Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
John Grisham
Number of words: 951 | Number of pages: 4.... an excellent education, going to some very good schools. He went to high school in Southaven, Mississippi. He was not the best student, but Grisham found his passion in high school sports, especially baseball (Hubbard 44). After high school Grisham found himself in the situation of choosing where he wanted to go to college and what to major in. He chose to attend Mississippi State University and found he wanted to become a tax lawyer. After earning his B.S. degree in accounting, Grisham enrolled at the University Law School. After his first class in tax law, Grisham transferred out and into criminal defense law. In 1981 he gradua .....
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Is It Dangerous To Think Too M
Number of words: 1113 | Number of pages: 5.... gave mankind free will so that we would not become a bunch of robots walking around doing his bidding, and yet this is what traditions were doing. The customs of early Athens were limiting on what a person could or could not believe. Socrates believed independent thought in itself could never be bad. It is what one does with this knowledge that determines its worth. Socrates believed that “self-knowledge” is different from the "knowledge of information” that had been handed down from generation to generation. Socrates was more concerned with ethical knowledge: self-understanding means self-improvement. Not only mus .....
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The Protestant Ethic And The S
Number of words: 2829 | Number of pages: 11.... ideas(2), Weber put forward a different analysis to describe the development of Western capitalism. Weber instead put forward an idea which did not seek to replace Marx’s idea as a spiritual alternative(ibid), but was to give a different angle of how capitalism may have developed in the West. This idea was based on a coincidence which Weber believed exhisted between the owners of capital and Protestantism, as explained below;
“Business leaders and owners of capital, as well as the higher grades of skilled labour, and even more the higher technically and commercially trained personnel of modern enterprises, are over .....
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The River Runs Through It
Number of words: 414 | Number of pages: 2.... forms and sending them home with all the children. The children came back with one of them signed. So Conroy went door to door asking begging each of the parents to let their children go.
Throughout the story Pat Conroy took the children many places. Unfortunately Mrs. Brown and Ted Stone accused him of doing many wrong things. He was not able to return the next year.
Even if Conroy did not teach the children anything, he still felt they would be able to survive in the outside world.
I like this book. It made me very thankful that I have a good education. I also like the way Pat Conroy writes. In the future, I hope to read some .....
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Resolving Family Conflict
Number of words: 1581 | Number of pages: 6.... are ultimately responsible for their children’s behavior because the children act accordingly to what they are taught and what they witness. If the parents set a bad example for behavior, chances are that the children justify any wrong behavior by arguing that that is how their parents act.
An important precept that any parent should follow is not to give into temptation. This means being loyal to their partner by not committing acts of adultery. Willy Loman gave into temptation. He did not follow proper morals when his exposure to loneliness got the best of him. His son, Biff, was devastated after he caught his f .....
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Purchasing A Small Business
Number of words: 2791 | Number of pages: 11.... decision is made. First of all, exactly what do you want to accomplish? To make millions of dollars, right? Or is it to have the freedom of being your own boss? Whatever the reason, you must be sure that it is something that you are ready to devote an exorbitant amount of time and energy into and that it is something that you really want. Otherwise, you might be stuck doing something that you hate. If you are ready to commit then you must ask yourself just how far will that commitment extend. How much of your own time, energy, and money are you willing to sacrifice?
After the decision is made, the acquisition of a small b .....
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Analysis Of Primary Colors
Number of words: 1570 | Number of pages: 6.... to mention the definition of noble in order to avoid misunderstanding the word, for according to the Microsoft Encarta 97 Encyclopedia, the definition of noble is “stately and imposing; of magnanimous nature,” and referring to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, noble means “characterized by or indicative of virtue or magnanimity; high minded; imposing of appearance; grand; impressive” (475). Both definitions of the word noble imply that a person can have a noble appearance and that a person’s main objectives and actions are noble, but one should keep in mind that even noble people are not perfect people. This is es .....
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More Than Just A Place
Number of words: 1017 | Number of pages: 4.... table, while his little brother learns to walk on the hard wood floors. In this magical place our worries disappear and we can relax. Coming home from a bad day at work, a woman puts her key in the door and walks inside. Upon setting her briefcase on the rustic kitchen table and picking up the remote to watch her favorite sitcom, her troubles leave her. She becomes involved with the comical story of Jerry Sienfeld, and not with her boss’s booming voice telling her how she filed his documents in the wrong place. She feels safe and comfortable.
We have our mail delivered to this place, and everything else we order. People know .....
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Aristotle On Friendship
Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3.... own personal
benefit. An example would be a working relationship with an individual. These
are people who do not spend much time together, possibly because they do not
like each other, and therefore feel no need to associate with one another unless
they are mutually useful. They take pleasure from each other's company just for
their own sake. Aristotle uses the elderly and foreigners as examples of
friendships based on utility.
The second type of friendship is a friendship based on pleasure. This
friendship is made between two people that wish to gain pleasure from one
another. Aristotle uses the young as an example here. F .....
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Working With Colleagues And Cu
Number of words: 506 | Number of pages: 2.... needs are met and exceed so the customer has an enjoyable time.
Providing appropriate service to the customer is needed because the customer might be allergic to some foods such as MSG, wheat, food colourings or dairy products. Good service personal have these attributes effective verbal and non-verbal communication, sensitivity to special needs and anticipation of unexpressed needs, offering courteous service, advice and information, promoting establishment and its products, and promoting the local area and its attractions,
Complaints are a good form of feedback. They’re a few steps to follow in handling difficult situat .....
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