Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Security 2
Number of words: 2495 | Number of pages: 10.... system can cause as much as harm as any physical hazard.
For example, a cashier in a bank can transfer some money from one
of his customer's account to his own account. Nonetheless, the
most dangerous thief are not those who work with computer every
day, but youthful amateurs who experiment at night --- the
The term "hacker "may have originated at M.I.T. as students'
jargon for classmates who labored nights in the computer lab. In
the beginning, hackers are not so dangerous at all. They just
stole computer time from the university. However, in the early
1980s, hackers became a gr .....
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Assignment: Mythology Research Project
Number of words: 692 | Number of pages: 3.... noticed that as humans multiplied and
prospered, they gave thanks to Mother Earth but forgot about him. He decided
thenceforth to take the souls of half the humans signifying a tribute.
In the myth, Why Men Must Die told by the Zulu's of Natal in South
Africa, we are told how because of a slow moving tiny animal man-kind suffered
and still does of mortality. The first man on earth, also a god, sent the
chameleon to give humans the message that they will be like the gods and never
die promptly. Because he took too long to travel to mankind and spread the good
news, he sent a viper out of annoyance with the message that he .....
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Windows 2000
Number of words: 695 | Number of pages: 3.... worldwide networks.
? Serious security
A new security system that will use smart cards and other physical keys to let you access the computer.
Plug and Play
The new Plug and Play will allow you to handle all your hardware chores from one central location without restarting your computer. And at the location you will also be able to inspect driver device settings, update drivers, or troubleshoot resource conflicts. I am sure that this will be extremely helpful to many people out in the computer world including myself. With this feature it will make looking for a program or installing one a breeze.
Web integration
The Inter .....
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Dreams Life
Number of words: 2381 | Number of pages: 9.... and dreaming are essential to our mental health ( Howell 105). Together these sudies emphasize the psychological importance of dreams and dreaming. They show how our consciousness maintains its delicate balance. Ken Howell suggests why consciousness is like a scale balancing one side against another and how dreaming is related : On one side of this mental scale our consciousness weighs its conscious experiences. On the opposite side of our mental scale our consciousness weighs its subconscious experiences. When we give more weight or attention to either side of this mental scale, our consciousness becomes unbalanced. Essential .....
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Two Philosophies And Their Bel
Number of words: 629 | Number of pages: 3.... foundations of society. He says, "It is a mark of prudence never to place our complete trust in those who have deceived us even once."
Descartes makes sure in his Meditations that he leaves no stones unturned. He believes this adds completeness to his studies, which is the most important thing to him. When he finds what he truly believes, he has reached his goal.
When David Hume analyzes what his beliefs are in An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding, he comes to the conclusion that beliefs are ideas that are "lively." In order for a person to truly believe in something, they must first experience it in the real world. H .....
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Comparison Between Dawsons Cre
Number of words: 714 | Number of pages: 3.... newspaper, magazine, and billboard ads. Due to the ad campaign the show has become a global success being showing around the world in several different languages.
“Felicity” currently airs on the Warner Brother Network at 8pm on Sunday. “Felicity” like “Dawson’s Creek” is a very successful program, winning a Golden Globe award for lead actress Keri Russell in her portrayal of title character Felicity Porter. The shows main premise is being out on your own for the first time and having no one to cling to but strangers who become your friends and has made “Felicity” not onl .....
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Number of words: 757 | Number of pages: 3.... resort to prostitution to pay for the food that their young ones need to stay alive. There are many other people that become for many different reasons. Some of these people can not help becoming . Some of these people are the illegal immigrants that come here from other places to get a better life but end up not having enough money to make it in this hard world that we live in. Teenage runaways have different reasons for leaving home but all have the same reason for becoming . They simply just do not have enough money. Others are drug and alcohol abusers and disabled people. With this list of people there must be some way that .....
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Aristotle's Concept Of Teleology
Number of words: 879 | Number of pages: 4.... and moving, and has some aim, goal or purpose. To borrow from
Newtonian physics, we might say that everything has potential which may be
actualized. An acorn is potentially and oak tree for example. The process of
change and motion which the acorn undertakes is directed at realizing this
potential. Aristotle believed that things in nature occur because they serve a
purpose. He maintains that organisms develop as they do because they have a
natural goal or telos in Greek. “Nature”, writes Aristotle, is “a ‘principle
of motion and change' ”(Physics, 200b1), where “motion” or “movement” (or change
as we .....
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Ben & Jerrys
Number of words: 655 | Number of pages: 3.... company contributed to the quality of life." The Peace Pop and Ice Cream bar on a stick was packaged with a message saying, "One Percent for Peace" and, donated one percent of the profits for peace efforts. They also used their ice cream shops for voter registration sign-ups, giving every voter registering one free cone. They helped register thousands of new voters in Vermont. Also Farm Aid and Family Farming issues were put on their ice cream pints.
Ben & Jerry’s prides it's self on the quality of work life. They won the Optimas Award in 1992 and, were listed in The 100 Best Company' To Work For In America. They .....
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Turkish Free Zones
Number of words: 1957 | Number of pages: 8.... Thrace (ÇATALCA)(1998)
- Kayseri (1998)
Free Zones became operational.
In general all kind of activities can be performed in Turkish Free Zones such as manufacturing, storing, packing, general trading, banking and insurance. Investors are free to construct their own premises, while zones have also available office spaces, workshops, or warehouses on rental basis with attractive terms. All field of activities open to Turkish private sector are also open to joint-venture of foreign companies.
Turkish Free Zones are tax free zones. Income generated through activities in the Zo .....
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