Papers on History
Colonial Differences
Number of words: 815 | Number of pages: 3.... a theocratic environment. A theocracy is defined as government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided. According the John Winthrop, who was to be their governor for some number of years, it seemed that their grand purpose in America was to build A City upon a hill, in which the eyes of all people were upon them. In other words, they thought their purpose in the New World was to construct the model city. Connecticut, one of the other New England colonies was basically like Massachusetts. Their only quarrel with the Bay colony was that it was not strict enough.
Not all of the .....
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History Of Railroads
Number of words: 278 | Number of pages: 2.... railroads for their own country by actual experience; they could not copy English methods.
The first American railroads started from the Atlantic ports of Boston, Mass.; New York City; Philadelphia, Pa.; Wilmington, Del.; Baltimore, Md.; Charleston, S.C.; and Savannah, Ga. Within 20 years four rail lines had crossed the Alleghenies to reach their goal on the "Western Waters" of the Great Lakes or on the tributaries of the Mississippi. Meanwhile other lines had started from west of the mountains, and by the mid-1850s Chicago, Ill.; St. Louis, Mo.; and Memphis, Tenn., were connected with the East. Still other lines were stretchin .....
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The Watergate Scandal
Number of words: 1993 | Number of pages: 8.... months later, the story changed rapidly from a small story to a national scandal. It ended only when Richard Nixon was forced from office.
Watergate was connected to Vietnam, it eventually exposed a long series of illegal activities in the Nixon administration. Nixon and his staff were found to have spied on and harassed political opponents, planned contributions to the campaign, and tried to cover-up their illegal acts. These crimes that they did were called , named after the building that it happened.
For years Nixon was carrying on the crimes and they were not noticed until now. 1969 was the really date in which Watergate was r .....
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Civil War - The War Of Northern Aggression
Number of words: 2149 | Number of pages: 8.... prejudice slave-holders who beat black people for fun. This, of course, was very successful. Now a people who once believed in the federal government was here to help the states reach common goals, believe it’s their supreme authority.
One of the lies that has already been mentioned is that the "Civil War" is over slavery. This is one of the most dead wrong statements that one could think of. First of all, 70 to 80 percent of Southern soldiers didn’t even own slaves (Kennedy 34). People just don’t get motivated enough to give up their life over whether their neighbor is going to be able to continue having something. One s .....
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African Americans In The Civil War
Number of words: 1125 | Number of pages: 5.... However, because the Black population was stopped from entering the army under a 1792 law, the Black Man becoming a soldier was not officially noticed until late 1862. 1
“There was strong anti-black prejudice among most people in the free states, and in the loyal slave states the idea of arming the Black Man was anthema”. 2This statement talks about the usually held fear White people had about putting Blacks on the fighting line of the armies in the Civil War. Whites felt that the Civil War was a war started over White man’s issue and what possible reason would the black man have for wanting to fight in this war. But .....
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Is Korean Unification Possable
Number of words: 701 | Number of pages: 3.... time of rejuvination but their political leaders have managed to guide them on a path that stays clear of any extreme misfortune. The county did so well in fact that it has become one of Asia's leading exporters and the home of some of the most well known companies. South Korea exports items from countries like Hundi and Samsung, names we know well even over here. The north however was not as lucky.
After the war North Korea went into communism rule and was supported by the Soviet Union. They closed them selves off to the world and where almost interlay self sufficient. The Soviets only brining in lumber and oil. North Ko .....
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Love Canal
Number of words: 416 | Number of pages: 2.... object. The international situation
favored the American diplomats. Louisiana was of
diminishing importance to France. The costly revolt
in Haiti forced the French emperor Napoleon I to
reconsider his plan to make Hispaniolia the keystone
of his colonial empire, and impending war with Great
Britain made him question the hardness of holding
Louisiana against that great naval power. He
decided to sell Louisiana to the United States. On April
11, 1803, the French foreign minister Charles Maurice
de Talleyrand opened negotiations by asking the
surprised Livingston what the United States would
give fo .....
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Civil War Causes And Reconstru
Number of words: 705 | Number of pages: 3.... Blacks (with few white Northerners on their side) and the Southern slave owners. The Southerners claimed that they should have power over the Blacks because they could take care of them and keep them on the right path. Where as the Blacks thought they should have control over themselves. They thought that they could take care of themselves, and that they were being treated wrongly by the white slave owners. The South also just wanted more power, they didn't want an even distribution between the state governments and the federal government. They believed that the state should have all the power and that's not what the Union .....
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Changes During The 1950s-1990s
Number of words: 658 | Number of pages: 3.... in the 1950s there was an increase in teenage delinquency, due to the fact that teenagers were trying to find ways to express them selves and be noticed. They also did this through the music they listened to and through the movie stars and films that were made.
A major similarity between family roles in the 1950s is that the majority of women still do the cooking cleaning and other house work.
Entertainment although different because of technology, shows many similarities as people still enjoy television and radio. There are many similarities and differences in Entertainment between the 1950s and the 1990s. Television, radio, .....
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Battle Of Saratoga
Number of words: 705 | Number of pages: 3.... attempt to slow the British advances, the
American General Philip Schuyler detached 1000 men under the command of
Major General Benedict Arnold. This force moved west to thwart St. Leger's
eastward advance along the Mohawk River. Arnold returned with his
detachment after repelling St. Leger in time to serve in the Battle of
First Battle of Saratoga: The Battle of Freeman's Farm
The Battle of Freeman's Farm, the First Battle of Saratoga, was an
indecisive battle fought 19 September 1777 in which Gates lost ground to
the British Disagreements in tactics and personalities led to a heated
argument between generals Gates an .....
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