Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Challenging Reality
Number of words: 458 | Number of pages: 2.... one.
Ascending and Descending is another well-known piece by Escher. This architectural drawing illustrated Escher's ability to create realistic designs, or did it? If the viewer took a closer look, he would see that Escher was once again playing with perspective to tell a story symbolically. To every person (monk) walking on the castle's roof, there seemed to be an endless amount of stairs. Yet, these stairs were completely useless. These fictitious monks were either perpetually ascending or descending hence the title. This lithograph appeared to show the mundane and useless life that was lead by a monk in this time peri .....
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Loophole Or A Conspiracy?
Number of words: 423 | Number of pages: 2.... has been verified. This means that if one hacker has the knowledge of hacking through this loophole, then we are in great danger because everything you can imagine is stored in the computers and large databases. This article just proves my point on Microsoft's power to influence and danger our personal everyday lives. Did you know that there is a secret imbedded program called " The Hall Of Tortured Souls"? Yes, there is that secret program imbedded in the Microsoft's Excel 95. This program was written and implemented by the programmers of Microsoft. If Microsoft can do this sneaky program in all of their programs, the question of .....
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Annexation In Texas - The Basics
Number of words: 600 | Number of pages: 3.... Infernum, meaning the splendor of truth is an eternal hell. The truth being that the residents of Bellaire did not really have any coinciding choice in the matter, and thence having to live through the hell of Houston politics as an example of Texas annexation. The ending outcome for this meant for them that their police department, waste disposal, and fire departments would now be governed by Houston as a whole.
In the 1970’s the Texas laws changed yet again, not allowing anyone to annex larger amounts of land and thus throwing the governing bodies to a significant halt. During the 70’s, Texas cities maintained t .....
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Number of words: 797 | Number of pages: 3.... This society was also looked at as “the city on top of the hull” probably expressing the point of view the Puritans had of themselves. They used their theocracy (belief that the bible was the supreme authority) to complete their utopian society and has been debuted by historians if they achieved their dream. The Puritans did affirm their beliefs by their storytelling, by their genealogists, their theocracy, and the achievement of their utopian society.
Enslaved African-Americans affirmed their identity through their developmental resistance towards slavery, sacred songs and their storytelling. Storytelling has existed in .....
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Victims Of Divorce
Number of words: 1797 | Number of pages: 7.... and more solutions should be presented for the well being of our children.
Although the parents are not the only ones who should feel responsible of this social failure, the parents can accomplish the most efficient assistance. The cost of divorce to children is so high that there is a lot to be explored, such as how these costs might be minimized and what can be done to heal the scars. That's why beside the parents, everyone should be held responsible to "maintain the childcare system while dissolving the marital system" (Furstenberg and Cherlin 28).
"The child has no say in drawing up the contract by which he or she comes into th .....
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Poem~dream Deferred
Number of words: 544 | Number of pages: 2.... odorous and reeks of death, very strongly suggests that the dream deferred has lost its beauty. This image also implies that the dream is a thing of past that’s now worthless. The second image, a “running sore,” hints that the dream is synonymous to a diseased, infected wound. The dream has now become grotesque, ugly, and painful. Also, since a sore can be irritating and bothering, we can deduce that the dream deferred keeps nagging at the person. This prevents the person from ignoring or forgetting about their dream.
The following image, which compares the dream to a sagging, “heavy load,” shows how burdensome it .....
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The French Sociologists
Number of words: 285 | Number of pages: 2.... particular cases. Thus Comte, like his predecessor and teacher Saint Simon, was
much concerned to stress that societies are systems, not just aggregates of individuals. Since the
societies were look at as systems, they must be made up of interrelated parts. And they believed
that these parts must be related to one another, and to the whole society of which they were parts,
in accordance with laws similar to the laws of nature, which, in principle at least, it should be
possible to discover. So the understanding of society, like the understanding of the physical
organism, was to be achieved by discovering the laws of social o .....
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Online Recruiting And Employee
Number of words: 4754 | Number of pages: 18.... and Intranet, job applicants can view the available positions and submit their resumes online. Employees can review several resumes and follow up by contacting candidates for interviews. Job recruiting over the Internet allows candidates and corporations a chance to connect.
Online recruiting is a fast growing, popular service of the World Wide Web that many organizations are using for recruiting purposes. The employment industry has taken a big step towards recruiting in cyberspace. Applicants can be quickly located and recruited to join a team at a corporation. "Recruiting is the process of generating a pool of qualified app .....
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Number of words: 1301 | Number of pages: 5.... while passive indexers remain fully invested. This can be quite painful during times of large declines in the market.
Passive portfolios mirror the gains of the indices during roaring bull markets and eventually outperform the majority of active money managers who must remain diversified and who sometimes take on additional risks in an attempt to produce the performance and safety that they have promised their clients. The evidence has piled up during today's bull market that the average dollar managed by active managers does not keep up with the market index. Finally, is a way to avoid being blind-sided in certain area .....
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Christian Morality
Number of words: 1105 | Number of pages: 5.... They use religion to
rationalize the subconscious forces which cause sin rather
than overcome them.
What is often not accepted about morality is its objective
origins, it's social significance and the related human
responsibilities. While some of it is obvious and cannot be
denied, it is not in the theology. For example, bigotry, elitism,
jealousy, domination, exploi .....
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