Papers on History
Dave Matthews Band, The Most Compelling Band Around
Number of words: 2465 | Number of pages: 9.... Day celebration. Dave Matthews had always dreamed of starting his own band. He approached his favorite jazz players, (who he also served drinks to as a bartender) LeRoi Moore and Carter Beauford to make a demo tape of the songs he had written. Moore and Beauford liked what they heard and decided to stay with Matthews. He also approached Stefan Lessard to play with them, a 16-year-old prodigy bass player. Boyd Tinsley was added to the band after playing the violin in the song, “Tripping Billies” in the album Crash. Soon the band began playing gigs at area bars, fraternities, Universities, They soon later joined the band .....
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Irish Assimilation To The Us
Number of words: 405 | Number of pages: 2.... that were very different.
Another boundary that was harder for the Native Americans than the Irish was personal boundaries. Native Americans had less education then the Irish did, they also did not know English and that was another hardship they faced. Both Native Americans and the Irish started out working in blue collar jobs, but the Irish eventually made there way out and into the white collar world. Native Americans still hold blue collar jobs.
Sociological boundaries were another set of boundaries that both groups had to face. There were not many Native Americans left due to wars between individual tribes, the trail of t .....
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The Japanese Colonial Legacy In Korea
Number of words: 729 | Number of pages: 3.... colonization
left Korea with distinct advantages over other developing countries at the end
of World War Two. Korea was left with a base for industrializing, a high level
of literacy, experience with modern commerce, and close ties to Japan. Japan's
colonial heavy industrial plants were located primarily around the Yalu River in
North Korea. Because of this the North had an edge in industrialization. For
many years the North had the fastest growth rates of the communist countries,
and its cities were on par with those of Eastern Europe. It was not until the
early 1970's that the South surpassed the North in levels of industrializat .....
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The Battle Of Little Big Horn
Number of words: 2730 | Number of pages: 10.... Of these tribes they had different band. The Hunkpatila was one band of the Oglala's (Guttmacher 12). One of the greatest war chiefs of all times came from this band. His name was Crazy Horse.
Crazy Horse was not given this name, on his birth date in the fall of 1841. He was born of his father, Crazy Horse an Oglala holy man, and his mother a sister of a Brule' warrior, Spotted Tail. As the boy grew older his hair was wavy so his people gave him the nickname of Curly (Guttmacher 23). He was to go by Curly until the summer of 1858, after a battle with the Arapaho's. Curly's brave charged against the Arapaho's led his father .....
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The Gold Rush
Number of words: 491 | Number of pages: 2.... during construction of the mill, one of
Sutter's carpenters, James Marshall, saw something glistening. He picked
it up,examined it, and picked up a few more. He was sure he had found gold.
James Marshall took a 40 mile journey to Sacramento where Sutter
was dwelling, and told him about his fabulous discovery.The rise of the
gold rush
Word got out about this wild discovery. Everyone was
screaming"Gold!Gold from the American river!" In one year 25,000 people
from the eastern part of America had traveled to California by sea. Others
took faster but more expensive rides.Some would just take ride after ride
any transport .....
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Iwo Jima
Number of words: 1281 | Number of pages: 5.... fighting the U.S. soldiers as he was told. (John Man 116)
Another important leader was Lt. General Holland M. Smith. Also
known as “Howling Mad”. He was in charge of leading the assault on Iwo
Jima. He successfully landed and deployed all of his troops. (John Man
117) Lt. Harold Schrider was also a major leader in the battle for Iwo Jima.
He was responsible for taking Mt. Suribachi. He was responsible for
clearing out the mountain after all the fighting was finished. (Iwo
Jima.com 2)
The Battle for Iwo Jima was very interesting to me and I wanted to
find out all about it. In my research I want to discover what wa .....
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Augusto Pinochet
Number of words: 711 | Number of pages: 3.... a Chilean arms purchasing mission. Pinochet had no idea that he could be arrested because no previous head of state had ever been tried in this manner. Pinochet is also being held responsible for offences committed by the Chilean police, even if Pinochet himself was not aware of the police brutality.
Contreras was the mastermind behind many projects and missions, whose main goal was to hunt down leftist enemies. It was his secret police that killed more than two thousand union leaders and leftists, and disposed of the bodies either in the Pacific or buried in mass graves in northern Chile. Contreras also organized "Operation .....
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The Aztec Indians
Number of words: 541 | Number of pages: 2.... bridges were built, and chinapas were made. Chinapas were little islands formed by pilled up mud. On these chinapas Aztecs grew corn, beans, chili peppers, squash, tomatoes, and tobacco. Tenochtitlan (the capital city) was covered in giant religious statues in order to pay their respects to the gods. In the Aztec religion numerous gods controlled an Aztec’s daily life. Some of these gods include: Uitzilpochtli (the sun god), Coyolxauhqui (the moon goddess), Tlaloc (the rain god), and Quetzalcoatl (the inventor of the calendar and writing). Another part of the Aztec religion was human sacrifices. For their sacrifices the priest wo .....
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Number of words: 224 | Number of pages: 1.... illusion, and artistic creativity. Allegory took a major role in its literary characteristics. Much of the is reactions against forms and rules. is an attitude of imagination and vision, which values a vast freedom in style!
Romantics of this period saw the imagination as the means for tapping into the universal truth and finding knowledge. Many objects of the physical world became symbols of spiritual or intellectual truth. For example, Edgar Allen Poe pursued with great intensity the Gothic mood. He made material data of his stories symbolic representations of intense and anguished states of mind. This was a metho .....
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Importance Of The Renaissance Period For European Overseas Exploration
Number of words: 297 | Number of pages: 2.... in cartography, printing, and navigational devices for ships.
The word Renaissance means “rebirth of knowledge”. during the Renaissance, many Arabic thoughts were reborn, such as mathematics, geometry, and algebra. So were sciences such as chemistry and astronomy. Many of these ideas led to technological advancements in Europe like the Astrolabe, Sextant, and even new forms of shipbuilding such as the caravel, invented in 1470. In 1454, Johannes Gutenburg perfected the printing press. This led to the fast spread of ideas and thoughts. The printing press was used as a fast, easy way to publish ideas. People took a .....
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