Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Fascination Of Motorcycles
Number of words: 911 | Number of pages: 4.... military quickly realized the advantages of two wheels, and soon put them into service. Upon returning from war, U.S. service members soon began using their personal motorcycle as a tool for expressing themselves. This spread to many other countries and soon changes started coming about. The big brutish cycles of the fifties soon started to change to sensible machines built for commuting and reliability. Within only thirty years cycles completely changed. Names started popping up that are almost unmistakable titles of motorcycles and their purpose. Bullet bike- used to go fast and turn quickly, Harleys(cruisers)- used for cruisi .....
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The Aids Crisis
Number of words: 626 | Number of pages: 3.... considered a problem of the homosexuals and therefore did not exist. This was the same attitude of the government and yet people were dying and more were getting sick. The word AIDS was like taboo in the whole United States. This attitude also prevented the government from getting involved sooner because the government generally works on public opinion. If government officials started to talk about what people did not want to hear (AIDS and homosexuals), than those officials were in danger of losing their jobs.
Society in general was ignorant of AIDS. They did not know where it came from and how people acquired the diseas .....
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Our Way Is Not The Only Way
Number of words: 653 | Number of pages: 3.... illnesses because human milk transfers to the infant a mother's antibodies to disease. Nursing provides an additional immune system boost and may protect your baby from allergies, illnesses, or other conditions later in life. A breast-fed baby's digestive system contains large amounts of beneficial bacteria that prevent the growth of harmful organisms. Human milk straight from the breast is always sterile, never contaminated by polluted water or dirty bottles, which can also lead to diarrhea in the infant.
Sucking at the breast promotes good jaw development as well. It is harder work to get milk out of a breast than a .....
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Number of words: 587 | Number of pages: 3.... in his hand, so he will not lose a handle on it.
It is a successful hand-off and my body jars, as I try to bring myself to a
quick stop. My journey is over but the next runner's has just begun.
Track is a big part of my life and it holds much more significance to me than
just running. I would not even get the opportunity to set foot on the track if
I did not practice several hours a day, running the same stretch of track twenty
times over. This may seem like insanity to others but to me it is a way to
focus my energy and discipline my mind, as well as my body. Running a race to
me is like life; you have to pace yourself .....
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Lock Picking
Number of words: 786 | Number of pages: 3.... clip. First open up your safety pin to about a 60 degree angle. Then bend the very tip of the safety pin to approximately a 55 degree angle. This will be your pick. Next bend the tip of the screwdriver to an 85 degree angle or do the same with a paper clip. This will be your tension wrench. Now that you have your tools you a ready to pick your first lock!
The mechanics of all lie in a very tiny error in nearly all locks. As tension is applied in usually a clock word direction the pin binds. This makes it possible to pick a lock one pin at a time. Another way to bind a pin is by applying sheer force. In which you push the plug i .....
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The Old Ball Game
Number of words: 1615 | Number of pages: 6.... years, Japan looked to
the major powers of the world to develop a foundation for a new country.
Included in this foundation was a need for new ideas and dreams. Of course
Japan did not completely erase thousands of years of tradition and culture, but
Japan did take many international ideas and transformed them into her own. In
the Movie Mr. Baseball, a Japanese woman describes Japan's borrowing techniques.
"Japan takes the best from all over the world and makes it Hers" (Welles).
Included in the world powers of the time was America; therefore, Japan borrowed
several ideas from the United States. One such idea just happened .....
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Candle Making
Number of words: 794 | Number of pages: 3.... toilet paper rolls, and drink containers. Always make sure that the mouth is the same size if not wider that the base, allowing your candle to slide out easily. You don’t want your mold to have any ridges such as in a soup can. Oil the inside of your mold for easier removal of the candle.
Now we must set up the double broiler. Never heat wax directly in a pot since wax is difficult to remove and burns easily when placed on direct heat. An easy way to improvise a double broiler is to use a clean coffee can in a pot of water. Put a medium-sized pot with a couple inches of water on high heat on the stove. Place a clean coffe .....
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Contrasting Apollo & Dionysus
Number of words: 552 | Number of pages: 3.... Another reason people looked to Apollo was to help heal the sick and
the dying, because he is associated with medicine, probably because of his vast
Dionysus, on the other hand, represents the Play side of life. He is the
god of emotions, the god of wine, and also the god of fertility. Some things
attributed to Dionysus are the dithyrambs, or choral hymns, sung for him but the
people. This was how they praised him. Drama is also directly associated with
him. Being the god of wine and the god of fertility led to some very strange
things in situations where Dionysus prevailed over Apollo. Many drunken orgies
took place d .....
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The Death And Dying Beliefs Of Australian Aborigines
Number of words: 3499 | Number of pages: 13.... the bull-roarer, the
sound of which imitates his voice. It is Daramulun that gives the medicine men
their powers. When a man dies, it is Daramulun who cares for his spirit. This
belief was witnessed before the intervention of Christian missionaries. It is
also used only in the most secret initiations of which women know nothing and
are very central to the archaic and genuine religious and social traditions.
Therefore it is doubtful that this belief was due to missionary propaganda but
istruly a belief of the Aborigines (Eliade, 1973).
Another belief that is reminiscent of the Christian faith is that death
came into being onl .....
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Number of words: 592 | Number of pages: 3.... their world
accurately and learn the truth accurately, they must remove them selves of all
distractions. These not only include physical distractions, but they include
mental distractions and bodily distractions as well. Philosophers must get
used to viewing and examining the world with out any senses. Senses merely
hinder and obscure the truth. Sight for example can be fooled easily with
optical illusions which occur normally in nature. Sound can be very
distracting as well when a philosopher is trying to concentrate. All of these
cloud the judgement, and must therefore be detached from the soul. Socrates
argues that phil .....
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