Papers on Miscellaneous Topics
The Copernican Plan
Number of words: 279 | Number of pages: 2.... in the classroom, provide more time for collaboration and coordination among it's professional staff members, promote continuous professional development, and do so with as few dollars as possible?
A current solution is devised by Joseph M. Carroll. This is a unique scheduling plan that reduces the number of classes that a student takes at any one time. There are many variations of . In one variation the student takes 2 macro-classes in the morning. Each class is approximately 100 minutes long and is taken for only one 60-day trimester. During the afternoon the student would take 2 exploratory classes. Schools using have .....
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Number of words: 808 | Number of pages: 3.... world. "When God acts in history, He leaves behind His ‘fingerprints'. By examining the biblical record we can discover those distinctive characteristics of God's imprint" ( Geiser 1988:24). Raising of the dead is an event that shows the power of God. The most compelling act recorded in the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This is the foundation of Christianity and our relation to God ( Romans 10:9-10). The Bible has several other instances in 1Kings 17:22, John 11:43-44, 2 Kings 4:33-34, and Matthew 27:52. These show that God has power over life and death. The demonstration of this supernatura .....
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High School/College Contrasts
Number of words: 393 | Number of pages: 2.... way across campus with no
hassle at all.
Another minor difference was the appearance and attitude of the
teachers. In high school the teachers were always worried about
discipline and trying to keep the students from tearing up the classroom.
In college the teachers act like they could care less what you do, but
you know they really do care.!? That's probably because it's not their
money you are wasting when you go in there and just goof off. College
teachers will just tell you to leave if you are disturbing the rest of
the class. High school teachers would go through all the trouble of
writing up a referral and taking the .....
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Internet Advertising
Number of words: 845 | Number of pages: 4.... space to advertise their product or service. Businesses will profit from the use of because it is much cheaper and is more effective when compared to standard advertising. Larger firms can also sponsor smaller web sites which may be trying to pay service charges for maintaining their site by allowing larger businesses to pay to advertise their product or service on the smaller firm’s web site. is less expensive compared to direct advertising which creates more profit for advertisers and businesses.
When compared with advertising in magazines or on television, is far more beneficial and less expensive. Smaller businesses sh .....
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Gifted People
Number of words: 1176 | Number of pages: 5.... They didn't understand the implications of the terms "gifted" and "talented". Most people simply expected gifted students to act more mature or to be geniuses, even though gifted students are the same as other children in their needs as human beings. Some gifted students were forced to grow up too fast and some simply ignored the fact that they were smarter than others, thus, they were lost in the shuffle.
The irony of it all is that gifted-ness seems to run in families and the children of these repressed gifted students are, themselves, gifted.
But what exactly is a "gifted" student? Students (elementary & secondary) are gi .....
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The Story Of Chanukah
Number of words: 529 | Number of pages: 2.... known as the Septuagint.
Later, the Ptolemaic Empire of Egypt and the Sleucid Empire of Syria fought to gain control of Judea. The Selucids won. Judea was ruled by the Syrian king Antiochus IV who did not allow the Jews to freely worship one God but demanded that everyone bow down to the many idols of Greek religion.
A strong-willed old priest named Mattathias grew increasingly outraged with the Syrian dictate. He stirred up the passions of his people, urging them to fight against the religious oppression. With his five sons and a band of Jewish settlers - mostly farmers and shepherds - Mattathias fled the town of Modin, out .....
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The Olympics
Number of words: 1273 | Number of pages: 5.... being ”slick” when wrestling, athletes often rubbed their bodies with oil to make it easier for them to slide away from their competitors (Bellow 1994). The women were unable to compete in these games, but their time to shine would come into play a little later.
The people who won their events were considered heroes in their towns. Often, their town would build a statue of them to show their gratitude for putting their town “on the map”. Other than that, the only other reward they received was a wreath made of the sacred cloves from a sacred garden near Mt. Olympus (Bresnahan and Tutee 1947).
The ancient Olympics were .....
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Bullying In Todays Society
Number of words: 1222 | Number of pages: 5.... or scared, or making people do things they do not want to do. In support of this, bullies sometimes make the individuals that are being bullied act in ways that they prefer not to.
Many people wonder, why does bullying occur? In Some of the cases of bullying, the bully hurts people because it makes them feel powerful and in charge. Bullies may see it as being popular. In some cases a bully has often been bullied by someone else in their life and is trying to seek attention by hurting others. Some bullies do not even realize how wrong their behavior is and how severely damaging it can be. For example: A young student walked into .....
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Karate And Tae Kwon Do
Number of words: 513 | Number of pages: 2.... roots for the expansion of tae kwon do. On the other hand, karate originated 2,000 years ago in Okinawa. It was a sport taught to the entire population as self-defense against invading armies such as the Samari of Japan. Over time, karate became a way of life for almost all of China.
The fighting styles of tae kwon do and karate differ greatly. As karate expanded throughout eastern Asia, there have been many adaptations in its fighting style, but it has never strayed from its focus. Karate is a martial art that uses 50 percent hands and 50 percent feet. If you are a karate stylist, you want to be relatively close to your attacker .....
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Hackers Misunderstood
Number of words: 2096 | Number of pages: 8.... vocabulary. They can access anything and everything that is kept in a computer. Particularly when a price has been placed on knowledge and information. Why should only a select few have leisure of knowing what the rest of the public does not? Knowledge is and should always remain free. A hacker will share his knowledge, encourage it to be reproduced and distributed.
Hacking is a skill that takes years and years and tons of practice to achieve. A hacker’s qualifications are based on qualifications and performance. Prejudice is non-existence, a person’s title such as degree or position means nothing over the Internet. Disc .....
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