Papers on History
The French Revolution
Number of words: 457 | Number of pages: 2.... for the monarchy to resume a "absolute power"
status as it did with Louis XIV. However this could not be accomplished
because of the doubt that the public had towards the present kings Louis XV
and Louis XVI, and the public could not be swayed to help. The only result
of the attempts for absolutism by the monarchy were a series of new and
increase taxes on the nobles. The aristocracy immediately reacted to these
taxes as declaring them unfair and would not accept them. Louis XV began
with a series of Financial advisors chancellors which all had the intention
of saving the monarchy from financial ruin. They made many attempts a .....
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Cooperative Pursuit
Number of words: 536 | Number of pages: 2.... productivity. With electricity it is
possible to make use of the entire day not just the daylight hours.
thereby increasing your farm production by being able to work at a steady
pace for a longer period of time. Imagine not having to blow out or
relight candles, with the flip of a switch you automatically lighted the
entire house. Electric lighting is not only one of the most common
conveniences, it is the most practical.
Modern day heating compared to the burning of wood or coal is a
very welcomed change in American society. A wood burning stove is now a
thing of the past. Imagine the heating of your entire home with
electricit .....
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American Revolution
Number of words: 694 | Number of pages: 3.... Although some were peaceful, many were not. With many of the tribes shifting territories, the American Indians were attacking planters along the frontier. By 1676, more than 300 Virginians had been killed at the hands of the Indians.
Adding to all the turmoil, was a corrupted government. With William Berkeley as the current royal governor, he was in complete control of the colonies, and had not allowed an election in almost fourteen years. His only helpful action was to have more forts constructed, making planters feeling abandoned. The government was corrupted, and Great Britain was doing nothing to help. The Americans wanted a .....
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Decision Of The Bomb: Drop It Or Not?
Number of words: 563 | Number of pages: 3.... not using the bomb for reasonable causes. Lastly, many Americans also
held bitter resentment against the Japanese for Pearl Harbor and the
treatment of American prisoners. So the decision to drop the atomic bomb
was essential.
The atomic bomb's initial explosion has been devastating, but it
also had many after effects. Those who didn't die suffered severe burns.
Acute radiation poisoning, which occurred directly after the explosion,
caused nausea, vomiting, fatigue, diarrhea, hair loss, and even death in
thousands of people for months. After effects of radiation such as keloids,
leukemia, cancer, and birth defects stil .....
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The French And Indian War
Number of words: 693 | Number of pages: 3.... Ohio River Valley.
The British had many strategic advantages over the French and Indians. They had a strong militia in their colonies that could fight at any given time. They also had many more people, about one million. They also had a very strong navy and control of the Atlantic Ocean. Having control over the Atlantic Ocean meant destroying French supply ships that tried to enter North America. The British colonies were self-supporting and did not need supplies shipped over from Europe. The British situation had its disadvantages. They had more land to keep under control than the French and Indians and their few forts wer .....
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Mythology Of Indian Dance
Number of words: 701 | Number of pages: 3.... the essence from each of the Vedas. From ‘Rigveda’, he derived the words, from ‘Sama Veda’, he derived the music, from ‘Yojurve Veda’, the code of gesture and from ‘Atherva Veda’, the element of sentiment or flavor. He blended all of these ingredients and added his own divine genious. Thus, he created an entirely new activity. Brahma named this activity ‘Natya’, which was later renamed ‘Natya Veda’.
Brahma had simply created a technique, but someone was needed for putting it into practice. Lord Brahma sought the cooperation of Bharat, a trusted sage. Bharat, with the help of his sons, started working .....
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Aquinas’ Fifth Way Of Proving
Number of words: 1120 | Number of pages: 5.... problems of evil and how it may disprove Aquinas’ fifth way among countless other theories of creation by a omnipotent, omniscient and benevolent God. Hume explains that if God created the universe to achieve an end, and if the path toward that end is the best manner to that end, then how does one explain the existence of evils in the universe such as natural disasters, pain, disappointment, anger, sickness and despair.
Hume uses the two characters in his essay to display the human point of view regarding the problem of evil, so that he can theorize using actual human experience, feelings, and sensations rather than logical a .....
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Number of words: 967 | Number of pages: 4.... where American’s always wanted (31st parallel). The Treaty of Ghent was also established to settle a conflict with Britain, which was sparked by European struggles with overseas trade. Thus, these treaties were made by the U.S. to settle the differences with European nations and further isolate themselves.
The U.S. gained much territory from European countries and also the natives.
Following the Battle of Timbers, the Treaty of Greenville was signed by the Miami, which ceded new lands to the U.S. in exchange for acknowledgment of native claim to the territory that they retained. Another example of territorial acquisition .....
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Age Of Reason
Number of words: 462 | Number of pages: 2.... became main stream during the . Occam's Razor is an idea that states "when you have 2 competing theories that make exactly the same predictions, the one that is simpler is better". A man by the name of Jonathan Swift used this idea/theory to write a satirical essay called "A Modest Proposal". In "A Modest Proposal" Swift has a simple idea to a big problem that is overpopulation in Ireland. Due to the theory of Occam's Razor, Swift proposes a very good/simple idea that is to just kill and eat the children that are causing this problem. Those children would be Irish. He also said that it would not only solve one problem but two. Th .....
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High Noon
Number of words: 1052 | Number of pages: 4.... in to assist him.
Everything hinges on midday. The suspense builds and the tension mounts as the clock ticks ever closer to the inevitable fate of . The passing of the time symbolizes the idea of mortality, which is a form of expressionism. Even the judge who sentenced Miller and who is a mirror of society's morals is not willing to take a risk at all by remaining in town. The judge is rationalizing his departure by recalling what Miller had done in the past to those who wronged him. Furthermore, the young deputy Pell provides no support because Kane passed him over as his successor in favor of a stranger from out of town. Th .....
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