Papers on History
Ronald Takaki A Different Mirr
Number of words: 943 | Number of pages: 4.... association was the beginning of creating an “Indian Race.” The Indians were different then Irish in they had a reddish tint to their skin. This was important because this lead further to their separation by their color. The Indians were further looked at as savages based on their culture. “They were seen as incapable of becoming civilized because of their race” (Takaki, 36). This thinking lead to the belief that the Indians were worthless and simply impeding the spreading of a civilized culture.
Indians from this point began to be dehumanized even further. Due to the color of their skin they were associated wit .....
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Slavery - Underground Rail Road
Number of words: 642 | Number of pages: 3.... keep quiet about how they reached the north without being discovered. The people that were most into helping slaves escape by means of the railroad were northern abolitionists and other anti-slavery groups who disliked what was going on in the south.
These included several Protestant especially Quakers, Methodists, and Mennonites. There was a Quaker of Thomas Garrett who was known for helping about 2,700 slaves escape to freedom. Former slaves were also active rolls in the Underground Railroad. One of these was an important well known black slave named Harriet Tumbman. Harriet was a runaway slave who helped many blacks escape and s .....
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Chuck Close
Number of words: 909 | Number of pages: 4.... of the hair, the cheek, the neck and below are all blurred. Just as in a photo. Linda is a middle age woman with brown curly hair and lots of make up. There are very thin lines everywhere in no specific direction, lots used under the eyes. Color is used a lot, there's red to show the make-up, white to show glare, blue shows eye shadow colors are obviously mixed to get the realistic skin tone. There is lots of value to get a realistic look for example the fading color of the make-up. The tome of this piece is a medium tone. Highlights are used in the eyes, nose, mouth, and inner cheeks. The texture is sooth. There are no specific sh .....
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Irish In America
Number of words: 1221 | Number of pages: 5.... the starving Irish would not even have a home (Considine 50). In the years to come, hundreds of thousands of Irish immigrants saved all the money they could to send a family member on the journey across the Atlantic. It was their pain and suffering which powered them and gave them the strength to survive. The ships were overcrowded with immigrants, where disease and hunger followed them and many more died on the journey. Upon arrival at the ports of the United States, the immigrants were described as being "demoralized and confused" (Walt). The Irish men fought, in many cases physically to get labor jobs of long hours and low pa .....
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Aristotle On Art
Number of words: 380 | Number of pages: 2.... a haphazard way. The plot of the play must represent the action of the play as a unified whole. 'Incidents must be so arranged that if any of them is differently placed or taken away the effect of wholeness will be seriously disrupted.' (Poetics, ch 8).
It is the historian who makes a copy or record of things that have happened. The poet describes what might happen. The kinds of things that might happen are those which, in the circumstances, are either probable or necessary.
Poetry is concerned with universal truths; history treats of particular facts.
Universal truths in this context refer to the kinds of things that a certa .....
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Cedar Rapids Community School
Number of words: 1171 | Number of pages: 5.... act, and is the Cedar Rapids school district liable for providing a qualified nurse to attend to his needs during the school day.
Decision of the court: The Supreme Court ruled 7-2
Majority opinion: Justice Stevens wrote the majority opinion which may, in general, be viewed as a reaffirmation of the Tatro case. The Court ruled as follows:
1. The "related services" regulation under the IDEA broadly encompasses those supportive services that may be required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education.
2. Services that enable a disabled child to remain in school during the day provide the stude .....
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Life In The British Colonies
Number of words: 625 | Number of pages: 3.... is a main town in each county. A county is a large part of the colony.
Colonies with cash crops would take their crops to the county seat several
times a year to sell them and buy imports.
The cities were developed in the middle 1700's along the Atlantic
coast where there were good harbors. Ships docked at these harbors and
brought imports from England and left with exports from the colonies. An
export is goods that were to be sold to other colonies. The first cities
were New York City, Philadelphia, and Charleston. These triangle trade
routes linked Britain, the British colonies and Africa. These countries
traded w .....
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Number of words: 1620 | Number of pages: 6.... Germany - through Austria along its border with Slovakia - and then over to Hungary before continuing on to Yugoslavia, and so just misses the Czech lands.) During the Migration of Peoples - roughly from the 3d to the 7th centuries AD - Slav colonization spread westward from the Steppes of the East (probably from Panonia) all the way to the territory of the present-day Czech Republic and up to Poland and down again to Yugoslavia. From probably the sixth century AD on, the Slavic peoples settled, in several waves of migration, into the regions which had been conveniently abandoned by the Germanic tribes.
This is the way that it .....
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Origins Of The Cold War
Number of words: 2149 | Number of pages: 8.... a continuing struggle for mutual survival, influence and dominance.
The fundamental cause of the tension between America and Russia was the conflict of ideologies and incompatibilities between the two massively different societies - communism and capitalism. Therefore, perhaps the best place to start looking for the is the dawn of communism in Russia in 1917. The atrocities and mass killings by the Red Army in the Russian civil war in the period 1917 - 1921 paved the way for the first clash between the communist society and the West. It came in the form of armed intervention by the allied states of the West, including America, w .....
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Causes Of The American Revolut
Number of words: 1041 | Number of pages: 4.... This act forced the colonists to purchase and use specially stamped paper for all official documents, deeds, mortgages, newspapers, and pamphlets. Passed in 1765, the Stamp Act was designed to raise revenue in order to pay for not only the over 140 million pounds of war debts left over from the French and Indian War, but also for a share of the cost of maintaining a permanent force of 10,000 British troops to prevent conflict between the colonists and the Native Americans. Also in 1965, the British passed the Quartering Act, which forced colonists to provide stationed British soldiers with quarters, food, and transportation. .....
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