Papers on History
Number of words: 955 | Number of pages: 4.... cargo manifests so that the Allies as well as the Germans would know what is
being shipped. Britain found a loophole in this. New cargo added at the last
minute did not go on the original manifest, thus a supplementary manifest would
be submitted 4 or 5 days later. Also, due to the embargo, munitions were listed
as ‘sporting cartridges' and stamped with ‘Not liable to explode in
bulk'(Simpson 63).
About a week before the voyage, the New York German community tried to run
an ad warning about the trans-Atlantic voyage. But the duty officer at the State
department did not approve, so no ads were placed. Later George Vierick, .....
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How Social Tensions Led To Wit
Number of words: 929 | Number of pages: 4.... of this characteristic would be Hugh and Mary Parsons.
Mary and Hugh Parsons lived in Springfield, Massachusetts. In chapter 2 of Witch-Hunting in Seventeenth Century New England, the introduction clearly conveys that relationships within the Parson family were filled with problems.
With the town’s houses built so close to each other, it could be assumed that neighbors were able to hear every argument and fight that took place within the Parson household. In the Puritan community, the kind of behavior that was observed of the Parson was out of the ordinary. Consequently, when Mary accuses Widow Marshfield of witchcraft for a .....
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Lyndon B. Johnson
Number of words: 696 | Number of pages: 3.... next year he was easily re-elected as senator and returned to Washington as majority leader, a post he held for the next 6 years despite a serious heart attack in 1955. In the late 1950s, Johnson began to think seriously of running for the presidency in 1960. His record had been fairly conservative, however. The presidential nomination of 1960 went to Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts. Kennedy then selected Johnson as his running mate to balance the Democratic ticket. In November 1960 the Democrats defeated the Republican candidates, Richard M. Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge, by a narrow margin. Kennedy appointed Johnson to .....
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D-day 2
Number of words: 1248 | Number of pages: 5.... a beachhead, which would be code named Utah (U.S.), Omaha (U.S.), Gold (British), Juno (Aus.), Sword (British) (pg. 5). This area was relatively close to undamaged ports in southern and southwestern England, and was in range of fighter planes as well. The French ports of Cherbourg and le Havre were within striking distance as well as the railways and river bridges thought to assist in isolating the assault area from the main enemy centers of supply and reinforcement to the east. At the Quebec Conference in August 1943 Allied leaders approved the choice of this battleground for invasion.
The staff of ground forces, airforc .....
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Halloween: A Groundbreaking Film
Number of words: 1362 | Number of pages: 5.... his older sister, Judith, sneaks upstairs for a quickie with a guy from school. After the boyfriend has departed, Michael takes a knife out of the kitchen drawer, ascends the staircase, and stabs Judith to death. The entire sequence employs the subjective point- of-view, an approach that writer/director John Carpenter returns to repeatedly throughout the movie. Only after the deed is done, do we learn that Michael is only a child. The bulk of the movie takes place fifteen years later. Michael confined to an asylum for the criminally insane, escapes on the night before Halloween. His doctor, Sam Loomis, actually refers to Mic .....
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Crises During The Presidency O
Number of words: 2366 | Number of pages: 9.... its own profit"(Coit 12). Calhoun was not for the secession of South Carolina so he tried to think of a substitute. He borrowed an idea evolved by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 and 1799. The idea was nullification. Nullification, as Calhoun viewed it, the right of a "single state to veto, within its own borders, a federal law that it deemed unconstitutional-subject to the later approval of at least one fourth of the states. If such approval was not forthcoming, the state should, if it wished, be allowed to secede from the Union"(Coit 12). The South knew that nowhere in the Const .....
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The American Colonies
Number of words: 978 | Number of pages: 4.... "God Almighty in his most holy and wise providence
hath so disposed of the condition of mankind, in all times some must be
rich, some poor, some high and eminent in power and dignity, other mean and
in subjection. Yet we must be knit together in this work as one man."(John
Winthrop, A Model of Christian Charity) This statement by John Winthrop,
demonstrates importance of religion in the lives of the New England
settlers. "We must delight in each other, make others' conditions our own,
rejoice together, mourn together, labor and suffer together, always having
before our eyes our commission and community in the work, our commun .....
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Frederick Douglass
Number of words: 3475 | Number of pages: 13.... his grandmother as he realized that he was now a slave. He learned that the master, Aaron Anthony, would beat his slaves if they did not obey order. Luckily for Frederick he was picked to be Daniel Lloyd's friend, the youngest son of the plantation's owner. Frederick also found a friend in Lucretia Auld, the master's daughter. One day in 1826 Lucretia told Frederick that he was being sent to live with her brother-in-law, Hugh Auld, who managed a ship building company in Baltimore. When Frederick got to the Auld home his only duties were to run errands and care for the Auld's infant son, Tommy. Frederick liked the work and grew to .....
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Nixon Vs. Kennedy Election 1960
Number of words: 708 | Number of pages: 3.... a politician fro Massachusetts who opposed John F. Kennedy in the 1952 Massachusetts senatorial election. John F. Kennedy, was a Democrat from the south. He came from a very wealthy family and in 1952 became a Massachusetts Senator. Kennedy was young, good looking and inexperienced compared to the Vice President. His father was mayor of Boston and that helped show the capabilities of a Kennedy in power. Lyndon Johnson was running with Kennedy for Vice President. Johnson was older than Kennedy and people felt his experience would prove useful . Kennedy felt that the union of Johnson from the south and Kennedy in the North would win .....
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The Iran-Contra Affair
Number of words: 538 | Number of pages: 2.... on
March 4, Reagan accepted the reports judgement without serious disagreement.
Select committees of the Senate (11 members chaired by Democrat
Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii) and the house of representatives (15 members,
headed by another Democrat, Lee Hamilton of Indiana) conducted televised
hearings in partnership from May to August. They heard evidence that a few
members of the NSC staff set Iran and Nicaragua policies and carried them
out with secret private operatives and that the contras received only a
small part of the money. Former national security advisor John Poindexter
stated that he personally authorized the d .....
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