Papers on History
Anderw Carnegie, The Bible, An
Number of words: 1018 | Number of pages: 4.... great wealth merely for the purpose of gathering great wealth, that is greed and it is sinful in the eyes of the bible. However, if one finds in himself the ability to make large amounts of money easily and then decides to do so exclusively for the good of others, than it is right and good and virtuous to do so. It is said in Galatians 6:7, "A man reaps what he sows." Therefore, if one sows in greed and sin, than one will reap more of the same. He may have great wealth, but he will not be happy and may be reviled and destroyed. However, if one sows in goodness and with philanthropic motives, than one will not only reap in good .....
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Buddhism 4
Number of words: 1183 | Number of pages: 5.... him to stop is when he is exhausted.
When we fallow the movement of our mind, it is like watching the monkey. We do not have to become the animal, we just sit and watch him. Stay still, do not struggle like him. If we struggle like him, we will turn into a monkey and will become really exhausted.
To practice Concentration is like looking at the monkey. In the process of watching, he will go round and round until the rope is so tight that he is bound up. In the end he will have to stop and sit still. The monkey also knows that it is time to stop when
the rope is so tight that it strangles him. The movement of our mind is .....
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Number of words: 195 | Number of pages: 1.... until Spain came around. Due to their religion and customs, Hernando
Cortez, leader of the Spanish Conquest, was believed to be a white god. He made
Montezuma prisoner and captured Tenoctitlan and renamed it Mexico City.
Sacrificing people to gods was a normal thing. They would sacrifice
slaves and prisoners. That is why they waged war with people. Usually they cut
the heart out of a living victim. They thought if you ate someone's flesh, you
obtained their courage. Every 52 years, they had a new beginning. They would
light a fire on someone's chest who is alive, then people put their blood on it
so they could becom .....
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Ku Klux Klan 2
Number of words: 450 | Number of pages: 2.... the Klan’s inside machinations.
For that purpose someone would have to go
under a Klan robe and turn the
hooded order’s dirty linen for all the
world to see. The author decided to
volunteer for the job and thus began his
adventures as a Klan-buster, in the
headquarters of the Klan at the time in
Atlanta. The first few chapter
Soon enough, Kennedy had enough
incriminating evidence against
the Klan. In an action packed moment in the
courthouse, Kennedy disrobed
from under his Klan mask in front of
stunned Klansmen who had thought he was
one of them. Kennedy testified against the
vicious organiz .....
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Leon The Movie Review Essay
Number of words: 3472 | Number of pages: 13.... blood of her father pouring out over the floor. As Leon watches, interested but uninvolved, he sees her walking down the hallway, laden with groceries.
Creeping under the gaze of a particularly twitchy villain, Mathilda knocks on his door and silently pleads for sanctuary. As a dedicated hit-man Leon has no wish to compromise his position yet, after several long seconds, he inwardly relents and grants Mathilda safety from the men who have wiped out her family. Leon certainly doesn't want this change, and neither does Tony, but Mathilda manages to convince him that saving her life makes him responsible for it so he'd better get .....
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Saving Private Ryan
Number of words: 866 | Number of pages: 4.... out of our imaginations as a minor piece of hell, a torn-out fragment from a Bosch painting. But World War II, the Good War, the Heroic War, the war that saved the world, is different. Yes, we know it was dreadful, but we don't really want to know: We'd rather cling to the image of jutting-jawed John Wayne firing his machine gun at a collapsing line of Axis dummies.
After "," the myth of World War II will never be the same. Using the overpowering techniques of modern film, Steven Spielberg has cut through the glory-tinged gauze that shrouds World War II to reveal its brutal reality, creating a phenomenology of violence unsurpass .....
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The Holocaust
Number of words: 456 | Number of pages: 2.... one letter into a secret message telling the Jews that it was a bad
place, where they die.
In class from the notes I learned that, World-wide depression had
many Germans out of work, and they were hungry. Because of that, the
Germans elected Hitler, as Chancellor of Germany in 1933. That year,
Hitler began a boycott of Jewish business. The Jews lost their jobs in
government and public services. Jewish children got segregated form school.
All Jewish people received a curfew. Hitler blamed the Depression on the
Jews, and they became scapegoats. In 1935 laws were pasted saying that
Jews were no longer citizens, and that .....
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Robber Barons Or Captains Of Industry
Number of words: 1349 | Number of pages: 5.... It was also in the oil industry that he earned his
title of robber baron. Rockefeller is known for his oil monopoly which at
once controlled 95% of the world oil market. His oil business started with
refining. Rockefeller knew that oil drilling was very expensive and he
figured that he would let some one else spend millions to blindly drill
into the ground looking for black gold while he could make millions
refining the black gold. Rockefellow first started with refining oil into
carosien but it was not untill the invention of the internal combustion
engine that Rockefeller made his huge fortune in oil.
Many People consider .....
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Bacon’s Rebellion
Number of words: 2846 | Number of pages: 11.... all the people in Virginia the majority of people
are poor and has no land that is sufficient. They have no money not to
consider that most of them owe people money, for example in the case of
indentured servants that are poor and owe work to there masters and freed
indentured servants who have not gotten their land they were promised. This
is enough to discontent and frustrate, these people driving the to take
violent action. However it also suggests that one part of this group had
enough land and were wealthy, they were the upper class created by Berkeley
himself in the form of the Tidewater elite. Indians are plundered by the
wh .....
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The Political Power Of England And France Increased Greatly In The 17th Century
Number of words: 532 | Number of pages: 2.... was made to unify the country through the establishment of a
single religious authority, the Catholic Church. The king of France became
the heart of this policy, which gave him control of religion when this went
into effect.
The next major point was the increase in need for governmental
financing. In England, taxing had become under the control of Parliament.
In addition to this, the cost of running a government in general had gone
up and the country needed more money. Because the king didn't have as much
power to tax as he pleases, the government could make a firm and accurate
taxation of the people. In France, the price .....
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