Papers on History
Purposes Of The Concentration And Death Camps In Europe During World War II
Number of words: 383 | Number of pages: 2.... imprisoned in death camps were used for the most work they could give and after that their lives were terminated, by gassing them and then burning their remains. The six most popular extermination camps were Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Auschwitz, and Majdanek. At Auschwitz, slave labor was used to produce rubber and other products. The minimum upkeep meant a lack of adequate sanitation, and cruelly insufficient rations. As prisoners succumbed to weakness from poor health and overwork, they were killed, usually by mass gassings, and the last value extracted from them in the form of gold teeth, hair for mattresses and .....
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Macbeth 2
Number of words: 746 | Number of pages: 3.... to "make thick my blood." What she is saying by this, is that she wants to make herself insensitive and remorseless for the deeds which she is about to commit. Lady Macbeth knows that the evidence of blood is a treacherous symbol, and knows it will deflect the guilt from her and Macbeth to the servants when she says, "smear the sleepy grooms with blood," and "If he do bleed, I'll gild the faces of the grooms withal, for it must seem their guilt." When Banquo states "and question this most bloody piece of work," and Ross says "is't known who did this more than bloody deed?" they are both inquiring as to who performed the tr .....
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Slavery - A Cruel Institution
Number of words: 2010 | Number of pages: 8.... while at work, and it was that fear that drove them to obey. Northrup continues to say that, "No matter how fatigued and weary he may be…a slave never approaches the gin-house with his basket of cotton but with fear. If it falls short in weight—if he has not performed the full task appointed him, he knows he must suffer" (10). He goes on to explain that after weighing, "follow the whippings" (10). This was not the end of the workday for a common slave though. Each slave had his or her own respective chores to do. "One feeds the mules, another the swine—another cuts the wood, and so forth (Northr .....
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The Baroque Era
Number of words: 784 | Number of pages: 3.... when and where they did, we might not be speaking the same language as we do today. A group of English settlers established the colony Jamestown along the Jamestown River in Virginia. This is known as the first English settlement in the New World. However, it is also known as the last colony due to its mysterious disappearance. It is thought that the winter was too harsh for the unprepared settlers and in an attempt to find a better climate, they met their deaths.
Most historians think the first telescope was made in 1608 by a Dutch optitrcian named Hans Lippershey. Before this time, even as far back as the 1200’s, scienti .....
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The Indians Of The Pacific Northwest
Number of words: 1590 | Number of pages: 6.... was considered to be Duwamish since his mother was the daughter of a Duwamish chief and the line of descent passed matrilineally. This was sometimes the case when fathers died while their son's were was still young and the mother would return to her tribe to raise the children. The Duwamish lived on the Duwamish River and various islands across the Puget Sound. Seattle was married twice, his first wife Ladaila, died after bearing one daughter, Kiksomlo, known as "Angeline". His second wife, Oiahl, had three daughters all of whom died young and two boys, George and Seeanumpkin. (2)
In 1792, Captain George Vancouver anchored off Res .....
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2001 A Space Odyssey - Jupiter And Beyond The Infinite - Set
Number of words: 1726 | Number of pages: 7.... interpretations include alien intervention: an idea that alien technology has helped man progress to the ‘next level’ of consciousness; to an understanding beyond the physical realm. Others adopt the idea of the emergence of man as pure thought completely of his own accord.
It is for this reason that the futuristic vision expressed in this scene cannot be labeled simply utopian. What viewers are offered during this scene spans far beyond an idealistic version of the world we live in today: various connotations found in the scene stretch the bounds and horizons of humanity itself.
The problem faced by Kubrik, and indeed the set .....
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Roman History
Number of words: 744 | Number of pages: 3.... had kitchen facilities and eating areas for
these occasions. Most Romans belonged to a funeral
club. These were clubs that a Roman would join and pay
into over there life to pay for there funeral. The only
class that had trouble paying into it were the unskilled
plebs, they were usually thrown into a pit just outside the
city walls.
Most Romans worked. Most of the rich had slaves to do
all the work. They thought that work was below them.
The rich would be educated and go into the military as a
tribune. When they came out of the military they went
into politics. They were put into a arranged Marriage
planned by the .....
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Syndretizm And Abstraction In Early Christian And Roman Art
Number of words: 1128 | Number of pages: 5.... toward a two dimensional symbolic approach with a more rigid style. "The contrast of light and shadow, the generation of natural forms, and the optical effects of classical art, gave way to newly abstracted forms with a concentration on sybolism played against the classical backdrop creating aesthic and emotional appeal. " (Byzantine Art in the Making, p.114) The Arch of Constantine and the statue group known as The Tetrarchs are examples of the collapse of the classical art forms in official works of late Roman art. Both exhibit "characters with stubby proportions, angular movements, and ordering of parts through symmetry .....
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Gladiatorial Contest In Rome
Number of words: 934 | Number of pages: 4.... that the contest was part of the Roman funeral process. A Christian critic named Tertullian at the end of the second century wrote, “Once upon a time, men believed that the souls of the dead were propitiated by human blood, and so at the funerals they sacrificed prisoners of war of slaves of poor quality bought for the purpose.”
In 246 B.C., two nobles in honor of their deceased father, held the first recorded gladiatorial event with only six gladiators. But over the next two hundred years, the contests started to become common and gain popularity resulting in the increase of gladiatorial shows. An example of a gladiato .....
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Colonialism 2
Number of words: 1387 | Number of pages: 6.... peasantry to proletariats. Elvia lived in a semi-feudalistic system in Honduras with highly unequal distribution of land and wealth. The whole of Honduras, including various institutions like the Government and the church were under the influence of the U.S who with their political and economic influence used Honduras for the extraction of resources and also for its own political security in the North American continent.
In "Nectar In A Sieve" Rukmani was married to a tenant farmer called Nathan who worked on rice fields and earned his livelihood by selling his harvest to the landlord. He did not have his own land and so whateve .....
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