Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Stock Market
Number of words: 1101 | Number of pages: 5.... it, I look up the Internet and research for it. For the three months ended September 30 1998, total revenues rose 64% to 858 million, Net income rose from 32 million to 108 million. Result reflects increase member of subscribers. From the information I got, I predicted that this stock could gain the profits for me so I chose it.
Also from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, I can tell how economy goes in the world. It's the oldest and most widely used measures of the overall condition of the ; each of the four averages is price-weighted and includes a few dozen widely held stocks. There are four Dow Jones Averages: Industrial, Tra .....
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Compare How Hobbes And Augustine Think The Condition Of War Arises And Defend One Author's Account Of `ordinary' Morality As An Antedote For It
Number of words: 891 | Number of pages: 4.... love of God,
then, is the only way humans can completely satisfy all four virtues and have
eternal peace. Eternal peace is where faith, love, and hope are to be enjoyed,
such as in The City of God.
In Book XIX, Augustinian social theory summarizes the principle of
ordered harmony. This theory finds perfection in a mutual society that believes
in God. Believing in God, though, lends a problem in the simple rule of justice:
how do we give each other their due? Seemingly, war or hostility would not be a
part of a Christian's life on earth. Augustine counters by indicating that war
may be and is waged by God's commandment. .....
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Perdue Farm
Number of words: 1263 | Number of pages: 5.... By 1994, revenues were around 1.5 Billion a year. To add to this number Perdue purchased the twelfth largest poultry producer in the United States with about 8,000 employees and revenues of approximately $550,000 a year.
Internal analysis of strengths and weaknesses
- Practice small economies
- Sells only fresh young broilers
- Maintain an environmentally friendly workplace
- Represent the total quality management slogan
- Leads the industry in quality
- Largest poultry producer in the northeast
- Second largest producer in the United States
- Owns its own trucking fleet
- Involved in every aspect of the bu .....
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Canadian Family Enetering 21st
Number of words: 1284 | Number of pages: 5.... adapting for the future.
The family is considered the most basic social institution. Often the significance of problems that occur within family is underestimated. Families are being increasingly jeopardized by a number of social issues. In 1991, approximately one-quarter of Canadian households consisted of only one person (Hagedorn 396). Although over the past twenty-five years the number of marriages has decreased significantly. Most people in Canada marry at least once in their lifetime. "Most marriages are characterized by homogamy and by inequality in domestic labor and marital power" (Hagedorn 396). Therefore, many people .....
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Myths Of Meaning
Number of words: 606 | Number of pages: 3.... one rather than an outward one as the more traditional interpretation of the myth suggests. In this sense of the myth, Hamlet's outward dishonesty would not be a betrayal of his inner truth, and he would become a figure of light seeking to maintain that light in a dark and dangerous world.
The myth of Sisyphus like the myth of Diogenes has been a symbol to many writers including Albert Camus who wrote an essay entitled "The Myth of Sisyphus." According to the myth, he was a king of Corinth and ancestor of Bellerophon. In Homer he was seen as a trickster in Heades for crimes which are variously explained. His punishment for these .....
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Game Over!
Number of words: 1282 | Number of pages: 5.... things are only going to get worse until they come to some sort of an agreement.
The baseball strike of `94 officially hit the hearts of America on August 12, three quarters into one of the
most intriguing seasons in a long time. A season on the verge of breaking many long standing records. As
the strike began, the people of the world looked with sadness, as well as disgust towards players and
owners. Officially, the strike is the players verses the owners, but at a closer look, it is much more
complicated. Within the owners meetings, there is feuding as well. Small market clubs such as Montreal,
Milwaukee, Cincinnati .....
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Television 2 -
Number of words: 1398 | Number of pages: 6.... cannot yet be said to have enriched our civilization. For that to happen it must become interactive, so the viewers may cease to be just absorbers.
In the flood of images from the silver screen the less good accompanies the best, just as in cinema or in literature. The factor which distinguishes television from the cinema and books, however, is that the full quality range, down to the very worst, is offered to us round the clock, in our own homes. Unless we take particular care to preserve our sense of values, we let it all soak in. We have not yet become "diet conscious", as regards our intake of television fare, although thi .....
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Number of words: 842 | Number of pages: 4.... dies.
This also means that a soul can exist without a body.
2. If we assume that the soul dies with the body it is connected to, than we
will have to assume there is an endless number of souls which is improbable.
3. Matter is enduring and, therefore, so is the soul. If the soul exists after
death, hens it had existed before birth.
Gomertz believes the origin of this belief is in India, where it was
believed that every action had a hidden reaction, other than the obvious one.
This reaction is obscure at first and is only later revealed, sometimes even in
the next life.
Reincarnation in Different Cultures and Religions .....
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The Pc Industry
Number of words: 985 | Number of pages: 4.... CCC has been most successful with their smaller machines, targeted to the home/family segment, because they are able to sell large quantities. However, Compaq has been unsuccessful in retaining customers because most of them were pleased with their smaller machines and did not upgrade to CCC’s more expensive, high-tech systems,(Hamblen 1-2). Customer retention has been a problem for the forty billion-dollar company, (Hamblen 1-2). It is my assessment that Compaq does still remain the leader because their products are very easy to buy for the uneducated consumer. You may simply walk into the WIZ or BEST BUY and there are .....
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Periodical Review Of Human Com
Number of words: 2048 | Number of pages: 8.... have something of interest for every reader. She also says that HCR is moving with a general trend that is away from the databased research studies towards more theory-based research and rigorous interpretations of results. Although they are trying to increase the variety of topics, they are still maintaining a behavioral science approach to communications. Gallois also welcomes the expansion of methods on research and is a firm believer in the idea that a good researcher is one that is capable of choosing the approach and methodology that best fit the research question. It is also her belief that HCR will develop more of a .....
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