Papers on History
Arlo Guthrie
Number of words: 644 | Number of pages: 3.... want... at Alice's Restaurant
Walk right in it's around the back
Just a half-a-mile from the railroad track
Oh... You can get anything you want
At Alice's Restaurant.
First of all, there is no restaurant named Alice's Restaurant. Rather, it is about a woman named Alice who lives near a restaurant. Alice and her husband lived in a church that they made into their residence. There was a lot of garbage in the church and it leads to Arlo getting arrested and tried for littering. A couple of years later Arlo registered for the draft because he wanted to be an All-American kid. In the end, the Army found out he was arrested before and fo .....
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A Comparison Of Early Civiliza
Number of words: 1170 | Number of pages: 5.... " growth of the trees and thickets and the birth of life in the darkness, (The Popul Vuh, Chapter 1, Pg. 3).
The Mesopotamians believed their world was created after the Gods sent Marduk, the Warrior God to defeat the oldest of the Gods, Tiamet, the patron of Primeval Chaos. Tiamet created terrible dragons, serpents, Hurricanes, tempests and just about anything she could in order to prevent the Gods from creating someone to worship them, (The Creation Epic, Tablet 1, pg. 7). Marduk was summoned to kill Tiamet, which he did and created Man out of his blood and bone, (The Creation Epic, Tablet VI, pg. 11).
"The Book of Genesi .....
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Black Panthers
Number of words: 840 | Number of pages: 4.... alarmed the government. In March of 1968, the
Panther newspaper printed this warning to police, “Halt in the name of humanity! You shall make
no more war on unarmed people. You will not kill another black person and walk on the streets
of the black community to gloat about it and sneer at the defenseless relatives of your victims.
From now on, when you murder a black person in this Babylon or Babylons, you may as well give
it up because we will get your ass and God can’t hide you.”1 This gave the government cause for
alarm, and they stepped up their “efforts” accordingly. The government went through great
lengths .....
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Masaccio - Innovator Of Perspe
Number of words: 736 | Number of pages: 3.... ultimately completed by Fillipinno Lippi years after Masaccio’s death. This chapel is now a significant monument in the history of art. These frescoes had a tremendous impact on Florentine art thereof, and were used as a basis to teach new artists like Michelangelo and Raphael. It is on these walls that Masaccio created -Expulsion from Eden and The Tribute Money, and many others with Biblical subjects. Probably his most famous, The Tribute Money, gives a superb example of linear perspective, atmospheric perspective, the separation of lines, and the classic color theory.
Linear perspective is a mathematical system of fixing objec .....
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African-American Troops In The Civil War: The 54th Massachusetts
Number of words: 1651 | Number of pages: 7.... was placed in the vanguard
and over 250 men of the regiment became casualties. Shaw, the regiment's young
colonel, died on the crest of the enemy parapet, shouting, "Forward, Fifty-
That heroic charge, coupled with Shaw's death, made the regiment a
household name throughout the north, and helped spur black recruiting. For the
remainder of 1863 the unit participated in siege operations around Charleston,
before boarding transports for Florida early in February 1864. The regiment
numbered 510 officers and men at the opening of the Florida Campaign, and its
new commander was Edward N. Hallowell, a twenty-seven year old m .....
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Crusades 4
Number of words: 1957 | Number of pages: 8.... (), but the Turks made it difficult for Christians to reach the holy places. The military expeditions planned and fought by western European Christians that began around 1095 are known today as the Crusades. The soul purpose of these expeditions was to overtake and gain control of the Holy Land, Jerusalem, from the Muslims. "Deus vult! (God wills it!)" was the battle cry of the thousands of Christians who participated in the event of the Crusades. It was Christian belief that fate was to gain control of the Holy Land for the glory of God. The origin of the Crusades was a result of the Turkish expansion in the middle east; the .....
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Chinese-american Culture In Un
Number of words: 727 | Number of pages: 3.... because they couldn’t communicate well enough that they actually had skills. Trials in the work place helped the immigrants impress upon their children the importance of education.
Education in Asia was and is completely different from western civilization. Asian teachers bear all the responsibility without any help from the home. Ng’s portrayal of Leila as a school teacher and how difficult it was to connect with the Asian children’s parents is a situation relating back to the separation of education and the home in Asia. Another difficult barrier in education was the role of the student. In Asia the student learns w .....
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Arab-Israeli Wars
Number of words: 1608 | Number of pages: 6.... although officially neutral, some commanders assisted one side or the other.
After the British had departed and the state of Israel had been established on May 15, 1948, under the premiership of David BEN-GURION, the Palestine Arab forces and foreign volunteers were joined by regular armies of Transjordan (now the kingdom of JORDAN), IRAQ, LEBANON, and SYRIA, with token support from SAUDI ARABIA. Efforts by the UN to halt the fighting were unsuccessful until June 11, when a 4-week truce was declared. When the Arab states refused to renew the truce, ten more days of fighting erupted. In that time Israel greatly extended the area .....
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Fiddler On The Roof
Number of words: 1139 | Number of pages: 5.... the cruelty of others.
The melodrama is based on the book by Joseph Stein and stories by Shalom Aleichem. The music was written by Bock and the lyrics by Harnick. The play was directed by Jerome Robbins and B. Arthur. Masdel played the main character, Tevya the protagonist. Tevya is a Jew who lives strictly by the Jewish traditions. His two main dilemma's in the play are the pogroms that were taking place against the Jews by the Russians and his five daughters they each in their own way reject the traditions that he loves so much. The play begins with the overture, "fiddler", which is a display of imagery. At this point .....
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Amelia Earhart
Number of words: 1797 | Number of pages: 7.... flying. The next day, given a
helmet and goggles, she boarded the open-cockpit biplane for a 10 minute flight over
Los Angeles.
Amelia had heard of a woman pilot who gave flying instructions and shortly
afterwards began lessons with Anita "Neta" Snook at Kinner Field near Long
Beach. She had several accidents during this period, some could be attributed to
unreliable engines and slowness of the planes. By October 1922, Amelia began
participating in record breaking attempts and set a women's altitude record of
14,000 feet, broken a few weeks later by Ruth Nichols.
In 1925, Amelia .....
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