Papers on History
European Crusades
Number of words: 1413 | Number of pages: 6.... was often imposed as a penance . Now, however, they
assumed a two roles as pilgrims and warriors. Such an armed pilgrimage
was regarded as a justifiable war, because it was fought to recapture
the places sacred to that of the Christians .
Jerusalem had been under Muslim rule since the 7th century,
but pilgrimages were not cut off until the 11th century, when the
Seljuk Turks began to interfere with Christian pilgrims. For
Christians, the very name of Jerusalem evoked visions of the end of
time and of the heavenly city. To help rescue the Holy Land fulfilled
the ideal of the Christian knight. Papal e .....
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Capitalism: The Cause Of Slave
Number of words: 876 | Number of pages: 4.... to rise between the slaves
brought from Africa, and the land holders of the South.
Tension between
Slaves and land owners have been strong in the South for many years, and one
might say that the cause of it is the ways of which the Black slaves of plantations
and farms were treated. The founders of the Carolina colonies were not only
interested in the use of slaves in the solution of their labor problems of
too much work not enough workers, but they had a very big material interest.
The use of slave labor, was a coerced, cash-crop system of labor from which
slavery became an economic necessity because for a person who owned .....
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A Prolonged Civil Conflict
Number of words: 900 | Number of pages: 4.... nationalists but also was economic necessity” (8). The Vietminh asked the U.S. for support but because they thought that North Vietnam was influenced by Russia, the U.S. turned them down. It was not until later that the Vietminh went to Mao Tse-tung’s Chinese Communists for support out of desperateness. From the very beginning, “the U.S. had attached itself to a losing cause” (19). Because the U.S. was obsessed with the domino theory and a communist threat in Southeast Asia, they became involved in and were partly to blame for prolonging a civil conflict.
After the U.S. had initially become involved in .....
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Slavery And The Underground Railroad
Number of words: 1501 | Number of pages: 6.... and living a life where they were not told how to
live. Others ran due to fear of being separted or sold from friends and
family. Then there were some who were treated so cruely, that it forced
them to run just to stay alive. Since coming to America as slaves even
back as far back as when the first colonies began, slaves wanted to escape.
They wanted to get away from the situation they were forced into. Those
who were free were the "whites" who were somewhat separated in values. The
North, was a more industrialized area where jobs were filled by newly
imported immigrants, making them less dependent on slave labor. The South,
howeve .....
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The 60’s: Decade Of Challenge And Change
Number of words: 1029 | Number of pages: 4.... look with more volume. The popular styles for women were the “Beehive” and “Bouffant”.
The clothes of the 60s had so much influence in the clothes today. In the 1960 the girls started to use a dress called “chemisier”, with straight skirts or “evasees”. In 1963 the girls shocked the beaches with one swimming costume with two parts. Another scandal in this period was the pants “saint-tropez”. In that period, it was very much common to see teenagers with flares and blouses with bright colors. Young women wore little if any makeup. Going braless had been a radical choice for young women in the middle of the decad .....
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The Atomic Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki
Number of words: 1746 | Number of pages: 7.... under the bleachers of a
football field in Chicago achieved the first man-made nuclear reaction. An
atomic bomb could now be developed. Many scientists and other skilled
workers participated in the making of the first atomic bomb. However, only
few knew what they were making. In 1944, after D-Day, the Alsos (a troop
sent to find how far the Germans had come in the building of the atomic
bomb) radioed back that they had given up in their attempt to make it.
Still, despite scientists' pleas with the President to discontinue it, the
U.S. maintained the work on their atomic bomb (Conrad, 1982, 12-16). In
Alamogordo, New Mexico .....
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A Portrait Of Nietzshe
Number of words: 782 | Number of pages: 3.... able to make the best out of his misfortunes.
However, through his unfavorable experiences with others, Nietzsche developed a somewhat cynical view of his neighbor. He feels that every one has their own selfish motives. He does not treat these people any differently though. In fact he treats them with extra kindness. His theory is to replace the cruelness of others with the kindness from one’s heart; “dispatch a pot of jam to get rid of a sour affair” (14). Nietzsche also says that silence is the worst form of anger or resentment. Silence produces bad character and makes ones heart cold and full of cruelty. Anger s .....
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Fire Of Desire, Of The Movie Rudy
Number of words: 993 | Number of pages: 4.... with the heart to continually persist in achieving his dream of playing Notre Dame football. Rudy’s heart and desire probably got him farther in the game of football than he would have got had he been more athletically gifted. Also lending support to this is Coach Parseghian telling Rudy, "I wish God would put your heart in some of my players’ bodies" (Coach Parseghian). Clearly, Rudy’s coach felt he had the most heart of anyone on the team. Players with desire like that of Rudy are becoming increasingly harder to find in today’s world of athletics, and therefore coaches are coming to appreciate them more. Rudy’s s .....
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Islamic Terrorism
Number of words: 2557 | Number of pages: 10.... However, Muslims do not view their actions as acts of terrorism, but self defense and their religious duty. The Islamic radical movements main success or failure has been their ability to gain legitimacy from the general public or from the greater part of it in each Muslim country.(14) During the past two decades, they have had enormous success with their ability to present themselves to the Arab and Muslim world as the true bearers of Islam. They appeal to the lower class due to the shared resentment of wealthy westerners while the middle class and intellectuals are drawn toward these radical groups in order to exp .....
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Effectiveness Of The Articles
Number of words: 399 | Number of pages: 2.... separate nations as they, for the most part, functioned as they pleased.
Document G reveals the discontent of the people in the ineffectiveness of their national government under the Articles of Confederation. John Jay (Secretary of Foreign Affairs and great international negotiator), expresses this discontent of the people through a letter of concern to George Washington. He foreshadowed some sort of revolt, crisis, or revolution and expressed his feeling of uneasiness and the need for change. Shay’s rebellion turned out to be a milestone because it set a need for a new national government, the revolt was against the governm .....
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