Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Motivation Is Progression
Number of words: 1298 | Number of pages: 5.... way to society. A person who has spent a weekend participating in their hobbies and passions will be much more relaxed than someone who has been working without any self-satisfaction. A relaxed person is a more productive person and productive people tend to give of themselves in society.
Motivation towards self-enjoyment leads to an overall improvement in society. Without motivation would Einstein have had any reason to invent the theory of relativity? Self interest is the driving force behind invention and creativity. Most hobbies need capital to be participated in. The production of capital coincides with contributi .....
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Criminal Insanity
Number of words: 2411 | Number of pages: 9.... people first become criminally insane is because of the way they were treated as children. Many examples to support this theory can be found throughout history. One example is the infamous Charles Manson. Charles Mansons' home life was anything but normal; he was, in fact, the son of a "teenage, bisexual, alcoholic prostitute, and was once traded for a pitcher of beer" ("Charles..."). Another example is Henry Lee Lucas, a famous serial killer, who "as a child, lost an eye after a severe beating from his mother" ("Serial..."). Finally, Pedro Alonso Lopez, believed to be the key player in over 300 murders was "kicked out of h .....
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Personal Writing: My Experiences Of Interracial Schooling
Number of words: 572 | Number of pages: 3.... may pick on
the non-minority due to a belief that these students care about their
schooling, whereas minority students are being pre-judged without the
chance to really learn. Some people even believe that combining the
different minorities may cause problems.
Combining minority with non-minority students can create some
conflict. Some non-minority students, this attitude of aggression may be
brought on by "close-minded" non-minority students. These students let
their attitude take over their learning time, by worrying about the other
minority students. Each student, whether thy be minority or non-minority,
must put their mind .....
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The Americanization Of Canada
Number of words: 682 | Number of pages: 3.... when they can watch the Denver Broncos and New England Patriots play some football and then to watch the cheerleaders? All of them, practically. In summary, this apparent coca-colonization of the Canadian social identity is on the uprise of one specific medium, the medium.
Second, not only is the Americanization happening in the aspect of social identity, but it also flows over into national identity. What can be said about the national identity of Canada? First thought that comes to most peoples’ minds is that of the mounted police, beavers, ice hockey, and wide land mass. In fact, our national identity has been brought abo .....
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Stakeholder Relations
Number of words: 1494 | Number of pages: 6.... foods, groceries, and household needs.
The Kwik Save division was introduced to Somerfield when they announced their unconditional merger on March 20, 1998. Kwik Save’s philosophy is to provide a full range of quality products at the lowest price on the high street. The idea was all about no frills low pricing. Somerfield started a £1 billion programme to convert Kwik Save stores to Somerfield and also modernising the original Somerfield stores.
Somerfield’s third business is the Convenience division, a group of about 100 stores, ideal for ‘top-up’ shoppers, offering a range of groceries and p .....
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A Comparison Of Multi-Valued Orientation And Two Valued Orientation
Number of words: 309 | Number of pages: 2.... show it's use. Hot and cold were used for two
valued orientation. Those were the extremes. Instead of using extremes, the
actual numbers are used. 74 degrees, 98.6 degrees, and -13 degrees are all
examples of the multi-valued orientation. The option to not choose the
extremes is open in these circumstances. Instead of doing good or bad work,
it is possible to do medeocire, very good, or very bad work.
People tend to stay away from the two valued orientation and let
others make up their mind to a capacity of freedom. Multi-valued
orientation and two-valued orientation are two ways of assigning values to
things, that use two complet .....
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The Chihuahua
Number of words: 673 | Number of pages: 3.... history of isn't known, there are facts showing that Mexican peasants brought the "Mexican Dog" over the Texas and Arizona borders. Most came from the largest state in Mexico . . . Chihuahua. The records show of the chi listed as a "Chihuahua Terrier" in 1884 in the Miscellaneous Class. In the turn of the century, the weak dog was bred with a stronger small dog, the Toy Fox Terrier, to make a better breed. This was where the "deer head" originated.
A Chihuahua has many distinguished characteristics. The head should have a rounded "apple" head with a sharp vertical stop between the eyes. This is one of the chi's most distinctive .....
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Feng Shui And Building Structures
Number of words: 1257 | Number of pages: 5.... interior structure is made entirely of wood. In relation to feng shui, the wood provides a natural and environmental atmosphere. In the temple stand four great columns, each distinguishing a season, which enhances the feeling of being surrounded by nature. The temple is fully enhanced with feng shui, pertaining to nature. Located at the top of "The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest's" simply cylinder-shaped structure's interior is the Imperial Heavenly Vault, rising on a marble terrace and sealed by a single roof consisting of blue tiles. According to the theories of feng shui, blue represents knowledge, which is an honorable .....
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Road Rage
Number of words: 286 | Number of pages: 2.... traffic is moving well. You glance to the side before pulling out in front of a car. All is clear and you switch into the next lane.
As you pass the other car, another car comes up from your right and banks you sharply. A spray of sparks bounces of your passenger door. Then you look to the right, and you see a hostile glare and then the driver of the other car mouths some obscenities in your direction. Quickly you speed up to escape the car. The chase is on. Welcome to “.”
Chances are that you have never been in a situation like this one. But every day, the chances increase. To avoid situations like this one, .....
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Cigarrette Advertisements
Number of words: 1222 | Number of pages: 5.... This ad, taken from Mademoiselle magazine, is predominately targeted towards women. It is a two-page advertisement that reads, “I wanted a light, not his life story.” Below the quote there is a round, black “No Bull” stamp imprinted. On the opposite page there is a black and white picture of a woman smoking her cigarette. She is listening to the man sitting next to her incessantly talking. From the expression on her face the reader is able to assume that she is completely uninterested in what he has to say. Obviously annoyed, she is thinking to herself that all she wanted was a light. The twice-mentioned .....
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