Papers on History
Thesis: Show How Mexico Lost An Enormous Territory To The U.S. In 1848.
Number of words: 365 | Number of pages: 2.... acquire what they wanted. Troops were sent to the land between
the Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers. General Taylor was ordered to protect the
Grande River. When in 1846, Mexican troops attacked them, war had commenced.
Though Mexico believed they would win easily, they were greatly wrong. The
capturing of Mexico city by the U.S. made them the conquerors over their
enemy. In consequence, the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was made in 1848.
Mexico was to give up California and New mexico for only 13,000,000. It was
the Manifest destiny that had started the war. U.S.A. now had what it
focused on territorially, and thus Manifest .....
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Essay On Origins Of World War
Number of words: 1547 | Number of pages: 6.... but not in military attack, but more in the form of self-defence. He makes it clear that Austria was justified in their battle and that they didn’t have to, “sit back and await the dismemberment at the hands of its neighbors.” (Fay, The origins of the World War). Fay believes that Berchtold wanted a local war with Serbia but knew and was content with the fact that the rest of Europe could very easily become involved with the war. Fay’s third country’s explanation was that of Germany. He believed that Germany did not want a war and tried to avert one completely. It is his belief that since Austria was Germany’s onl .....
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Comparing Britain To Japan
Number of words: 1096 | Number of pages: 4.... of the present Emperor began to bring a number of small estates under unified rule from their bases around what are now Nara and Osaka Prefectures. At the beginning of the seventeenth century, Tokugawa Ieyasu set up a government in Edo (now Tokyo) and the Edo period began. The Tokugawa regime adopted an isolationist policy that lasted for more than 200 years, cutting off exchange with all countries except China and the Netherlands. The age of the Samurai came to and end with the Meiji Restoration of 1868, and a new system of government centered on the Emperor was set up. The new government promoted modernization, adopted Wester .....
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Assassination Of Caesar
Number of words: 1594 | Number of pages: 6.... surrounded Caesar in a stealthy manner and tugged on his toga. As he looked around he was stabbed by many of the senate members multiple times. He collapsed to the ground and lay on the marble floor dead, next to the feet of Pompey’s statue. (Nardo 94)
Caesar’s military eminence helped Rome prosper into one of the greatest and most memorable civilizations in history. His campaigns helped Rome grow larger in size and in power. His victories in Egypt, Pontus, Gaul, Africa, and parts in the Asia Minor were some of Caesar’s greatest honors,(Bruns 99) and is considered “the most powerful national leader in history”(Nardo 73 .....
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British Imperial Regulations D
Number of words: 642 | Number of pages: 3.... merchant marine. Further laws were passed, but none that imposed strict regulations on the colonies. In fact the colonies received advantages from the mercantile system of England. As colonies of England they had the rights of Englishmen. They also had some opportunities of self-government. As compared economically to the average Englishmen of the time, the average American colonist was more often better off. In some markets, such as tobacco, the colonies had great advantages. Although not allowed to trade tobacco with any other country; they were guaranteed a monopoly on the English market. One of the major advanta .....
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Chinese Immigrants
Number of words: 416 | Number of pages: 2.... exploited by the owners. With very low wages, and poor working conditions, I don’t see why the Chinese put up with that. The owners didn’t really care for them like they did for white people. Also, the owners convinced the Chinese that work would be safe, saying that nobody would get hurt. This made them feel better about dangerous jobs, but after many deaths, the immigrants found out that it was not safe at all.
"Whereas,...California and pacific coast having proved that...The Chinese and their competition with free white labor is one of the greatest evils...Therefore be it Resolved, that we rid this monstrous ev .....
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Liberalism And Anticlericalism
Number of words: 1799 | Number of pages: 7.... another liberal demand, as well as equality before the law, with open trials free from influence or interference. To accompany the new franchise system would be upgraded education and economic development to civilise the new nation.
The liberals were not necessarily atheists or even opposed to Christianity all, so why did anti-clericalism become such an integral part of their regime? In France one of the foremost reasons for this was the churches' views with regard to social change. The Catholic Church had always been a great advocate of traditionalism. They looked back to the ancien regime when the church had been all-powerfu .....
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The Art Of Theater
Number of words: 409 | Number of pages: 2.... modes of communication, in theater one cannot go back and see a certain scene. A theatrical act takes place in the present, has an ending, and becomes part of our past.
Theater is a challenge to our mind, for it makes us think and allows us to use our imagination. During a theatrical act, we are projected into a world of fantasy and imagination, a world that only lasts for a certain period of time. A period of time in which one feels pain, joy, hatred, or love. This is reinforced by the direct contact between the actors and the audience stimulating more personal emotion between different individuals.
In my opinion, is one o .....
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Battle Of Vicksburg
Number of words: 756 | Number of pages: 3.... north of town, while another army under General Ulysess S. Grant marched overland from the northern part of Mississippi. General Sherman's army failed when his attack on Chickasaw Bluffs was easily defeated , and General Grant was forced to retreat when his supply lines were cut by the confederate calvary.
There were also naval expeditions commanded by Admiral David Glasgow Farragut. The Union army appeared below the city. The next day , Two frigates and six gunboats attempted to defeat Confederate river fortifications. The attack failed , as did several other attempts to bypass Vicksburg by river.
General Grant next .....
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Andrew Jackson And The National Bank
Number of words: 616 | Number of pages: 3.... it was declared constitutional by the Marshall in 1819 during the
McCulloch vs. Maryland case. This was one of many vetoes made by Jackson
under the executive branch. Even though the charter was vetoed it was
still valid for four more years and since Jackson abhorred the national
bank, he schemed to destroy it by pulling out funds and creating many
state-chartered banks which came to be called, “wild cat” or pet banks.”
This was a bad decision however because these banks’ instability and
failures created a nation-wide hysteria.
There was no limit on the circulation of bank notes and soon the
abundance of currency d .....
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