting against America, but were only doing what they felt was right. A major difference between the and other black nationalist groups of the day can be seen in the plan for a communist America: to them, the mother country was America, not Africa. The Black Panthers felt like they belonged in America, but were being oppressed.
One of the fundamental areas, in which the contributed to the Black Liberation Movement, was self-defense of other blacks. This is what separated the from other black organizations. In the 196 .....
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Atomic Bomb In World War 2
Number of words: 366 | Number of pages: 2.... After the initial blast radiation
covers the area, causing people, animals, and structures to practically disintegrate. Even years afterwards people were still dying and having
health problems related to the radiation they were exposed to long before.
There were many people that were strongly opposed to the using of
nuclear weapons on Japan. But invading the is land instead of bombing
would have taken perhaps 1 million us soldiers lives.
After 1945 the US made thousand of atomic bombs and a wide range of
small size nuclear weapons like, land mines, missiles, and grenades. By
1965 the larger countrie .....
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Air Force History
Number of words: 903 | Number of pages: 4.... period when the Air Force had spent much of the 1950s training and equipping itself for a nuclear conflict. In September 1951, he transferred to Tachikawa, Japan, and continued flight engineer duties. Chief Barnes transferred in June 1952 to the 30th Air Transport Squadron, Westover Air Force Base, Mass., where he attended C-118 school and continued his flight engineer duties in that aircraft. In September 1965, he went to Fairchild Air Force Base, Wash., and continued duties as senior controller. In October 1966 he entered the F-4 Field Training Detachment at George Air Force Base, Calif., and in December 1966 went to Southe .....
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Number of words: 6583 | Number of pages: 24.... The Act of February 20, 1907 added further categories to the inadmissible list. Immigrants were screened for their political beliefs. Immigrants who were believed to be anarchists or those who advocated the overthrow of government by force or the assassination of a public officer were deported. This act was made mainly do to the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. On February 5, 1917 another act was made. This Act codified all previous exclusion provisions and added the exclusion of illiterate aliens form entering into the United States. It also created a "barred zone"(Asia-Pacific triangle), whose nat .....
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Number of words: 483 | Number of pages: 2.... to each story and
receiving a picture of the missing people.
At one point in the story the church had been taken over,
Romero and another priest went to the church in the city of
Aguillarez to take care of the Eucharist. He was allowed in the
church, but on his way to the alter he was stopped. A man asked
him wear he was going, and after Romero answered the man turned
around and shot the alter, the cross, and the Eucharist. Romero
left the building , but turned around went back in and picked up
the Eucharist off of the ground. He was then carried out and
thrown on the ground outside of the church.
Throughout t .....
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Air Planes During Ww1
Number of words: 1777 | Number of pages: 7.... and powered with a Levavasseur 40-hp Antoinette engine. The airplane
resembled a large box kite, with a smaller box at the front end of a long,
cloth-covered frame. The engine and propeller were at the rear, and the pilot
stood in a basket just forward of the main rear wing. Not until near the end of
1907 did anyone in Europe fly for 1 min; Henri Farman did so in an airplane
built by Voisin.
In great contrast were the flights of the Wright brothers. Orville, in the U.S.,
demonstrated a Flyer for the Army Signal Corps at Fort Myer, Virginia,
beginning September 3, 1908. On September 9 he completed the world's first
f .....
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Oklahoma City Bombing
Number of words: 623 | Number of pages: 3.... 1997. The other man who was suspected of
having been involved in the bombing was Terry Nichols. Though he was involved in the
planning he did not actually help McVeigh transport or set off the bomb. He was found
guilty and was charged with involuntary manslaughter and conspiracy; Nichols was later
acquitted from the murder charges. Though the justice system punished the criminals for
their crimes and may have provided the family and friends of those who died with some
degree of solace, the grief and, fear, emptiness, and loss of security can never be
replaced. It was an unfortunate tragedy to those who lost their lives it brought .....
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Progression Of Islamic Art
Number of words: 1298 | Number of pages: 5.... These assimilated artistic styles did utilize figural imagery, yet they still reflected the traditional artistic components of Islam. The introductory plaque at the entrance of the Islamic Art collection at the Metropolitan Museum of Art states that Islamic art is characterized by ‘stasis,’ and that even assimilated foreign styles have “always retained its intrinsic quality and unique identity.” The beautifully rendered book miniatures of the Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp illustrate this last point wonderfully. The Shahnama, translated as “The Book of Kings,” is an Iranian national epic penned by the poet Firdausi between .....
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Number of words: 283 | Number of pages: 2.... most blatant use of coerced division in the Europeans efforts to completely enfeeble African slaves.
The middle passage portrays the Europeans efforts to divide African cultures by separating the slaves so that they were amongst those that spoke different languages and therefore could not communicate with them. The results of this “middle passage” experience left the African confused, alone, and virtually powerless in an environment foreign to him in every way. illustrates the result of not separating the Africans and attempting to “conquer” them without stripping them of the ability to communicate with o .....
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The Treatment Of Prisoners By Nazis
Number of words: 1102 | Number of pages: 5.... established. Altogether they were known as Auschwitz III. Inside the camp resembled jail. Auschwitz was in the general shape of a rectangle. The larger portion of the camp was designated for sleeping area. In all there were about 26 small rooms to house all the prisoners. Also in the camp was an eating area such as a cafeteria. It was a room equivalent to the size of four bunkers. The number of Jewish people in the camps was too large for comfort. One bunker was a designated shooting area where prisoners were shot if they became unproductive. Just off the side of the building was the Gas Chamber. The chamber was the root to all .....
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