Papers on History
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
Number of words: 380 | Number of pages: 2.... and were armed with automatic weapons. The next morning when the army began to disarm the Indians a shot rang out then the gun fire began leaving about 200 Indians dead in the snow. Thirty soldiers were also killed in the massacre. The soldiers that lost there lives were most likely killed by their own men in friendly fire. Wounded Knee is said to have been the last battle of the war but it was not so much a battle as it was a massacre. It was in fact the last exchange of fire between the army and the Sioux.
There are not many positive things that came out of the war. Only that the war was finally over and the blood shed co .....
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Roman Law
Number of words: 784 | Number of pages: 3.... running away they were brought upon charges of theft for stealing themselves and their masters clothing. Stealing held a very heavy punishment and that punishment was always upheld. The punishment was capital punishment and all of this was done to teach them a lesson. Some say the Romans had a very strange way of doing things but, the way their country was setup most of their laws were necessary for them.
All of this got started with the Twelve Tables of Rome. Which were much like the Ten Commandments except man made them up. They were engraved into Bronze tablets and made up by ten Roman Magistrates around early 450 BC. Th .....
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Critique On Famous Speaches
Number of words: 870 | Number of pages: 4.... the tips of his toes quickly rising then returning down almost like a little jump, indicative of the energy of his words. With all these actions going on with his body language, from his posture being stiff and straight, his uniform, the hand gestures and the growling voice, one can not help but pay attention. At moments when he is given cheers by the crowd, Hitler can be seen flashing somewhat of a smile while his eyes quickly and sternly glance at his notes, preparing for his next point. His voice would gain momentum and aggressiveness until the conclusion where again with his gestures he would express his emotion and finally wh .....
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Number of words: 809 | Number of pages: 3.... dissension and increase conformity to the new government policies.
After Lenin's death in 1924, Joseph Stalin quickly gained control of the Communist party and the oppressive reforms started by Lenin were continued and at length became completely totalitarian. Stalin was able to attain control as a result of a multitude of reasons. He was not, however, Lenin's choice for a successor. Lenin believed that Trotsky was the best suitable to take the Communist party to the next level. Trotsky was not all that popular among party members though and Stalin was in a position as Gen Sek, or General Secretary, to place his people in powe .....
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The Mongol Invasion Of China
Number of words: 1973 | Number of pages: 8.... leader, abandoned Temujin, his mother, and several brothers and half brothers. This had an effect on him which, although difficult, would lead Temujin at the age of forty, after having consolidating several clans, to be elected Grand Khan of the Mongols in 1206. Although he had a difficult start, when he died twenty years latter, his rule extended from the Caspian to the northern coast of China. Genghis Khan was perhaps one of the greatest military innovators in human history, and his armies were perhaps the best-trained horsemen in all of history. His men fought on horseback with incredible competency; they could hit thei .....
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The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy Or Single-gunman?
Number of words: 1375 | Number of pages: 5.... days later, Oswald was killed
by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub owner, while he was being moved from the
city to the county jail.
At a glance, the above story sounds as if this should be an open-and-shut
case. After all, according to the facts above, Oswald must have killed
Kennedy. However, you must take a deeper look into this case. Many people
who witnessed the murder of John F. Kennedy dispute the facts above, saying
that they heard shots from places besides the book depository, and other
things that may contradict what is stated above. One of these witnesses,
Abraham Zapruder, captured the entire assassination on his Bel .....
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Economic Reasons For American
Number of words: 1295 | Number of pages: 5.... III. Most found it hard to be continually enthusiastic for their King sitting on his thrown, thousands of miles away. Despite this there were few signs of the upcoming revolution. The occasional call for democracy and liberty were written off by loyalists. Among the upper class feelings of loyalty to the crown were strong and eloquently expressed. Independence pg 2 The attitudes of the common people mirrored their counterparts in England. They had a combination of indifference and obeisance The first colonists had brought over both good and evil of their mother country in the seventeenth century. The good had been toughened and .....
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Living Theater
Number of words: 1057 | Number of pages: 4.... erased.
Julian Beck, a far left winger, looked at life through art and saw life itself as unrealistic. In 1946 Julian Beck and his partner Judith Malina found the . Located in New York, the performed poetic dramas and plays by dramatists of the avant-garde( 463-464). Performing new and controversial plays of their own, the took their theme of the world as prison to the theaters of the United States, Europe, and Brazil.
In the 1950's the started following the theories of Antonin Artaud. Artaud called for "a theatre in which the actors are like victims burning at the stake, signaling thru the flames" (beatland authors 1). .....
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Cost Of Wwii
Number of words: 1182 | Number of pages: 5.... was found to have spent the most on the war by far. Germany was next, having spent $272 billion; followed by the Soviet Union spending $192 billion. Next was Britain who spent $120 billion followed by Italy's billion and Japan's $56 billion. Although these are fairly accurate figures, the money spent by each individual country does not come close to being the war's true cost.
Property damage was a huge cost following World War II. Entire cities including Stalingrad, Warsaw, Hamburg, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki lay in ruins following World War II. Cities in Japan such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been leveled by atomic bombs. Num .....
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World War 2 And Executive Order 8802
Number of words: 590 | Number of pages: 3.... if their demands were not met.
After consultation with his advisors, Roosevelt decided to appease the Black leaders and issued Executive Order 8802 - "There shall be no discrimination in the employment of workers in defense industries and in Government, because of race, creed, color, or national origin." Roosevelt also established the Fair Employment Practices Committee to investigate incidents of discrimination. These turned out to be hollow words. Six months after the order was issued, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and the nation was at war. The Civil Rights of Blacks and other minorities would now have to take a back seat .....
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