Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
MP3 Audio
Number of words: 687 | Number of pages: 3.... the audio files with the MP3 format, and MP3s themselves can all be downloaded freely from the Internet.
While this may sound like a great format, some may question its legality. Any music CD can be used to create MP3s, even commercial ones. While some users download these copyrighted songs from the Internet, which are very easy to find, the act is illegal. However, there are many bands that release their music online for publicity, which is completely legal. The only time it is illegal is when the audio file is that of a copyrighted music track used without the artist’s permission.
To an up and coming band, MP3s and MP .....
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Greek Mythology
Number of words: 1220 | Number of pages: 5.... as the goddess of earth and fertility.
Zeus was the king and leader of the 12. His symbol was the thunder and in many
of his statues he appears holding one.
Poseidon, god of the sea and earthquakes, was most at home in the depths of the
Aegean where he lived in a sumptuous golden palace. When he became angry (which
was often) he would use his trident to create massive waves and floods. Ever
intent upon expanding his domain, he challenged Dionysos for Naxos, Hera for
Argos and Athena for Athens.
Ares, god of war, was a nasty piece of work – fiery tempered, bloodthirsty,
brutal and violent. In contrast Hestia, the goddess .....
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Analysis The Impact Of Shift Work
Number of words: 1194 | Number of pages: 5.... unemployed (Perlow 46). In some cases, the choice may be between shift work and no work at all. In addition, shiftwork can enable full use of capital goods. James Walker suggests that from the point of view of the economy as a whole, the introduction of shift work, by reducing the stock of capital required to produce a given output, can encourage the entry of new firms into an industry and thus makes the economy more competitive (Walker 81).
However, despite the economy advantages, we must take human costs into account too. Shiftwork has side effect on worker in the physicalogical aspect. The most common short-term ailment .....
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Number of words: 563 | Number of pages: 3.... in all stories we here, about or anything else for that matter.
Obviously, since I believe that the authors have made these assumptions, I also believe that the writings we are presented are slanted. I do not believe, however that they have been unduly slanted. The arguments and presuppositions that the authors make are sound and fair. Without these presuppositions, we wouldn't be able to tell stories about anything or anybody even about people from our own time era. Authors need to make assumptions such as these to find the truth about things. Without authors making assumptions, we couldn't say much about anything for fear .....
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Japanese Canadians
Number of words: 1054 | Number of pages: 4.... that belonged to and assemble them at special ports along the coast where they were moored to the shore. The government explained the impounding of the Japanese boats as a defensive measure.
Within five days of the Pearl Harbour attacks, the Canadian Pacific Railway began discharging its Japaese section hands and other Japanese porters. At the example of the CPR, hotels and sawmills in Vancouver discharged all of their Japanese employees.
On Jan. 8, 1942, a conference was held to discuss what should be done about the . The conference ended three days later without anything having been agreed upon. A couple of weeks later, K .....
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Fleurs Tracks
Number of words: 1129 | Number of pages: 5.... in dialogues, her actions speak more than words itself.
Structurally speaking, Fleur is mentioned in every chapter of the book, either being referred to by the two narrators or being part of the story. In fact, after researching the novel several times, no other character including the two narrators is consistently mentioned in every chapter. In the first chapter, Nanapush tells Lulu, his granddaughter, about the fate of the Chippewa Tribe. He then spends most of the chapter discussing the beginning of Fleur, who is Lulu’s mother, and how he saved her life. In the second chapter, Pauline, the second narrator, begi .....
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Number of words: 583 | Number of pages: 3.... States there are over eleven million people working at home at least part-time. In cities such as New York, federal legislation put into effect required a decrease in the amount to commuters that drive the city’s streets during rush hour. Forced to make changes, Merrill Lynch decided to give the program a try. Merrill Lynch started a program where potential telecommuters working at the firm, go through an extensive training course by taking a two-week stint in a simulation lab where they are isolated from co-workers and managers just as they would at home. Some people find it more productive while others realize th .....
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Roadkill Horror Story
Number of words: 1618 | Number of pages: 6.... laugh themselves sick. The mayor finally settled on The Highway Sanitation and Animal Removal Patrol.
When Richard posted the job opening on the MorneauVille police station's bulletin board, the next morning only one man applied. Until that day Jeff's primary responsibility around the station house had been a janitor, cleaning up the mayor bathroom.
During those six months Jeff had redefined the boundaries of his duties as originally envisioned by the sheriff, although he never bothered to inform Richard of this. After the first week he requisitioned himself a cow catcher like those found on the front of old railway trains .....
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How Toxic Waste Affects Our Natural Environment
Number of words: 737 | Number of pages: 3.... the plants and trees will die off.
If the area is lived on by humans, it could cause serious illness or death.
For example, an area by Niagara Falls (US side) was used during the 1930s
by a chemical company to dump it's wastes. Most of them were hazardous,
and the containers that held the chemicals later (after the company had
gone out of business) began to leak. The chemicals spread for miles
killing off plants and causing cancers and deadly diseases in humans.
Included in these wastes was a chemical called dioxin... one ounce of it
used under the right circumstances was enough to kill off everyone in
living in Toronto.
On .....
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Students Rights In The Public School System
Number of words: 586 | Number of pages: 3.... case is the case TINKER Vs DES MOINES where two students wanted to
protest the war by wearing arm bands. When the school officials saw what the
two students were wearing the teachers demanded that the students take the arm
bands off at once. The case got all the way to the United States Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court said that the students had a right to wear arm bands just as
long as they wernt going to harm themselvs or any one elts. Just a coupple of
laws on students rights. The First Amendment says that you have a right to
freedom of speech, press, religion, and freedon to a peaceful assembly. The
Second Amendment .....
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