Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Number of words: 958 | Number of pages: 4.... have conflicting interests, a person who is relying on a group to make a decision will have a very hard time. I find it the hardest to make a decision when I am being pushed in opposite directions by different groups. My parents think I should go to bed so I can wake up for school while my friends think I should hang out with them later. Everyone is faced with these kind of decisions every day. When you are a certain age your parents can't make you do anything and so you are forced to make your own decision. Many kids feel they must hang out late so they are not made fun of by their peers. They do not make decisions on facts but .....
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What Is A Monopoly
Number of words: 1184 | Number of pages: 5.... of their business.
First of all, Microsoft is a technology corporation headed by Bill Gates that produces computer operating systems and software. It was formed in the 1970's and their objective was to create an operating system so one could run programs on a computer. They began with MS-Dos and eventually developed the Windows line of operating systems. The argument many pose is that Bill Gates created an empire that completely controls the market. However, this is not the whole story. Microsoft has created a standard for the computer software industry. Because of these standards, the world has been brought together. P .....
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Cigarettes: The History
Number of words: 716 | Number of pages: 3.... cigarette’s from Liggett & Myers
Also known as the Chester Company would cause cancer in mice. All of the
studies that had taken place were kept as a secret and did not go outside
of company walls, although if the studies had proven to be negative
Liggett & Myers would have launched a massive advertising campaign
revealing the results of the test. And stating those Liggett & Myers
products’ did not promote cancer in any way. In 1955 Ligget & Myers after
completing the test found that thier cigarettes caused tumors in mice as
well as brand X did, which was used by Dr. Wynder, who was hired to do the
experiment by Liggett & Mye .....
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Things People Forget In The He
Number of words: 1319 | Number of pages: 5.... these matters. Failing to teach young people about sex is like playing a ‘friendly’ game of Russian Roulette; the risks are vast, danger is unknown, and death may stare one in the face.
Often times failing to teach properly the risks of something causes a lack of knowledge, almost like ignorance, especially regarding the subject of sex. Disastrous consequences can come about because of insignificant information about sex and sex relations. For example, thoughts of pregnancy surface with the lack of protection, but additionally, risks include the possibility of venereal disease spread, such as Gonorrhea, Syphilis, o .....
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Air Bags
Number of words: 647 | Number of pages: 3.... are less likely to be killed in a crash if they are in the back seat.
If someone must put a child in the front seat, they may want to have an on/off switch for the airbag installed on the passenger side. On/off switches are used to prevent the airbag from going off in an accident, but they aren’t recommended for most people. You only need an airbag switch on the driver’s side if your legs are too short to reach the pedals and have your torso 10 inches away from the steering wheel. Passenger side switches should only be used if you always have to have a small child or infant sit in the front seat because they have a medica .....
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Educational Psychology
Number of words: 570 | Number of pages: 3.... studies of educational surveys, there were nine major factors
that increased learning. These nine factors can be placed into three groups:
student aptitude, instruction, and psychological environments. Student aptitude
includes (1) ability or prior achievement as measured by score on educational
test; (2) development as indexed by chronological age or stage of maturation;
and (3) motivation or self-concept as shown by personality tests and students'
perseverance on learning tasks. Instruction can be thought of as (4) the amount
of time students engage in learning and (5) the quality of the instructional
experience. Psychologic .....
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Women In Boxing
Number of words: 615 | Number of pages: 3.... about women and their being perceived as the less aggressive sex. For example, when men act in an aggressive manner, most people just write off their actions as an expected part of their being male. Yet, if women demonstrate the exact same aggressive behavior, they are viewed ads being “manly” or acting out of line. “However, in studies using tests to gauge feeling of aggression, no differences between males and females have been found.” This proves that women are no less inherently aggressive than men.
So, what does this have to do with women and professional boxing? One woman in the Cosmopolitan poll answered, “ .....
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Number of words: 687 | Number of pages: 3.... and Alaska on the west side, the Atlantic ocean on the east side and the Arctic up north.
One of the dominant reasons is so well populated is due to the fact of our financial status. At this present time, the economy is not doing too well, but who's is? is highly industrialised by manufacturing Automobiles, food, liquor and tobacco. We as a Unified country accept other cultures and religions. has about every nationality possible and together they form a great home. Despite the many cultures, 's main languages are english and french.
is a democracy. This means the government is elected by all the people. It is responsible for m .....
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Kingdom Of God
Number of words: 1319 | Number of pages: 5.... of his word and actions. Yet it was evidently difficult for them to understand before his death due to the previous ideas of the kingdom as a whole. Like many people of today those in Jesus' time viewed Gods' kingdom as a place above them yet unlike people today thought more literal terms actually believing that God was above them and was looking down on them. Even now, when in prayer, one may have a tendency to look up at the heaven in reverence since next to God it is the most endless, unexplainable thing in the world. Yet people are still able to know that as they look up they see God just the same as if they shut their ey .....
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European Union
Number of words: 1169 | Number of pages: 5.... winners and losers.
As the sun rose over Berlin, a compromise was finally foundMost consumers living in the European Union should be among the winners, as the price of many foods could fall in the coming years.
Spain, Greece, Portugal and France did quite nicely, defending their share of EU subsidies.
The big loser is Germany. The host government tried to get its EU payments reduced by 3bn euros, but for the talks to succeed the Germans had to settle for a cut of just 700m euros.
Austria, Sweden and the Netherlands are the other big contributors to the EU's coffers and they did not achieve the big cuts they hoped for .....
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