Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
Coca Cola And Its Evolution
Number of words: 1563 | Number of pages: 6.... Pemberton's death, Candler bought the remaining portion of the company. Candler acquired the whole company for only $2,300 and became known as "The Man Who Taught Coca-Cola to Walk" (Coca-Cola).
Candler accomplished great achievements as owner of the company. On January 31, 1893, the famous Coca-Cola formula was patented. He also opened the first syrup manufacturing plant in 1884. His great achievement was large scale bottling of Coca-Cola in 1899. In 1915, The Root Glass Company made the contour bottle for the Coca-Cola company. Candler aggressively advertised Coca-Cola in newspapers and on billboards. In the newspapers, h .....
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Ancient Advances In Mathematics
Number of words: 1664 | Number of pages: 7.... is simply a modern form of the Teutonic ein-lifon.
Since those first sounds were created, man has only added five new basic
number-sounds to the ten primary ones. They are “hundred,” “thousand,” “
million,” “billion” (a thousand millions in America, a million millions in
England), “trillion” (a million millions in America, a million-million millions
in England). Because primitive man invented the same number of number-sounds as
he had fingers, our number system is a decimal one, or a scale based on ten,
consisting of limitless repetitions of the first ten number sounds.
Undoubtedly, if nature had giv .....
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Freudian Dream Analysis
Number of words: 1093 | Number of pages: 4.... active during sleep we must dream.
The first form of dream analysis can be seen by Joseph in the bible. A little later on, Greek philosophers further bettered dream analysis. The most famous of these Greek philosophers was Aristotle. He spoke of the illusion of 'sense-perception’; the malfunctioning of the senses which allows dreams to occur. Aristotle later suggested that dreams are formed by disturbances of the body. Not until mid 19th century did another philosopher as great as Aristotle come along. A man by the name of Sigmund Freud truly revolutionized the study of dreams. He believed that the analysis of dreams wa .....
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Condom Dispenser In Highschool
Number of words: 582 | Number of pages: 3.... of teens nice, easy, and anonymous access to condoms. Thus possibly resulting in an increase of sexually active students. Why not leave condoms at the local drug stores, and make it as hard as possible to comfortably buy protection. The embarrassment alone, might keep a few teenagers from having sex.
Not only would putting condom dispensers in high school allow anonymous purchasing of protection, but it might also promote sex to the crowd of people that should not even know what sex is. Imagine walking into the bathroom one morning and there against the back wall is a condom machine. Though this innocent machine is sup .....
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Number of words: 738 | Number of pages: 3.... did not receive enough love when they were younger. People try so hard to find love that it becomes an obsession; they look everywhere for it, and when they finally find love, it's still not good enough. That is when steps in. drives people to do bad things. Things like cheating on someone who loves you very much. for the perfect love can sometimes blind you from seeing or appreciating the ones around you --- the very people who love and care for you very much. Being "love y" always results in hurting those you love.
Greed for sex is one form of greed that I wish was not around. Sex is a very strong physical pleasure. Some .....
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Ancient Egyptian Religion As Seen In Art And Architecture
Number of words: 1901 | Number of pages: 7.... the Ancient Egyptian culture was a center of commerce, philosophy, and religion alike. The people had a culture like that of no other group in history; however, its complexity has led to many misconceptions about the Ancient Egyptian populace. The ever-popular archaic art style of a figure in profile surrounded by hieroglyphs has become the world¹s favorite view of the Egyptian. As a result of this ignorance, the cultural aspects of this society are not fully appreciated. One of the greatest little-known truths about the people o .....
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The Old Testament Myth Or Trut
Number of words: 2718 | Number of pages: 10.... back to the first appearance of the Bible in written form, in its earliest translation, we arrive at approximately 450 B.C. Two texts, components of the Pentateuch referred to as J and E texts, can be traced to around 650 B.C. The J texts refer to Yahweh texts, characterized by the use of the word Yahweh or Lord in accounts; the E texts refer to Elohist texts, which use Elohim, in its references to God. But 650 B.C. isn't our oldest reference to the J and E texts; they can be trac .....
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Linux Against Microsoft Window
Number of words: 1891 | Number of pages: 7.... can be run with Linux. The others are Sun Sparc&Sun Ultra, Amiga, 3Com Palm Pilot which are rarely used. This capability of Linux provides a large user number and user kind that makes Linux more popular.(www.linux.org)
Linux has a powerful security system.It is almost impossible to write a virus for Linux because it must be 30-40 Mbytes.Also it has firewall system to protect the network from the hackers.If we think that there are a lot viruses for windows that can harm all of your system, we can understand how Linux is secure.Linux is a stable operating system that never fails like Windows.When Bill Gates presented th .....
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Body Movement
Number of words: 1293 | Number of pages: 5.... hand gestures, appears to be in command of the material, and exudes enthusiasm. Without even hearing what they are actually saying, your impression will be one of competence, sincerity; even leadership on the part of this presenter, and you will have made these determinations on the basis of body language alone.
On the other hand, imagine that you are watching under similar circumstances while a second person does a presentation. This time, you notice that the person avoids direct eye contact with their audience, keeps their hands in their pockets or at their sides, shifts their weight uncomfortably, and generally appears une .....
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Argument-based Homicide In Ame
Number of words: 616 | Number of pages: 3.... beliefs within the cultures. Southerners and Westerners support honor-related violence more than Northerners and also react more aggressively when insulted (Cohen 408). In addition, laws in the South and West are more likely to support those who use violence consistent with honor (Cohen 409). For these reasons, it is hardly surprising that argument-related homicide is more common in these regional locations.
The more stable communities within these regions are more likely to be on the extreme sides. The morals ingrained in the more stable Northern communities do not find this behavior acceptable and argument-based homicide .....
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