Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
History Of Basketball
Number of words: 710 | Number of pages: 3.... used as goals.
Naismith made a set of thirteen rules for his new "basketball" game:
1. The ball may be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2. The ball may be batted in any direction with one or both hands, but never
with the fist.
3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot on
which he catches it, allowance to be made for a man running at good speed.
4. The ball must be held in or between the hands. The arms or body must not be
used for holding it.
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, striking or tripping in any way of an
opponent. The first infringement of this rule by .....
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Number of words: 501 | Number of pages: 2.... like many other expatriate Americans in Paris. He is living at the cost of money sent from home, practising his favourite occupations such as writing, fishing and boozing. It actually is quite unbelievable how much that man drinks on a single day..
Someday he happens to meet an old friend of his, Robert Cohn, who had known for years and with who he had lost contact. Together they figure out going away for some time, Jake because he wants to go to Pamplona for the traditional fiesta and Robert because he needed to get away from his fiancee.
Several months after this plan has been worked out, they go on their trip, with some frien .....
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Television 2
Number of words: 676 | Number of pages: 3.... words television can be a great instrument in educational learning.
Entertainment is also another major part of why television is such a great tool. Everyone loves to be entertained and watching television is a pleasurable experience, it offers something for just about everyone. Television shows can easily get you “Hooked”, making you feel as if it is imperative that you watch the show every time it is on. This is a good thing, if you keep your priorities straight, because television should not be your number one priority. The entertainment part of television contributes to keeping people out of trouble. If a pers .....
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Shot Put
Number of words: 1320 | Number of pages: 5.... downward into the ground to establish proper wrist action
4. Deliveries: facing the direction of the throw, sitting back on a bent right leg with both feet pointing toward the direction of throw, transfer weight from the right leg to the supporting left toe and deliver the shot.
5. Cross-step and putting action.
6. One step forward and putting action.
7. One step back and putting action.
8. Series of glides on a straight line.
9. Glide in the circle to a premarked power position.
10. glide connected to the putting action.
11. Hop on right leg, tuck the foot under the body at a righ tangle.
12. Pivot on a 15cm platform (d .....
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Causes And Solutions For Teen
Number of words: 716 | Number of pages: 3.... one there that understands what they are feeling and going through. This leads to isolation with their thoughts and problems which is unhealthy because it gives them time to ponder over all of their worries. Eventually, if the problem goes unnoticed by friends or family members, it can lead to suicide (Teen Challenge, 1998).
What, you may ask, is going on in the head of a suicidal teen when he/she decides to kill himself/herself? They may be thinking of pressures such as the widespread use of alcohol and other drugs unheard of 40 or 50 years ago. These adolescent want to "fit in" and be part of "the group." Another problem .....
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Insight On Necrophilia,whats T
Number of words: 643 | Number of pages: 3.... the contrast of the story versus the judgement of her society in the fifties.
When the author decided to explore a controversial matter of sexual nature, such as necrophilia, she made a thoughtful decision by choosing a woman as the vehicle of this sin. Society tends to perceive certain sexual behavior with varying degrees of acceptance, based on the gender of the person in question. Masturbation is an example of one such sexual behavior easily accepted when performed by a man but perceived as unhealthy when performed by a woman. I doubt that a descriptive story on necrophilia would have been published should the main character h .....
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A Mythical Analysis Of A Yaqui Way Of Knowledge
Number of words: 574 | Number of pages: 3.... I believe his stories are mythical in nature.
There are also many shamanistic idealogies that run throughout his stories.
Views of the natural world including plant life, animal life, and elements are
all personified. Everything is embodied with spirit. Concepts of reality are
altered through drug induced states. Mushrooms and peyote are mainly used in
rituals that don Juan uses to teach Carlos his way of knowledge: Mescalito, the
"spirit" of the peyote plant, indicated to don Juan that Carlos was the "chosen"
one, the person to whom don Juan should pass on his knowledge(CLC,87). Don Juan
speaks of many different spirits and .....
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HRM - Ever Evoloving
Number of words: 4081 | Number of pages: 15.... do so effectively, vision and creativity are required in addition to on-going awareness of the bottom line.
The Changing Workplace
At the opening of the 20th century, the majority of jobs in America were held in two areas, agriculture and industry. Population distribution tables for that time demonstrate that most of the nation inhabited rural areas rather than urban areas. This continued to be the trend up until WWII, when men left the country to fight and women left rural America to fill factory jobs as their contribution to the war effort. This movement was the beginning of nationwide workplace and societal chang .....
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Cats As Pets
Number of words: 553 | Number of pages: 3.... don’t meow very often either, unless they are hungry or want some attention. They are generally happy just to lead a quiet and content life. They don’t usually have “accidents” in the house either. ?They can be trained very quickly on how to use the litter box, and when they know where it is and why it is used, they will always seem to use it. Since cats do have claws, and have a tendency to use them in places they shouldn’t, there should be a scratching post or something of that nature close by so that they can exercise their claws without doing damage to your furniture or curtains. It keeps both you and them happy.
La .....
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Number of words: 725 | Number of pages: 3.... a different drummer” (Thoreau). Thoreau is
saying that just because a man does not conform to society, it does not mean he is weird; he is an individual.
Transcendentalism emphasizes the fact that man should be his own individual and rely only on himself. Emerson
states, “Society every where is in conspiracy against the manhood of everyone of its members” (Emerson). This
maxim means that society tries to conform man, taking away his ability to be his own individual and to think for
One other essential element of Transcendentalism is getting back to nature. Emerson and Thoreau firmly
believed that man should go .....
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