Papers on History
The Lost Generation
Number of words: 930 | Number of pages: 4.... never have been fought. It was because of a royal family feud that caused millions of deaths. How would one feel if one saw their best friend blown up right before their very own eyes? These kids saw their comrades choke to death because of the fatal mustard gas. They saw friends get shot in the stomach and die slowly of excruciating pain. The dead bodies were innumerable and they had to face their enemy eye to eye and then kill them. These men starved and had to fight off giant rats. Most of these men died of a cause they did not know. If you look at The Gulf War back in 1991, any intelligent person would say how easily we w .....
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Picasso At The Lapin Agile - Dramatic Criticism
Number of words: 750 | Number of pages: 3.... it does from one character to another. For example, the owner of the “Lapin Agile”, Freddy attempts to stump Albert Einstein with a mathematical problem that the audience couldn’t have enough time to equate. This style of fast paced dialogue and action fills the entire script from the opening line, adding humor and wit which is only emphasized by the close attention to details.
In the set design, we first see the use of layering, with a large cyclorama that has been painted onto a piece of scrim to allow for a visual effect at the end of the play. The painting depicts a beautiful scene of “sheep in a meadow in the fog” .....
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Martin Luther King
Number of words: 5019 | Number of pages: 19.... influential leaders of our time. Integrity is a central value in a leader’s character and it is through integrity that King had vision of the truth. The truth that one day this nation would live up to the creed, "all men are created equal". No man contributed more to the great progress of blacks during the 1950’s and 1960’s than , Jr. He was brought up believing "one man can make a difference", and this is just what he did. Integrity has a large effect on what we think, say and do, it is through King’s thoughts and actions that enabled so many people to have trust and faith in him. Through King’s inte .....
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How Successfully From 1945 To
Number of words: 1472 | Number of pages: 6.... reputation and the Republican party used McCarthy to play on the fears that already existed in society about a communist threat to the United States to damage Truman's administration.
It is not enough to simply blame the Republicans for the "Red scares". There was nothing new about a fear of communism. There had been "Red scares" in the 1920's, and the House of un-American Activities Committee was set up in 1938, which contained files of premature anti-fascists. This fear of communism is almost inevitable as communism poses a threat to the American ethos of free market capitalism. There was a communist threat to the United St .....
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China's Influence On Korea
Number of words: 460 | Number of pages: 2.... overlordship but preserving its independence. Koreans also adopted
the Confucian emphasis on the family as the foundation of the state.
Although Koreans adapted and modified Chinese ideas. For example, they
adapted the Chinese civil service examination to reflect their own system
of inherited ranks. In China, even a peasant could win political influence
by passing the exam. In Korea, only aristocrats were permitted to take the
During the Koryo age, Buddhism reached its greatest influence in
Korea. Korean scholars wrote histories and poems based on Chinese models,
while artists created landscape paintings following .....
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Was Colonial Culture Uniquely
Number of words: 1072 | Number of pages: 4.... their respective region. There were the Puritans of New England, the Quakers of the middle colonies, the Anglicans of the southern colonies, and the Scots-Irish of the Appalachian backcountry (Madaras & Sorelle, 1995).
The culture of New England was one unique to New England. The northern colonies of New England were dominated by the Puritans, and settled primarily for religious reasons. The environment of New England consisted of rocky soil, dense forests, and large numbers of fish (Sarcelle, 1965). The culture that developed in New England was appropriate to such conditions.
The soil, being rocky, had to be worked constantly a .....
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Godesses,whores,wives,and Slav
Number of words: 1129 | Number of pages: 5.... child baring.The Bronze Age brings with it oral traditions of history and storytelling, this tied with hard evidence gives some information on how women were viewed by men. In the story of Homer's Illiad, the ten-year war is fought over a woman (Helen). Women were viewed as property, they were won in contests and used for payment of debt. Through the Bronze and Dark Ages, and the entire Archaic period, women were treated pretty muchthe same was varying some from city to city.Pomeroy describes many types of women who lived during Classical Greek times. Not necessarily different races of women, but different classes of women. Th .....
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The Titanic - History Of A Disaster
Number of words: 1667 | Number of pages: 7.... Marcus, the message never reached the bridge, but instead was shoved under a paper-weight (126).
At 10:30 p.m. that evening, a ship going the opposite direction of the Titanic was sighted. This ship, the Rappahannock, had emerged from an ice field and had sustained damage to its rudder. The vessel signaled the Titanic about the ice and the Titanic replied that the message was received (Marcus 127). At 11 p.m. another ice report was received. This one was from the Californian. This liner had passed through the same ice field that the Rappahannock had reported to the Titanic. Like all the other warnings, this warning never .....
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Weapons Of World War 1
Number of words: 1370 | Number of pages: 5.... formed the
rival Triple Entente Powers. Later called the Allies. The States sided
with Serbia and the Allies. Serbia's enemies were on the side of the
Central Powers.
The Industrial Revolution with its large, manufacturing ability,
massive assembly-line production , and expanded shiping distribution had
a powerful influence on the development of weapons. The navy was the first
to make use of the improved weapons. Breech loading firearms increased
firepower, and the invention of repeating hand gun, rifle, and early
machine gun increased the volume of small arms fire. Two completely new
weapons for the navy evolved. The .....
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The Atomic Bomb
Number of words: 2019 | Number of pages: 8.... something, and do something very fast. This is why the president called to order the “Manhattan Project.” Nothing happened until Vannevar Bush, coordinator of scientific activities for the war, took charge. The program was called the Manhattan Project. It came under United States Army control in 1942. The Manhattan Project is a code name for the United States efforts to complete the separation of uranium-235 out of the uranium238. The development of these compounds resulted in the impact of nuclear energy in the 20th century. President Roosevelt would later spend 2 billion dollars on this project. His goal was to ensure the saf .....
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