Papers on History
Causes Of The American Civil War
Number of words: 1946 | Number of pages: 8.... railroads, and canals. The South, on the other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the Northern manufacturer. It was bad for the South because a high tariff would not let the south trade its cotton for foreign goods. The North also wanted a good banking and currency system and federal subsidies for shipping and internal improvements. The South felt these were discriminatory and that they favored Northern commercial interests.
Now the main reason for the South’s secession was the Slavery issue. Basically the South wanted and nee .....
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The Civil War
Number of words: 1174 | Number of pages: 5.... democracy had triumphed by giving freedom to
slaves, but the amendment was not complete. It only stopped slavery, and made
no provisions for citizenship; therefore, blacks were still not considered
United States citizens. The fourteenth amendment was the democratic expansion
that fixed that problem. Originally passed to "put a number of matters beyond
the control or discretion of the president," the amendment also made "All
persons born or naturalized in the United States . . . citizens of the United
States." It also provided that, "No State shall abridge the privileges or
immunities of citizens of the United States." .....
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The Marshall Plan
Number of words: 1707 | Number of pages: 7.... they believed, could save Europe from chaos and communism.
With sureness of purpose, some luck and a little convincing, these men persuaded Congress to help rescue Europe with $13.3 billion in economic assistance over three years. That sum--more than $100 billion in today's dollars, or about six times what America now spends annually on foreign aid--seems unthinkable today. The European Recovery Program, better known as , was an extraordinary act of strategic generosity. How a few policymakers persuaded their countrymen to pony up for the sake of others is a tale of low politics and high vision
Yet their achievement is recalled b .....
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Cuban Revolution
Number of words: 1050 | Number of pages: 4.... preferable to disarray. Batista could
no longer legitimize his regime . Failure in the elections of 1954 showed the
discontent of the people, and failure in communications with the United States
illustrated its discontent. Finally, opposing forces confronted Batista's
power: there were street protests, confrontations with the police, assault,
sabotage, and urban violence. This began the revolution in Cuba.
America, with its stubborn ideas and misjudgements of character, forced
Castro to turn to the Soviets for alliance and aid. When Castro visited the
United States in April, 1959, there were different respected ind .....
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Smoke Signals - Movie Analysis
Number of words: 797 | Number of pages: 3.... were only 12 years old. But Victor fumes with hostility toward his father for abandoning him and his mother Arlene. The boyhood scenes of Victor and Arnold show a man who loves his son dearly but who is also clearly possessed by his own demons. One minute Arnold is happily telling stories to his son, drinking his beer as they drive home, the next he's slapping Victor’s head for knocking over the bottle. Victor responds by alternately showing love and rage for his confused and violent father.
Now in his twenties, Victor is a quiet young man, still as a rock. After Arlene receives a call from Phoenix informing her that A .....
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Human Nature And The Declaration Of Independence
Number of words: 1624 | Number of pages: 6.... they also based their arguments on the
workings of governments of the time and contemporary theories of government of
writers and political-social thinkers of their time.
The three essays that were given to us in class, Politics by Aristotle,
Of Commonwealth by Thomas Hobbes, and Of the Limits of Government by John
Locke are all very intersting essays on how government is supposed to funtion.
Although the founding fathers probably read all three of these essays and
simialar philosphical thought went into the writing of The Declaration of
Independence I think that the only essay of the really used by the founding
fathers w .....
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Origins Of Communism
Number of words: 1534 | Number of pages: 6.... Babeuf was not forgotten though, others followed in his footsteps. Another 19th century French reformer, Charles Fourier, shared many of Babeuf’s ideas, but where Babeuf favored immediate political change, Fourier was for longer-term social reform. The Comte de Saint-Simon, another political thinker of that time, was similar to Fourier in many respects, although he valued a mixed society of capitalist thinkers and socialist workers which he believed would triumph in future French communities.
Meanwhile in England, Robert Owen, a Welsh industrialist, was developing his own brand of Socialism. Unlike many philosophers of his time .....
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Government Lies From Vietnam
Number of words: 2129 | Number of pages: 8.... harmed citizens, but also put a damper on there own fight for justice. Just a few years before the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the CIA had failed miserably with their attempted invasion of the Bay of Pigs.
The government’s need to lie can be summed up by Victor Zorza in his Washington Post Article of November 1965: “In psychological warfare… the intelligence agencies of the democratic countries suffer from the grave disadvantage that in attempting to damage the adversary they must also deceive their own public.” Shortly before sending General Paul D. Harkins off to Vietnam, President Kennedy meet with him at the White .....
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African Colonialism
Number of words: 1871 | Number of pages: 7.... trading could not be stopped entirely. British Naval ships were set up as blockades but sometimes Slaves were stored in spaces that were no higher than 12 inches so not all slave carrying boats could be stopped. In fact while the Navy stopped approximately 103,000 slaves from entering the slave force about 1.7 million entered it. Since this trade was illegal it was even more profitable than before. The slaves that were stopped from being shipped all the way west were being sent to Freetown, Sierra Leone and Monrovia, Liberia and they were called recaptives. These were towns set up by the British and some liberal Americans to se .....
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Matrix Essay
Number of words: 856 | Number of pages: 4.... in times of need. In modern society there are many new religions being created to suit the individual, this is because there is a need for something to control our lives, our actions, how we do certain things and generally just a set of rules to live by. This is why most people find they need a religion. In the Matrix the lead character Neo (Keanu Reeves) is given the choice of becoming part of a religion or not. He is offered this choice by deciding on two different pills, the red one and blue one. He picks the red pill, which is the pill that’ll make him part of the “Matrix Religion”. Morpheus, Neo’s mentor and offer .....
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