Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Student Preparedness
Number of words: 1080 | Number of pages: 4.... what university had in store for him. Jonathan attended a private school, and as we all know private schools charge a large amount of money in order to provide a better education for its students. That is why parents enroll their children in private schools. Jonathan after graduating got accepted in the engineering program, which is a hard program to get into since a high average is necessary. Private education costs money, therefore making it a business that provides services and like any other business should be held responsible if their services fail, or does not meet the standard that the school promises to meet. I believ .....
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Oedipus The Irony
Number of words: 1242 | Number of pages: 5.... play is filled with many cynical parts throughout. But the irony is what makes this play such genius.
When Laius got his Oracle of Apollo from Delphi (that his son would kill him and marry his widow), he tried to control faith by having his baby boy killed. He had baby Oedipus bounded and pierced by the feet and left on the mountainside for dead. The baby was given to King Polybus, ruler of Corinth. Polybus took care of Oedipus like one of his own. Oedipus even believes that he was Polybus's son. Then Oedipus received the same Oracle that he would kill his father and marry his mother. He tried to fight faith by leaving C .....
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Forgotten Kids
Number of words: 749 | Number of pages: 3.... They dream of friends who don’t abandon them when their moods change; and look for a miracle in the eyes of doctors who don’t always believe that bipolar can happen to a child. Until society becomes more aware and accepting of these illnesses, our future children with these disabilities stand no chance.
My son,was diagnosed at age nine after his third stay in a child’s psychiatric unit. He was admitted following a period of behaviors I could not understand nor control. I remember him being “different” (I now know he was Manic) as far back as three years old, leaving me with raging emotions of guilt, shame, loss a .....
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Professional Sports: The Hidden Greed
Number of words: 1999 | Number of pages: 8.... worked hard to get where they are. They argue that most players work
hard to become great athletes and therefore they deserve enormous salaries.
They also plead that lockouts are healthy for professional sports because
they help each sport continually evolve and adapt to new problems it faces.
While the opposition does not notice the greed problems greed causes,
others do.
Greed is obvious in today's sports world. Plain and simple, the
salaries of sports figures these days are too high. In the NBA, Michael
Jordan makes over $13 million dollars per year for the Chicago Bulls
(Verducci 46). That means he earns more tha .....
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Ancient Roman Meals
Number of words: 1687 | Number of pages: 7.... in
summer. The food is mostly cold,-breads, salads, olives, cheeses, and meats
remaing from last nights dinner. Occasionally, hot dishes such as ham and pig's
heads are feasted upon. Some wealthy Romans would have as many as seven courses
to feed on.
Trimalchio, a wealthy Roman would have a bronzed donkey with appetizer
dishes of olives, stuffed dormice rolled in honey and poppy seed, hot sausages
were laid on a silver grill next to pomegranate and damson seeds. The guests
were still busy with the hors d'oeuvres when a tray would be brought in with a
basket on it, in which there was a wooden hen spreading her wings. Under t .....
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Tropical Africa Food Productio
Number of words: 454 | Number of pages: 2.... and southern edges afflicted by drought.
All the climates listed in the previous paragraph are modified in the eastern parts of Tropical Africa by the mountains and monsoons.
The soils of Tropical Africa pose another problem. They are unlike the soils of temperate areas. Soils are largely products of their climates, and tropical soils are different from temperate soils because the climate is different. Because of the great heat of the tropics tends to bake the soils, while on the other hand, the rainfall leaches them. The combined heat and moisture tend to produce very deep soils because the surface rock is rapid .....
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Number of words: 288 | Number of pages: 2.... destination with the least
amount of trouble. They obey all the laws of driving. Such as using turn signals
when required, checking their mirrors before switching lanes and following
posted speed limits. Most importantly, good drivers respect the road and their
fellow drivers.
Bad Drivers.
Bad drivers, on the other hand, seem to have some trouble getting where
they are going. They don't obey the laws of driving. They refuse to use turn
signals, or check their mirrors before switching lanes, often cutting other
drivers off. Bad drivers tend to speed, weaving in and out of traffic without a
care for the other drivers.
Ugly Dri .....
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I And Ii Thessalonians
Number of words: 881 | Number of pages: 4.... by Paul and they seem to be uncharacteristic of him. The phrase, "shaken in mind", is in 2:2 (NRSV) and is another example of something that is not in any other part of Paul's writings. The style of II Thessalonians seems different than Paul’s usual means or writing. This letter is written in a very formal way as if to people that the author may not know very well (Freed 320). Paul would have known these people since he had been there and already written them a previous letter.
Freed mentions that the signature referred to in II Thessalonians 3:17 is a fake. He questions what good the signature does in the second lette .....
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Number of words: 1266 | Number of pages: 5.... a cult. Also people who generate
beliefs of something like flying saucer, aliens or any unknown figures can be cult.
In religion when people call a church they are referring to a sacred organization
having a highly structured or formalized dogma and hierarchy, but also allowing a
bit of flexibility about membership requirements allowing you to go to a church and
leave church when you want to. Although sects are against church attempts to
accommodate to secular society. Sects believe that they are protecting a true faith or
belief. Sects tend to stay away from world events , and also they believe in a strong
strict behavio .....
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Compare Happiness And Life Between D. H. Lawrence's "You Touched Me" And Friedrich Nietzche's "The Use And Abuse Of History Taken From The Twilight Of The Idols."
Number of words: 956 | Number of pages: 4.... you and see it
taken away.
Friedrich Nietzshe explains us a lot more his perception of life.
Unfortunately, I didn't understand most of the things he meant, but I will
explain what I think I understood. Nietzshe describes life with the help of a
man and a beast. The beast always forgets what he wants to say and what he said.
This behaviour is also called forgetfulness. He (Nietzshe) claims that [life in
any true sense is absolutely impossible without forgetfulness]. He also says
something about death. [And when death brings at last the desired forgetfulness,
it abolishes life and being together, and sets the seal on the knowledge .....
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