Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Body Image
Number of words: 1905 | Number of pages: 7.... his or her concept of their physical appearance. The mental representation which may be realistic or unrealistic, is constructed from self-observation, the reactions of others, and a
complex interaction of attitudes, emotions, memories, fantasies, and experiences, both conscious and unconscious. A pleasing appearance has often been associated with higher status, better opportunities to attract a mate and other positive qualities. We live in a society that thrives on first impressions. Many people interact with large numbers of new people everyday, especially in their work lives, and we often have little information about
who .....
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An Explanation Of
Number of words: 909 | Number of pages: 4.... inexperience with money will lead to his downfall when Jesus tells that he gathers all together and takes “his journey to a far country” (9). He is out to live the good life as he wastes “his substance with riotous living” (9). This sinful life he is living would bring shame to his family, especially his father. This father/son relationship can already be associated with the God/man relationship. Man lives a sinful life that brings shame to God-- man’s creator, or father-- but it is the forgiveness God has that gives man hope.
Jesus goes on to show the Pharisees how the aforementioned hope i .....
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The Ultimate Pet: A Pet Rock
Number of words: 557 | Number of pages: 3.... to pick it to take home instead of the
others, like a puppy does from a pet store window. When I held the rock in my
hands, I knew it was the one I wanted, and the rock that I needed.
Now as for a name. That was easy. How does one name his cat or dog,
bird or fish? Every pet has a name, so they're not so hard to come with. I
picked "Sparky".
Some people may be thinking, "A rock....what kind of a companion can a
rock be?" Just like a cat or dog, it will sit with me and listen to all of my
problems and worries. The rock won't talk back or give unwanted advice. My
world feels like a better place after a conversation with my .....
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Business Cycle
Number of words: 813 | Number of pages: 3.... and people buy more. Investment expands. A new cycle is under way. (msnencarta.com)
s do not always behave as neatly as the model just given, and no two cycles are alike. Apart from the traditional , specialized cycles sometimes occur in particular industries, as in the building construction trade.
Peapod, is an Internet grocer that provides online grocery shopping to various cities across the country. In an economy where unemployment is rapidly decreasing , anything that can allow people to get things done easily and swiftly are greatly appreciated. Since Americans work more hours tha .....
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The Cost Of Change
Number of words: 329 | Number of pages: 2.... system in which thousands of innocent people died by the blade. The changes in France had been a positive one, but for how long? The Reign of Terror can only change so much, until if finally collapses. And so it did, by the summer of 1794, Robespierre had been condemned and guillotined, and the Reign of Terror was over.
So, were the thousands and thousands of lives worth the change? Were the innocent slaughters of thousands of men and women worth the change? People of France did become loyal to the Republic, and politically, France finally had a powerful government system. It’s a shame that thousands of French Citizens had .....
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Urban Consolidation
Number of words: 2607 | Number of pages: 10.... of either population or dwellings in an existing defined urban area (Roseth,1991). Furthermore, the suburban village seeks to establish this intensification within a more specific agenda, in which community is to be centred by public transport nodes, and housing choice is to be widened with increased diversity of housing type (Jackson,1998). The underlying premise of this swing towards urban regeneration, and the subsequent debate about higher-density development, is the reconsideration of the suburban ideal and the negative social and environmental implications inherent in its continuation (Johnson, 1994). In reference to .....
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Bridging The Gap Between Cross-cultural Communication
Number of words: 631 | Number of pages: 3.... rather than definition or judgment
practice empathy
treat your interpretation as a unproved theory until further understanding proves certainty
Often, cultural differences are easily identified and therefore, easy to adapt to; but, others are significantly more difficult. An example of a cultural difference with easy adaptability could be the matter of “personal space.” Someone whose cultural background has defined their need for limited areas of personal space when working and communicating with others, as opposed to someone who feels the need for a required, yet undefined area of personal space. T .....
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Normadic Herding-Sami
Number of words: 1010 | Number of pages: 4.... a Sami Parliament spanning these
borders, which participates in the global indigenous peoples' movement at UN.
Reindeer has always been an important resource of food, clothing, tools
and other products to the Sami. They are milked at different stages of their
nomad's seasonal migration. The meat, fresh or preserved, is excellent, not
least because, so far as possible, it is obtained from selected animals which
are at their prime age (from 4 to 5 years) not, as with venison from wild deer,
when the hunter is able to bag his quarry. It is comparatively lean and
unusually rich in proteins and important vitamins. The tongue an .....
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On Line Addiction
Number of words: 739 | Number of pages: 3.... "workaholism," even "chocoholism," are commonplace throughout our society. The idea that people can form addictions to computing is a relatively new one, but quickly gaining ground. Take for instance my brother, who was once an "A" student and a model son. He now has to be forced to get off the Internet to do his chores. His schoolwork has gone to the pits and all he really seems to care about is surfing the net. This same addiction has also affected several of my close friends all they do at work is surf the net then they come home and log right in either get into a scheduled chat room or to meet a cyber woman.
There are m .....
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Universal Love- Parting Withou
Number of words: 609 | Number of pages: 3.... they will most surely regret in the future. They know that their feelings must be heard, but do it in a most inappropriate way. The woman, in a fit of rage wrote a letter to a soon to be ex-lover. She knew her mistake of writing such a harsh letter, but there was nothing she could do after she gave it to the postman, other than go to her father.
Ransom refers to the father as a “vaunting oak” to show that he is a steadfast and wise father. The daughter knows she can depend on him for the support she needs during this time of her life, and he gives it to her. He was quiet during his daughter’s relationship, but .....
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