Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Definition Essay On Love
Number of words: 1046 | Number of pages: 4.... and woman. In today’s society it is said that romantic love can be found regardless of your gender and based on that definition I would have to agree, but personally disagree for the simply reason that we were physically made to adapt with the other gender sexually. Feeling romantic love for the same sex would defeats the purpose of our existents, which is procreation. Thus making love for the same sex unjust.
Love has been expressed since the beginning of time; since Adam and Eve. Each culture expresses its love in its own special way. Though out history, though, it’s aspect has always been the same. Love has been a ma .....
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Number of words: 975 | Number of pages: 4.... any question that the group is not doing the right thing, they just act. The disregarding of information or warnings that may lead to changes in past policy is the third symptom. Even if there is considerable evidence against their standpoint, they see no problems with their plan. Stereotyping of enemy leaders or others as weak or stupid is the fourth symptom. This symptom leads to close-mindedness to other individuals and their opinions. The fifth symptom is the self-censorship of an individual causing him to overlook his doubts. A group member basically keeps his mouth shut so the group can continue in harmony. Symptom .....
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Federal Express
Number of words: 2611 | Number of pages: 10.... operating in 1971, and is now the world's largest express transportation company. The founder of this company is Fred Smith, currently the President and CEO of FedEx. FedEx was founded with the goal to move packages. Fred Smith’s idea was different, his new company had an amazingly fresh concept - to devote a fleet of jets to overnight delivery. Smith came from a long line of transportation entrepreneurs and learned to fly at the young age of 15. In 1969, he purchased Arkansas Aviation with the goal of doing something more than merely selling aircraft, as had been the business’s sole purpose in the past. A .....
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Indonesia Crisis As An Example
Number of words: 2080 | Number of pages: 8.... will have the most impact on international relations. It should be obvious that an economic transformation of the magnitude we have seen cannot help but have equally dramatic political consequences.
Asia is obviously a diverse region. It goes without saying that the economic meltdown will affect Japan’s politics dramatically differently than Malaysia’s. However, events during the last week have drawn our attention to one area of commonality: the effect of the economic crisis on the military in China and in Indonesia.
These two countries are not usually lumped together; they differ in profound ways. But they share th .....
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Hope Lives Where Death Seems T
Number of words: 1042 | Number of pages: 4.... used was no larger than a small blade pocketknife, one-quarter inch at its breath. It was similar in size to the knife that my father carried religiously in his pants pocket. The signs I noted in my evaluation, coupled with the knowledge of other signals, pointed to one thing . . . pericardial tamponade.
This type of injury is usually fatal. Already, the man had lain in the street far too long, approximately 30 minutes, without adequate oxygen. I applied a sophisticated piece of equipment to him, Military Anti-Shock Trousers (MAST). This "magic" device, when inflated, pushes a liter of blood from each of the lower three body .....
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Number of words: 1339 | Number of pages: 5.... original Sufis, though they seem far from the orthodox views, maintained a very close tie with original Islamic doctrine. Their differences were considerable, but the link with orthodoxy was “guaranteed by their acceptance of the law and ritual practices of Islam.”
The Sufis believe that a person’s soul abides with God before it ever inhabits the body of man. This connection is the reason for all Sufi practice. Their rituals and ceremonies are an attempt to reconnect their soul with God, its original keeper. This pursuit of God also leads Sufis to believe in a pursuit of ecstasy, which can be reac .....
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Talk Show Tension
Number of words: 1407 | Number of pages: 6.... by the guests on "talk shows".
Imagine being a guest on the Jerry Springer show, as you walk onto the stage you see the large audience chanting those infamous words. You sit down next to your fiancée not knowing what to expect, you are nervous and anxious. Finally, Jerry says those terrible words, "So, don't you have something to tell your fiancé?" She turns to you, looks into your eyes and says, "Remember about a month ago when I disappeared at that party at your house? Well, that night your brother and me left the party early. I'm sorry, I have been sleeping with your brother for the past month." Suddenly, the an .....
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Media Control
Number of words: 903 | Number of pages: 4.... bit of the true reality out of the information and eventually leads to a misinformed public.
A recent incident at The San Francisco Examiner illustrated filter two. Nike and the Examiner were co-sponsoring the Bay to Breakers race. At the same time Stephanie Salter, a columnist at the paper, wrote an article about Nike's inhumane practices in Asian. The story was not published because the paper didn't want to upset Nike so close to the race. It's clear that the money Nike has effects the news reported about the company.
Media has turned from informing to entertaining. Entertaining sells and media has become profit oriented. .....
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Descartes And Locke
Number of words: 1517 | Number of pages: 6.... that relationship. There are many cases that prove that people have attempted to impose their believes on others, being in the end punished because thought to be crazy. One of those is Galileo Galilei, he was sure in fact that the sun was not revolving around earth, but instead the earth revolves around the sun. Also the early Greek philosopher Anaxagoras was exiled from Athens because he was saying the moon was a rock. There have been many martyrs that have been punished only because they challenged the infallible wisdom of the rulers in their society. Philosopher are concerned in determine the basis of all knowledge, and agree .....
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Time Management
Number of words: 622 | Number of pages: 3.... The more a class is attended the less likely it will be dropped or failed. Goal setting is another main issue in managing time. Goal setting for grades has been proven to be very helpful. Once a goal has been set figure out the time it will take to achieve the goal. Setting priorities is a main key in making time. The understanding of what needs to be done and what can be done will make a big difference. If parties are number one then how is an “A” expected when every party is attended. Something as simple as a list can be extremely useful. Taking the time to make a list helps to clear the mind and organize th .....
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