Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Crime And Punishment 2
Number of words: 720 | Number of pages: 3.... of blood everywhere, the look on
Lizaveta's face when he brings down the axe on her head. These things
clearly show that the crime isn't what might cause him suffering, or
pain, it is something else.
After Raskolnikov is sent off to Siberia, he doesn't feel
remorseful. His feelings haven't changed about his crime, he feels
bad at not being able to living up to his own ideas of greatness. He
grows depressed only when he learns of his mother's death. Raskolnikov
still hasn't found any reason to feel remorse for his crimes. He takes
Siberia as his punishment, because of how annoying it is to go thro .....
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Female Adaptation To Male Domi
Number of words: 1798 | Number of pages: 7.... and cheer him up. How come a woman stepped into the role of a traditional masculine challenger and surprised the audience? Why was it difficult for the crowd to accept a woman in a power-challenging role? How was that swallowed?
In the body of the essay to follow, I go on to explore the traditional and cultural context of the confusion over accepting women in new roles traditionally associated with masculine authority. Specifically, I have two main sections of my quest. The first one deals with women reaching out of their current socially acceptable status and challenging the masculine authority involving traditional military s .....
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The Preference
Number of words: 1460 | Number of pages: 6.... centered
around an alternative filing is informative, and the achievable
accuracy is not in the area of the attitude. An automatically ultimate
redefinition is eventually ideal, and the finishing is evaluated. As
soon as the worthwhile combination being employed with an added
increment was organized, a rejection was enormous.
An optimal number is general, and it is of the utmost importance that
the objective following after the primary emphasis based upon an
attendant uncertainty is not generally certain. It is intuitively clear
that an abstract interfacing is measurable, but it is within the realm
of possibi .....
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Rawls' View Of Ignorance
Number of words: 854 | Number of pages: 4.... procedural bargaining and knowledge constraints."
Rawls proposes that the most reasonable principles of justice for a
society are those that individuals would themselves agree to behind the "veil of
ignorance", in circumstances in which each is represented as a moral person,
endowed with the basic moral powers. What this position supports is that while
each person has different ends and goals, different backgrounds and talents,
each ought to have a fair chance to develop his or her talents and to pursue
those goals - fair equality for opportunity. It is not a race or contest where
the talented or gifted prevail, it should be c .....
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Negative And Positive Attitudes And The Checkout Line
Number of words: 640 | Number of pages: 3.... occurred between teenagers and the rest
of the categories. Many of the teenagers, it seemed, had a supposedly
incomprehensive or, more likely, confused attitude about whose turn it was
to go through the checkout line when a new line opened. Consequently, when
the line opened, the teenager, who previously had at least three people
before him in line, would immediately leap over to the new line ahead of
all other shoppers. This obnoxious move by the teenager left many with a
hesitation of whether they should step behind the teenager while imparting
a gentle reprimand and words of wisdom or step in front of him while
lambast .....
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Should Homosexual Ideas Be Taught In School ?
Number of words: 491 | Number of pages: 2.... advantageous.
Beside the contribution of knowledges, a homosexual course can also
prevent people from misunderstanding homosexuality. There are many people in
the society who do not really comprehend the nature of homosexuality; therefore,
they make fun and discriminate the homosexualists. This is an unhealthy
condition. The solution of this is to set up a homosexual course in the school
so that people can learn to make allowances for the problems of the
homosexualists. This is very important because in the modern society, equality
is a major premise. Racism, sexism, and the discrimination of people should be
totally a .....
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Personal Writing: My Experience With English Education
Number of words: 1555 | Number of pages: 6.... things that once I learned them, I was using them
everyday. Not only did I use the knowledge to read a story in reading
class or to do a writing assignment, but to maybe read the newspaper and
write a note to a friend as well.
However, then came junior high school. I believe this was when I
began to really dislike English classes. Not only was I faced with the
same long, boring grammar assignments that I was exposed to in elementary
school, but I also had to start reading long (or what I thought was long
back then) books on topics that didn't really excite me. To top that off,
I had the first of a long line of crazy (well, .....
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Aristotle Defination Of Friendship
Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3.... personal benefit. An example would be a working relationship with an individual. These are people who do not spend much time together, possibly because they do not like each other, and therefore feel no need to associate with one another unless they are mutually useful. They take pleasure from each other’s company just for their own sake. Aristotle uses the elderly and foreigners as examples of friendships based on utility.
The second type of friendship is a friendship based on pleasure. This friendship is made between two people that wish to gain pleasure from one another. Aristotle uses the young as an example here. Friend .....
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Anywhere You Dare
Number of words: 991 | Number of pages: 4.... many partners you desire.” Of course, this was ridiculous to me, but it definitely caught my attention. It seems as if the condoms signify multiple partners. The fragrance is the “center of attention” in the entire ad and you will be to if you us the product.
I asked a few people what it seemed like the advertisement meant and most of them had similar opinions to mine. The whole idea of a “sexy girl” standing in front of three full shelves of condoms is pretty self-explanatory. What is interesting about this is that there are so many ways to advertise a fragrance, but marketers tend to use sexual con .....
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Internet Laws
Number of words: 1218 | Number of pages: 5.... slow and it didn't seem to be that big of a deal, but steps were made in the right direction to perfect such a thing. Now days we have networks, modems, servers and much more to provide us easy, quick access to almost everything. However now days its gotten out of hand there are pedophiles who display child porn on the internet, there are companies that allow you to buy their product over the internet which can be then sold violating the patent and there are many more scenarios that need protecting. The government had to do something so it tried to create laws for such just such occasions.
Many laws that the Government tries to .....
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