Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Cults 2
Number of words: 1470 | Number of pages: 6.... psychologist and professor of the Department of Psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. She has been a practicing clinician, cult researcher, and teacher for nearly fifty years. According to Dr. Singer’s investigations, members of cults are often subjected to unhealthy persuasion techniques.
Excessive physical exertion is often used and leaves the person completely exhausted so that they haven’t the time or the energy to think for themselves. Repetitive motion such as swaying and spinning is also used to manipulate the person. This continuous motion has the ability to alter a person’s stat .....
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Oedipus, Antogone, And Media
Number of words: 609 | Number of pages: 3.... the mere fact that he tried to challenge fate causes his actions to seem ironic and cynical. By tinkering with fate, Laius caused the death of Jocasta, and Oedipus’ blindness and banishment in addition to the events caused by fate. In Antigone, Anouilh portrayed Creon in a similar way as Sophocles portrayed Laius. They both contributed more damage than benefit to the protagonists and their families with their “noble intentions.”
When Antigone violated the law created by Creon and tried to bury the body of her brother, Creon should have ordered her to be killed right away. Since he tried to persuade Antigone to f .....
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Number of words: 1883 | Number of pages: 7.... projections are extremely uncertain since natural disasters are unpredictable and may increase if the forecasted effects of global warming materialize. Also, environmental degradation is increasing while water allocations are decreasing.
Society will not be suddenly surprised by a “crisis point” at which food supplies are no longer adequate. Todays isolated anarchy and famine (which is politically inspired) in Africa could easily turn into a world wide sustenance inspired problem during the first half of the next century.
Humans are the only creatures endowed with the ability to evaluate the consequences of thei .....
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How Does A Firm’s Pricing Poli
Number of words: 1079 | Number of pages: 4.... in history with close to 5.4 million DVD-Video players shipped to retail since the format launched nationally in the U.S. in autumn 1997 (Consumer Electronics Association).
The outlook for next year is equally promising. The DVD Entertainment Group estimates that hardware shipments will double to eight million DVD-Video players in 2000. And, based on the success of the format exceeding all previous forecasts that number could be even higher. The group also estimates that the installed base will more than exceed 10 percent of US households, a benchmark of success for a consumer electronics product.
The surge in hardware sales is .....
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Number of words: 1685 | Number of pages: 7.... free," [UN, 1948,Article 26 (1)]. These definitions are very broad and far-reaching, and are rarely adhered to as fundamental human rights. "Many governments are inclined to define human rights in the manner most convenient to suiting their own political interests." (Boutros Butros Ghali, 1993). Essentially, there is no benchmark that compels any government education system to provide for a multicultural society. It should be interesting to see what the UN will say about the Canadian education system and whether or not they will set standard in education for a multicultural society such as ours. With no hard and fast guidelines ho .....
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Number of words: 1220 | Number of pages: 5.... have little sense of personal identity and instead concentrate on being needed. They can excel at coping and caring, but underneath there is always the wish to comply, or please others, and control, or to manipulate others. This can lead to illness and depression, with mounting personal problems, which are never fully addressed. Codependents wonder why they are unable to form satisfactory relationships and why things tend always to go wrong for them.
is a complex disorder that thrives in unhealthy relationships. By definition, is an addiction to a person, an activity, or a thing, that interferes with mental peace, and obsession .....
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Sex In Advertising
Number of words: 857 | Number of pages: 4.... It impacts everyone since we learn about society through it. In sex ads, we learn that women are just objects and we can do whatever we want to them. It is offensive to women and causes insensitivity to them. It basically says “hey, look at me, I’m sexier than you.” Women in society start believing this and it results in a lower self-esteem and it could eventually lead to male domination. Advertisements capture the attention of everyone, but what we don’t realize is that it also catches the attention of children who are not ready for these types of ads. This is a major problem in the American socie .....
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How To Get Along With Your Col
Number of words: 738 | Number of pages: 3.... will affect your roommate. This is important and I am not saying to ask permission but to just inform them and if they have an opinion hear them out. For example if you want to change something about the room, tell them and then do it. Don't just let them leave and then have them come back to a totally changed room. Also if you are going to have people stay over let your roommate know in advance so they could make other sleeping arrangements if they wanted to.
Third, you should agree on specific times. By saying this I mean you should make certain times when you would like to be quieter and agree on a descent time to be in b .....
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Gambling Is Good For Our Commu
Number of words: 937 | Number of pages: 4.... for a local charity organization. The gambling industry at the end of 1990s is quite different from the past. Gambling was once low-tech and labor-intensive industry and people had to wait for a long period of time between each event. It was also controlled by some illegal groups or criminal organizations. Now it is a 24 hours activity with instant result and without waiting too long. Government is playing an important role in today’s gambling industry. There are kinds of gaming activity which are sponsored or controlled by government who sees it as one of the major sources of it’s revenue.
Government revenue- .....
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Cash Out (Accounting)
Number of words: 975 | Number of pages: 4.... must give up control. Going public often creates an orphan stock. Employee-stock-ownership plans can burden the CEO with "onerous regulatory-compliance issues," and leveraged recaps can load the firm with debt. Company owners come to firms such as Heritage Partners because they want to cash out but at the same time keep management control of their company and the Heritage system allows them to do that and help them grow the business too.
Investing in family businesses and then letting owners keep control of their companies after the sale is a novel concept but it’s risky. Heritage Partners plan gives cash to owners which usua .....
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