Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Number of words: 1249 | Number of pages: 5.... to consider the fact that many people believe that this sort of behaviour would be considered acceptable.
The first form of adultery is Accidental . This can happen to the more careless person, but at the same time, to the person whose values and commitments are tenuous. They lack self-control and respect for both themselves and their spouse. Any situation where they are left alone with the opposite sex is an opportunity for an “accident” to occur. It was shocking to find out that most cases of occur with couples who are less than twenty -five years old, one would have thought early marriages where happy and care f .....
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Greed In Sports
Number of words: 770 | Number of pages: 3.... the ejection. As Alomar was being pushed away by Johnson, he spit at Hirschbeck. Alomar was suspended for five games which was to be served at the beginning of the 1997 season, so he could continue to play in the playoffs. In my
opinion, this act was indefensible and warranted a stiffer penalty than a five-game suspension. Major league umpires threatened to strike during the playoffs due to Alomar’s behavior and inadequate punishment. I believe that the league did not suspend Alomar during the playoffs because he is such a high profile player that he brings in enough money for the league that league that officials felt they .....
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What Causes Juvenile Delinquin
Number of words: 781 | Number of pages: 3.... can also cause problems in the home. Either of these items being abused in the home will immediately cause it to be unstable. Both items will most likely lead to other things such as fighting between the parents, abuse of the juvenile, or just an overall disregard for life. On top of that it gives the juvenile an easy chance to start using the products. Once the juvenile is using drugs or alcohol they are definitely becoming delinquent. The drugs and/or alcohol doesn't allow for any of the necessary binding which needs to happen for a family to be stable.
Another important factor is whether the juvenile has a place in the fam .....
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The Role Of The Front Office
Number of words: 341 | Number of pages: 2.... room number over the telephone should never be
connected until the caller identifies whom he or she is calling and the hotel
employee verifies the identity of the person in the room requested. A person
inquiring at the front desk about a guest may be asked to use the house phones
so that they connect only to the hotel operator. The caller can then be
properly screened to provideadditional security. Front office staff may also
inform guest's of personal precautions they may take. For example, front desk
agents may suggest that guests hide and secure any valuables left in their cars.
Bellpersons accompanying the guest to a roo .....
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Muhammad's 23 Years Of Prophetic Ministry
Number of words: 871 | Number of pages: 4.... murder of 10 people living in Mecca. Muhammad said "God forbid killing in Mecca, except for this one day." Sarh was one of the people Muhammad ordered to be murdered. His crime? He had left Islam, and he constituted a threat to the credibility of the Qur'an and the prophethood of Muhammad. No wonder then that Muhammad wanted him dead.
"'To me it has been revealed', when naught has been revealed to him" refers to `Abdallah Ibn Sa`d Ibn Abi Sarh, who used to write for God's messenger. The verse (23:12) that says, "We created man of an extraction of clay" was revealed, and when Muhammad reached the part that says, "... thereafter We .....
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Definition Of Education
Number of words: 679 | Number of pages: 3.... billions of
our dollars on weapons. We spend in order to line the pockets of weapon
If we thought for ourselves then we would realize that the peop[le in
power do not pay us enough or that they are doing underhanded illegal
transactions. If we thought for ourselves that would cut into their profit and
we all know that can not happen. The Savings and Loans Scandal is a perfect
example of this. Big business made a mistake and then instead of dealing with
it they pawned there massive losses on the American public.
Education is a farce, a cruel joke that the people in power attempt to
trick us in .....
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Active Learning
Number of words: 498 | Number of pages: 2.... 1996) Being that students are learning fundamental lessons in their early childhood, it is important that they retain the information that they learn. also has the benefit of promoting attributes that employers will value in the future. These attributes include better interaction skills and leadership skills.
“The whole point of ”, says Bard Licker, associate professor in the department of professional studies in education, “is to use strategies that cause the students to really be engaged with the subject matter.” There are many ways to implement in the classroom. Some are as simple as the kinds of question .....
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Number of words: 578 | Number of pages: 3.... which in some machines
tends to be more impressive than others (Arcticat and Polaris).
Before you just jump on that snowmobile, you need a couple things.
First of all, you need a snowmobile. If you don't already own one, there
are places that rent them. Usually any snowmobile dealership will have a
rental fleet. Not to rain on your parade, but before you get all excited
about going out and renting a snowmobile, you have to realize a couple of
things. To rent snowmobiles you must be 21 years of age. So you're going
to have to get someone to sign for you on the insurance slip, and if you
get that far, you also must realize that ren .....
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TEEN Magazine
Number of words: 736 | Number of pages: 3.... actually that skinny? It's actually kind of sick. I
think they should widen their models to all sizes and shapes. What? Just
because a girl who is not amazingly skinny for a model, the company won't
sell anything? Well I can't exactly describe the clothes they wear, but I
have never run across a person wearing the same thing. But in Seventeen
they have a section called "School Zone" and they go around different
schools and take pictures of the students. I can understand the way they
dress and they do show different looks.
Both magazines put out information about bands, but I don't listen
to those bands. As a matter .....
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Ontological And Cosmological Arguments Of God's Existence
Number of words: 2920 | Number of pages: 11.... being who either does not yet exist or no longer exists is self-contradictory, so that the very idea we have of such a being requires existence." (Pg. 307).
In his Meditations, Decartes offers the following version of the ontological argument. He considers the idea of God, a supremely perfect being, just as real as the idea of the existence of any shape or a number. His understanding of God's existence is no less clear and distinct than his proofs for the existence of any shape or number. Therefore he adds, "although all that I concluded in the preceding Meditations were found to be false, the existence of God would pass .....
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